Contagious Rap :Irish Fever:

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I went to the doctor's feeling real sick

Like I had been hit with a ton of bricks

This doctor was an adamant firm believer 

Looked me in the eye and said "You have Irish fever."

I looked up in despair and thinking this couldn't be

I vaccinated against everything A-Z

But the doctor looked up and said "This checkup is over"

And slapped me with band aid shaped like a four leaf clover

He said" I'll proscribe something you can't elude

To cure Irish fever eat Mexican food"

So I went to nearest Mexican place on the venue

I said to the waiter "Everything on the menu"

I ate and was very satisfied 

And I felt Irish fever begin to slowly subside

But when I looked around folks were moving their hips

And Spanish lyrics poured over their lips

Then the owner ran out shouting "We have a pandemic

Mexican fever escaped from the clinic!"

I burst out that place before I could eat my taquito

Speaking in Spanish "Ay Dios Mio" 

I ran to my school mate and I hit my knees

She said "Mexican Fever? Try some of these."

So I read that manga from beginning to end 

Or from end to beginning and feel asleep to the trend

But it was nightmare when I woke up the next day

My whole room was plastered in Anime

The doctor took by pulse at the base of my hand

"These kind of symptoms are only found in Japan

We'll have to send you abroad to get the right cure

Meanwhile just drink water that's bottled and pure

The plane flew here and the plane flew there

To make a long story short the plane flew everywhere

I can play the ukulele and sign kangaroo

I can count to one hundred in Guajarati and Zulu 

The Pyramids aren't cursed, I can read Hieroglyphics

I said Ja to everything in Germany and that turned out terrific

In the end I went home weary and numb

They say Russian fever cannot be overcome

But the nurse came to visit smiling with glee

Saying loudly that she had news for me

I reared back at the thought of any more prescriptions

I was losing my hair and ready to have a conniption 

The nurse said "Relax now honey you just need some protection

You need the Irish vaccine to keep you from infection

If you had it once you can't get it twice

It's the kind of thing you get once in your life"

And if you are wondering how this is all ending

I won't bother to say, just start at the beginning

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