Chapter 10

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(A.N. Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for reading my fanfic. Also, if any of you have ideas on how I can make this fic better, please let me know! That is all. Continue Carryin' the Banner!)

Katherine's heart dropped.

'A suitor?! Now he's stooped to a new low!' She thought as she regained her composer.

She walked over to the boy. He stretched out his hand and she placed her's inside it. He gently kissed the top of it and then released her.

"Hello Miss Katherine. As you're father said, my name is Joshua. I am delighted to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from your father." He remarked in a soft and kind voice while smiling. He seemed nice, decent, and quite gentlemanly.

"All good things I hope." She mutteted. "Oh yes! He's said that you are a reporter. I've read your articles and you're a fantastic one at that. I think it's marvelous for women to go after their dreams, even when people doubt them." He commented.

She smiled. Okay, so he wasn't horrible, but there is no way on earth that she'd marry him over Jack. Ever!

Her thoughts were interrupted but her father's voice. "I've asked Joshua to be your escort when you go out. He'll be with you at all times."

She choked back a shout. An escort? Really? Why did he love to ruin her life? Before she could respond, Joseph said he best be going to work and left immediately, leaving her will Joshua.

After two days of not needing to run at the sight of Jack, her luck had been spent. Katherine was walking with Joshua, her hand in the nook of his elbow, to lunch when she caught sight of Jack selling papers.

Their eyes locked together for a second before she looked away.

Good thing she did too, or she would have seen him smirk. He walked up to the two of them.

"Hello Ace. Long time no see." He got closer to her when a hand abruptly pushed him away.

"Excuse me sir, but who are you and what is your interest in Miss Katherine?" Joshua spoke up.

"The name's Kelly, Jack Kelly, an' I'm here because I happen to be in love with Katherine."

She couldn't take it. Tears started to build up behind her eyes. "Well, I'm sorry to inform you Mr. Kelly, but as of a few days ago, I am Katherine's suitor. So if you'll please move out of our way, we have lunch to get to." And they walked briskly around him.

Katherine didn't understand why Jack was smiling through the whole conversation. He should have been angry, upset, or mad even. But all he did was smile. He didn't even put up a fight.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated at their table. "So that boy, Jack Kelly, he has feelings for you?" Joshua inquired. Katherine fidgeted in her seat. "Yes." She replied shyly.

"And are the feelings mutual?" He asked, his face blank of emotions. "Y-Yes." She said. The next thing that happened was so unexpected, no one would have been able to see it coming.

Joshua smiled.

Confused by this, Katherine asked "Why are you smiling? I just admitted to being in love with a poor newsie over a rich suitor."

His reply was simple but shocking.

"Because Jack Kelly is my brother."

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