Chapter 29

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(A.N. I.AM.SO.SORRY!!! It's been one month since my last update. This past month has been nuts. Especially since I turned 18 last Wednesday. Right now, I'm really trying to work out my ending. I need help. Like seriously. But other than that, I'm good. Anyways, here y'all go. Enjoy!)

Katherine didn't know how long the doctor had been with Jack, but it felt like an eternity.

Every now and then, one of the boys you check on her or ask if she was okay. She would say she was fine, but she wasn't.

Seeing Jack like that, beaten and broken, it tore her apart on the inside. But it also brought out a fire in her. There was no way she would let her father continue to do this.

Katherine stood up from her place on the floor and marched over to a stage hand.

"Excuse me, but is there a telephone I can use?" The man nodded and pointed to an office door. She thanked him before making her way over to it through the crowd of Newsies and theater employees.

When she reached it, she found it was ajar and walked inside. It was a very messy office with papers and books scattered around the large desk.

But Katherine ignored the clutter and focused on the telephone sitting atop a stack of books. She held it to her ear and dialed a number she knew by heart.

After a few moments of waiting, someone picked up the other line.

"Hello? Cecilia Pulitzer speaking." Katherine smiled at her mother's kind voice.

"Mother? It's me, Katherine."

"Oh Katherine! I've been so worried! When you didn't come home last night I didn't know what to think! Are you alright?!" Cecilia asked frantically.

"Yes mother, I'm alright. But that's more than I can say for Jack..." Katherine trailed off, her mind began replaying the horrific beating those brutes had given him.

"What do you mean Katherine? What happened?" Her mother inquired.

Katherine told her the whole story. From her surprising Jack in his penthouse, to Joey warning them, as well as their time in the park.

When she started retelling her about the fight in the alley and Jack being dragged to the Refuge, Katherine was fighting back her tears with all of her might, thinking she would just break down here and now.

But what she didn't expect, was to hear soft sobs coming from the other end of the call.

"Mother? Are you crying?" She almost whispered.

Cecilia cleared her throat before speaking. "I'm fine dear. I just don't understand how your father doesn't see the genuine love you have for each other. Jack was willing to give up everything for you, and yet Joseph still thinks he's a "worthless street rat." Well, I think- No, I KNOW that Jack Kelly is the bravest, most selfless, caring, and especially romantic boy to ever be chasing after your heart. You deserve no one less."

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