[1.8] The End Of All Things

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{Malia's POV: Two Months Later:}

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{Malia's POV: Two Months Later:}

Sitting in the front seat of the Bayard's truck, waiting for him to get back from getting some beers from the liquor store for the bunker. I glanced down at my phone as it shown up as a unknown number when it vibrated and they had linked an article of a werewolf attacking six victims; two females and two males, and there were two people that got away.

Here's a werewolf case you wanted. The
werewolf is near where you live, about an hour out.

I sighed as I read the text, knowing that my time was running short with my brothers, Bayard, Nova, basically everyone. Bayard got in the truck after a few minutes and I put away my phone as he looked at me with a look. "What?" I asked, "You feeling okay?" "Oh yeah, I'm okay." I nodded with a smile. "You're sure?" "Yes babe, I'm okay. Just a little tired." "Alright." He dropped the conversation and started the truck before pulling out of the parking lot.


After getting back to the bunker, I went to my bedroom to grab my laptop so that I can search the case that the demon guy gave me. I sat down at one of the tables in the library, resting my legs on the tables as I placed my laptop on my lap. The four people that were murdered they were a couple; the two were married for about five years and the other two had just got engaged. The four were together on a camping trip as the other two were an older couple who were hiking in the woods.

"Watcha got there?" Sam asked as Dean and him walked in the library with some burgers that Dean probably made. "A hunter texted me a werewolf case that was closer to us and asked if we could take the case, I said sure." I told them as I moved my legs off the table. Bayard, Nova and Chase looked up from the lore books they were reading. "What happened?" Bayard asked.

"There's four victims. Two married couples and two that just got engaged. Then there's two older couples that were hiking, luckily they got away from the werewolf." "How old were they?" Nova asked walking over to me.

"The one couple, Andrew and Lily Henderson, they were the ones that engaged and they're about twenty-five. The other couple who were married, Greg Davidson and Melanie Edwards, they were almost thirty. The last couple, John and Karen Lang, they're fifty." I told them.

"Where is the case?" Jack asked, "It's about an hour out." Dean nodded his head to the side, thinking probably. "So? Can we take it?" I asked him, "Yeah. You said to the guy you would. We'll leave in an hour." Dean told us. "Ok." We all nodded.

{Couple Hours Later:}

We didn't know where the werewolves were, so all of us split up. Dean, Sam, Cas and Jack went before us with guns as Nova could stop the werewolves if she saw them, Chase went with her. Bayard and I went together. We followed after a while, hearing gunshots which made us move faster. I slowed down as I heard rustling in bushes and a twig snap. "Bayard," I said quietly. Bayard slowed to a stop and looked to the bushes where I was looking at.

A loud growl alerted me as the last werewolf jumped from the bush. He smirked as he saw me and I aimed my gun at his heart. "It's always shocking to find out that monsters take side with hunters," He said before he ran towards me, a gunshot ringing out from behind me. I tried to take a shot at the werewolf but he knocked the gun out of my hand before hitting me in the face, searing pain going through my cheek as he cut stripes into it.

"It's always the hunter's mistake though." He hissed.

The werewolf froze and I saw Cas and Dean. The werewolf was turned around by Nova so Sam and Jack could have a clear shot at the werewolf's heart. A gunshot rang into the air after a scream ripped through Nova's lungs.

The werewolf ran and I felt a sharp pain go through right under my collarbone. Another gunshot rang out as I fell against the cold ground. I heard echo shouts coming from around me and I looked around to try and find where they were coming from. "Malia!" I heard my brothers yell out.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." I cried out as I felt Dean pick me up in his arms, "It's not your fault kid. You gotta keep your eyes open." Dean told me. "I don't think I can, De. I'm scared." "It's going to be alright, we're gonna have Cas heal you, okay?" "Mmhm." I nodded as I heard the car door open and being laid out in the backseat. Cas put two fingers on my forehead but nothing happened.

"My healing powers aren't working." Cas looked at everyone with worried eyes. "Damnit!" "Guys.. It doesn't hurt. Y-You have to let me go." "Malia don't talk like that." Sam shook his head, I saw tears fall down his cheeks. "Please." I cried. "We need to bring her to the hospital." "No! Just let me go, please Dean. It's too late by the time we get there, I'm gone."

"Babe, please don't." Bayard placed his hand in mine, "You can't leave." "I have too. It's my time." I smiled as Bayard wiped my tears off of my cheeks with his thumb. "I love you, Bayard. I love you guys. I'm sorry for what I did." "Mal, it's not your fault. It's the werewolves fault." Nova's voice cracked as she moved some hairs out of my face.

My eyes started to feel heavy, "I love you guys. I love you."

"Malia." Bayard sobbed as I felt his forehead rest on mine.


a/n: this bitch empty, YEET

Sorry if this sucked ass. Writers'
block has been a bitch. Annnd
there will be a second book,
keep an eye out!

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