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(If anyone wants to visit after that video (I do recommend it) I usually stay at Grandes Rocques)

Taehyung was shivering in excitement as the plane slowed down. Jimin, who was sat next to him, was fidgeting with his small hands, seemingly unable to calm down despite Steve's calming hand on his shoulder. They were far too excited!

Unsurprisingly, Tae was the first one out of the plane, completely forgetting his luggage in favour of the stunning view of the island. Jimin also ran up merely seconds after, and the 95z stared at the wonder of the island.

"Daebak!" They whispered to each other, completely entranced. They were so entranced, they didn't notice the maknae creeping up behind them until they felt a sudden tickle on their sides. Squealing, they whipped around to find the teen suppressing laughter. Acting quickly, they tackled the sensitive boy to the ground, tickling him mercilessly until he begged for forgiveness. Tears of laughter were falling down his face as he thrashed amidst the green grass, the laughter of his hyungs just making him laugh even more. As the others got out of the airport with their luggage, they found that it had escalated into a full scale tickle fight, with all three of them having red faces and disheveled appearances. The locals were sat there laughing at the three boys. It ended when, much to the amusement of both the locals and the Avengers + hyungs, Taehyung and Jungkook managed to lift Jimin into a tree. Having to hold on for fear of falling, Jimin was helpless to the double assault on his torso and legs, and nearly fell off several times.

"OK guys," Jin laughed, dragging Tae and Kook away from Jimins still trembling body. "Leave the mochi alone!"

Smiling gently, Steve lifted the boy off the tree. Jimin just clung to the man, residual giggles slipping through his lips. The shortest boy wrapped his legs around the super soldiers waist, and held on tightly.

As the group made their way to Tony's holiday home, everyone was astonished by the sheer beauty of the island. Even Jimin stopped imitating a limpet and ran with the other maknaes to cliff edges to look at the sea.

They were about ten minutes away from the home when Yoongi noticed something.

"What's that?" He asked, tapping Tony on the shoulder. "The West Show," he answered, taking the boys hand in his. "They have lots of different things, displays, rides, food stalls, activities... Would you like to have a look?"

Yoongi nodded, not realising that Tony had taken his hand. Namjoon called the maknaes and the group set off towards the West Show.

The West Show was an annual celebration in Guernsey, and the boys enjoyed it immensely. Seokjin and Namjoon borrowed £400 off of Tony, who took them around the shops. They bought tonnes of fresh farm food, some greasy burgers, some nice handmade shoes and clothes, and even a beeswax candle. The highlight of the trio's day though was the Monster Truck Show towards the end. The guys running it were from Liverpool, and the stunts they pulled were beyond belief.

Yoongi and Hoseok naffed off with Natasha, Clint and Thor. They spent most of their time looking at animals, although they did spend quite a bit (also from Tony's never ending wallet) on jewellery and clothing. Yoongi even bought Hobi a cat headband as a gag gift, and Hobi just refused to take it off. Thor found their banter absolutely hilarious, while Natasha and Clint were torn between 'Are you serious?' and 'This is cute as hell'. The best part for Yoongi and Hobi though was finding Ella, a blind German shepherd with stunning heterochromia. One of her eyes was a crystal blue, while the other was a warm chocolate brown. She was mild and sweet, and the boys spent at least half an hour petting the beauty.

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung had dragged Bruce and Steve to the rides. Altogether the three of them spent roughly £100 on different rides. Their favourites were the Waltzer (it was hilarious when the guy span them so fast they had to duck to move their heads) and the Twister (the heaviest person had to go on the inside and no one knew who was heavier. So they forced Steve on hahaha! Everyone ended up slamming into him but hey, at least the heaviest was at the end). Jimin had also dragged them to see the dog show, because they were doing tricks and he couldn't resist dogs. ("They're so cute," he had murmured, eyes not moving from the husky who was running laps across the course. "I want one." Steve filed this away for later use.)

After a fun filled two hours, the group finally rejoined and set off further towards their hotel.

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