Chapter 34

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Buttons and Mush sprinted down the busy streets of Manhattan, dodging citizens left and right. It hadn't been long since they'd split from the others, but every second felt like an eternity.

Lives were on the line. Friends were in danger. Stopping for a breath wasn't a luxury they had right now. They knew the stakes, which is why they were given this specific task. They were some of the fastest runners out of the Newsies, so they had a better chance of getting places sooner.

As they turned the last corner, Buttons caught sight of their first destination. Pointing it out to his comrade, they hurried over to the building. Stepping through the front door, they were greeted by stocky and muscular men all seated at the bar or tables.

"Oi, you two!" Someone called to the boys from behind the bar. "The sign outside says "No Minors Allowed."" A rugged and tough looking man with an Irish accent said from where he stood cleaning mugs.

"We're- We're sorry, mister, but our friend Race sent us." Buttons stammered, fearing the rough men surrounding him and his friend.

"You boys are friends of Race?" The bartender asked. The boys nodded, too scared to speak.

"Well, why didn't ya say that in the first place! Any friend of Race, is a friend to us!" A Scottish man yelled from a table next to the bar; he held a journal of sorts, filled with what looked like stories. Shouts and calls were made from all corners of the bar, the men confirming what Race told Mush and Buttons to be true.

"Tell me lads, what are your names?"

"I'm Buttons, and this is Mush."

"Call me Tom. Well, what brings ya to the my pub?" The Irish man inquired.

It was Mush's turn to speak. "We was told to ask yous for help. Remember when Race came in 'ere with a girl named Katherine? She's in trouble now."

"What kind of "trouble" are we talkin' about?" A man, clearly American by the way he spoke, asked from the bar. He was muscular, blonde, and sounded a little like Spot when he talked.

"She's been kidnapped." Buttons added. The pub became silent. It grew into a tense and uncomfortable quiet before someone finally broke it.

"I'll help however I can." A British fellow stood and walked over to the boys. He seemed a bit out of place amongst the rest of the burly group. With his smallish frame, his speech, and the fancy clothes he wore, you'd think he was a doctor of some sorts. But that didn't really matter to the boys, they were just happy he was on their side.

"I'm in too." The American shot up, stepping over to them. One after another, more and more men stood and took a place beside the boys, ready to aid their young friend. Last, but most certainly not least, Tom walked out from behind that bar and joined the large group.

The Newsies smiled. There was no way they could have predicted this outcome, it was amazing! "I'll take ya all to where the otha guys are. Buttons, you gotta go finish dis. I'll see ya later." Mush said as he lead the gang of volunteers to aid his friends.

Buttons tipped his cap and turned on his heel, running to fulfill his own task.

Somewhere in Brooklyn...

The Newsies has reached the warehouse where Spot's boys had seen Katherine and Joey.

Jack was on edge to say the least. He knew worrying wouldn't help their predicament, but that didn't stop him from being concerned.

Davey was trying keeping Alice calm and the other boys were a bit nervous, except for Spot of course. He was happy to see these thugs kicked off his turf.

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