Chapter 23

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(A.N. Hello!!! Yes I know it's been a while and I'm so sorry about that. I really want to start the finale but I want to give y'all a few more chapters before I do that. Anyway, without further a due, here y'all go!)

Jack and Katherine jogged down the street towards the direction of Central Park, their hands intertwined like a never breaking chain.

When they finally made it to the park, they found a quiet spot away from prying eyes.

Out of nowhere, Jack swooped down and picked Katherine up bridal style.

"Jack stop! Put me down!" Katherine pleaded trying to sound serious but failing. She giggled.

"Not until you say you love me!"

"Fine! You love me!" She cried with a wide smile.

Jack laughed. "Wrong answer!" He started twirling her around in his arms, making her laugh.

He absolutely love her laugh. It made his dark world shine brighter than the sun. He'd give anything to keep her laughing, never letting her feel sad or alone ever again.

"Okay okay! I love you!" She said as she clinged to him for dear life.

He slowed to a stop and set her back on her feet. They both swayed, feeling dizzy. Jack fell back and took Katherine with him. She landed on the soft grass next to him.

The two were still smiling and laughing, not caring about the world around them.

Katherine sat up and leaned her back against a nearby tree. Jack turned on his side and propped his head up on his arm. Katherine noticed him staring at her.

"What?" She asked.


"Why are you staring at me?"

He shrugged. "No reason. Maybe you're so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you." He smirked.

She blushed and played with her fingers. He got up and sat right next to her. Then he "oh so casually" slid his arm around her and pulled her close. She nestled her head in the crook of his neck and held his free hand.

"Jack?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah Ace?"

"What will happen when my father finds me?" She whimpered. Her hands began shaking as the rest of her body quaked with fear as well.

Jack placed a hand against her cheek and tilted her head to let their eyes meet. "Katherine, no matter what happens to me, I will never stop finding ways to be with you. Your father can't keep me away forever." He assured her.

Before she could speak he captured her lips with his own. She brought her hands up and tangled them in his dark hair. He wrapped his around her and held her there.

They stayed like this for a while, but all too soon they broke apart, gasping for air. When their breath was regained, Jack stood up and help Katherine stand as well.

"Let's get goin'. We can swing by Jacobi's for lunch. What do ya think?" He asked.

"Anywhere with you sounds perfect." She smiled. The couple began their trek out of the park, happy as can be.


Two figures emerged from the foliage.

"Looks like we were right. She is with him. And what does that mean for us?" One turned to the other for an answer.

"It means we get to beat Kelly till he can't stand no more." They laughed maniacally.

Oscar and Morris Delancy continued stalked the couple. Keeping their distance, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

(Ooooooooooh! Sorry! I couldn't resist that ending. Comment your thoughts on this chapter and please vote. If any of y'all have any ideas on anything to add, please message me or something. I'm running low on ideas. That is all, Panda out!)

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