Chapter 19

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(A.N. Hey everyone! I'm not dead! Sorry for taking so long. I've been trying to write chapters ahead of time. But enough talk, you've all waited for this, so here y'all go!)

Alice and Romeo ran to help Jack regain his balance. The blow knocked his mask clean off. Race and Davey stood between the Delancys and their friend, ready for a fight. Albert ran to get the other newsies' help.

Jack's eyes focused on Katherine. Morris kept her from getting any closer to him. He was filling to the brim with rage, nobody lays a hand on his girl.

Joey heard the commotion coming from outside. He ran out the door and gasped at the scene. Jack on the ground, Katherine being pulled away from him, helpless to do anything.

Joey's mind flashed back to he and Jack's conversation earlier that day.

Jack and Joey were at Joey's home, a rather large home, where Joey helped him prepare for the Ball.

"Hey Joey," Jack started.

"What is it Jack?" Joey asked.

"I need you to make me a promise."

"Sure. Anything."

"Promise me that if dem stinkin' Delancy brothers see me and Katherine together, you'll get her out of there before she gets hurt, no matta what happens to me. Just leave me and get her safe. Can ya do that for me?"

Joey's eyes began gathering water. How could Jack ask him to just leave him behind if things go bad?

Of course his first instinct would have been to shout at him and tell him that brothers protect one another, but seeing Jack's pleading eyes softened his emotions.

Joey chocked back his sadness and nodded.

"I promise. Like I said, I'd do anything for you. You're my brother." Joey smiled.

Jack sighed in relief. "Thank yous Joey. Now, can you 'elp me with this thing?" Jack gestured to the tie that hung around his neck. "I feel like I'm tyin' a noose." He joked.

The two laughed, refilling the room with the joy that was always felt around the two jokesters.


Joey ripped his mask off and sprinted towards Morris. "I'll take her from here." He said.

His eyes quickly glanced to Davey and Race, who wore confused expressions. Why wasn't he helping them soak these scabs?!

Then Joey's eyes went to Jack, who silently thanked him for upholding his promise. He then turned back to Katherine and the Delancys.

Morris shoved her towards Joey. He took her hands and began leading her back to the mansion.

"No! I'm not leaving him! Not again!" She screamed, fighting against him.

He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I'm sorry Kath. But I'm keeping a promise." She looked at him. "What promise? To who?" She interrogated.

He sighed as they continued walking. "I made a promise to Jack to keep you safe."

Katherine gasped, but immediately got over her shock. "Well, whether you made a promise or not, I'm not leaving him out here to be beaten to death by those brutes while I sit in my home trying to ignore his screams of pain!" She cried, tugging against his grasp.

Joey pulled her back. "Kath! I'm not bringing you back inside. At least, not permanently." She turned. "Y-You're not?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No. We're going somewhere Oscar and Morris would dare set foot inside." He smiled.

Her face lit up. "C'mon. We've gotta grab some stuff before heading there."

(I know y'all were hoping for some action, but fear not! We'll be seeing some next chapter! I just wanted to have a part to show more of Joey.)

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