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Three months had passed since the whole kidnapping business back in September, and life could not be better for Katherine and the Newsies. Because of the abduction, newspaper sales were threw the roof for weeks. And Katherine Plumber, the only reporter with the exclusive scoop, wrote the whole story, which was publish in countless papers other than The Sun and The World. They were all happy when the chatter from the event had quieted.

Now December had already rolled in, winter had made its home in New York, Christmas would soon be upon the world.

Cecilia Pulitzer was busier than ever, running around planning their annual Christmas Party. But this year, there would be one less Pulitzer in attendance. Katherine had made the decision that if the Newsies couldn't come to the party, she would go to theirs.

It was a week till Christmas and the streets of New York were covered in a blanket snow. The way it glittered in the moonlight gave it a surreal look. People were still bustling about trying to get some last minute shopping done.

At the Lodge House, all of the Newsies were having a wonderful time. They had spent all afternoon tidying the place so that it was suitable for company.

A knock on the door showed that their guests had arrived. Jojo hopped over to the door and quickly opened it. "Heya guys! C'mon in! Jack and Specs just made a fire so it's nice an' warm in 'ere!" The boy smiled with excitement.

Katherine, Alice, Davey, Les, and Joey all piled into the homey lodge house. They all held what appeared to be presents and some yummy food dishes. Katherine, Joey, and Alice placed the presents under the small and quite adorable little Christmas tree. Apparently, you're not supposed to take trees from Central Park, but that didn't stop them.

Davey and Les brought the food inside and placed on a nearby table. They had an assortment of roast beef, potato salad, and many other delectable foods. All it took was the wonderfully delightful aroma to reach the noses of the boys and they all came running.

"Watcha bring us?"

"Is it fresh?"

"Does it got meat?"

"Stop askin' questions and let's eat already!"

They went to dive in, but were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Their heads turned to see Jack standing beside Katherine, his arms crossed over his chest.

"You fellas need to learn some manners. Ya don't just dig in without thankin' the people who brought it to us."

"Jack it's really okay. My mother and I helped Martha in the kitchen today just so there would be enough for everyone." Katherine smiled.

Jack looked at her and grinned. "Well, when you put it dat way... that's even more of a reason to thank you! Boys!" He called, sounding like a drill Sargent. Immediately following his command was a chorus of "Thank you, Katherine." from every corner of the room. The girl in question covered her mouth to prevent her laughter from escaping.

Not a second later, the room was thrown into a frenzy of boys trying to get food onto their plates. The two girls, Davey, and Joey all quickly scurried out of the way while Les tried to grab a small stack of cookies.

Jack stayed towards the back of the crowd, not eating a crumb until he was sure every on of his brothers had gotten their fill. Once the younger Newsies had abandoned the table, Jack proceeded to put whatever was left on his plate and moved to sit by Katherine near the fireplace. They all laughed and joked around for a while before Katherine stood and walked to the presents.

"Alright boys, it's time for you all to open your gifts." She said. Picking up the top one, she handed it to Albert. Alice quickly joined her in passing out the other gifts, which took a while to accomplish. None of them waited to tear into their presents. Each of them had received a new coat, shoes and a warm blanket, things they really needed this winter.

Love Will Do What It DoesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora