Prayer of Marie

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Note: A song for  Grand Duchess Maria Romanov (2011)

Call me your angel, your precious one

I may be little but I’ll grow up strong

And like all girls I have my dreams

Made up of roses and starry scenes

Give me a husband that works real hard

Ten children playing in the yard

Give me my sisters now and forever

So we can bring our children up together

But most of all give my brother his health

For it all I will trade my wealth

Once we went sailing like the sailors do

They even dressed us up like sailors too

I want each day like that if you will

Made up of roses and daffodils

Grant my dear father the gift to see

The good all sorts of people can be

Give all the children a warm place to lie

That they will never have the need to cry

But most of all give my brother his health

For it all I will trade my wealth

The roads are rocky and dreams seem far

People no longer like who we are

They said my father brought upon strife

So one night for that they traded my life

I see no need to mourn material things

I’d much prefer to materialize my dreams

For a better world I think we both would agree

Oh Heavenly Father, grant this prayer for me

Give me my father and my mother too

My brother’s health and we’ll pay you all you’re due

Give me my sisters until eternity ends

Oh Lord forever amen

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