Updates are Freaking Miracles

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The boy looked up to the girl, who was seated across from him, laptop perched on her folded legs. For once, he was not the one making a fool of himself and was instead reading a book.

"What happened?" he asked.

She grinned jovially, though not at him, instead directing it at the computer's screen. "She finally updated! I've been waiting for three months!"

He gawked at her, his book folding shut on itself. He looked down, saw he lost his page, scowled, and then asked, flipping through the book's yellowed pages, "You've been waiting for one measly update for three months?"

The girl gave him a cold glare. "She's an amazing writer," she informed him, returning her attention to the screen. "You wouldn't understand."

"No. I probably wouldn't." He smiled in triumph when he found his page and resumed reading.

After a few minutes the girl grumbled, "And now I have to wait for the next one..." She sighed and clicked on something else on the screen. "Oh, well."

"That's it?" the boy asked, surprised. "It barely took you five minutes to finish reading what she wrote."

"It was only twelve thousand words, more or less," the girl replied. "It takes a long time to write, but not so for reading."

The boy gave her a long, measuring look. She met his eyes after a few moments. "What?"

He shook his head. "It's nothing," he said. "Just that you act like updates are the most amazing thing ever."

Her eyes gleamed with amusement. "Updates are freaking miracles, dude."

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