Chapter 5 (New Home) Part 1

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I don't remember much, but I do remember being carried into the bathroom and having warm water touch me. I guess they washed me after they FUCKING CUMMED IN ME.

I was waking up and my jaw and ass really hurt. The brothers weren't in bed which I was happy for because I sat there and cried. I don't know if I was crying because I hurt or because this is now my life being fucked by the supernatural, but for whatever the reason was I was crying. I cried for a good 5 minutes and I finally got up. I went to sated up but my legs gave out on me. 

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY DID YOU GUYS HAVE TO FUCK ME SO HARD!" I tried to get up again and hold onto the wall for support.I was wearing some blue boxers which I never worn before and a giant white button up shirt. I would of look for pants but I didn't even care at this point because they would all see me naked at some point, so I walked to the door and opened it. 

I was in the long hallway again. I walked down the hallway to the room I was in when I saw Lucifer. When I got there (The family room) I saw everyone eating, no not raw meat or the leftovers of a human, but real breakfast. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, orange juice, and toast. Man did it smell good. I walked a little further into the room and everyone stopped eating and turned their attention to me.

"I thought you would've stayed in the room." Andrew said to break the silence.

"I would've, but I could not stand the smell of nasty creature cum everywhere." I told him while looking him right in the eye.

"I would watch the way you talk you don't want to be punished." Lucifer said in a father voice.

"At this point I'm just wishing one you guys would fucked me harder than the brothers and end up killing me than maybe I can be happy." I turned to walk out of the room and my arm was grabbed by Brain.

"Would like like to eat before you leave?"

"I would rather die than eat with you guys" I Pulled my arm from his grasp and walked out. I did not turn around I just kept walking down the long hallway.

I've been walking for what felt like 15 minutes and I was no longer in the long hallway. I was at the main entrance now standing front of the big door. The same doors I used last time to run away. I put my hand on the door. I could run away again, steal some money and leave town, become a prostitute and be fucked to have a different smell so Brain can't find me. When I get some money get my blood removed and get filled with different blood so the brothers cant smell my blood. And that is possible I read it somewhere on the internet that someone did some thing like that. Keith Richards from The Rolling Stones that's who.

"Do you plan on running away again?" A calm and caring voice said behind my back. 

I turned around to see a Human. HOLY FUCK ANOTHER HUMAN. 

"You-r-r a human."

"Hehe yes i'm a human, my name is Susan."

"Hi Susan my name is Tyler." 

"Hi Tyler, so where you plan on running way again?"

"I was thinking about it but its pointless, no matter what I do they will find me." 

"Yeah once they get attached to something they never let it go."

"Why are you here if I may ask?"

"They are dirty and need someone to clean which i'm good at so i'm here now."

"OH okay."

"I need to go back to my cleaning, but it was nice meeting you, bye."

"Bye Susan." I waved bye to her. Well at least there's a human here.




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