Brotherly Love

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*I'm sorry for all the fluff-filler chapters, but I'm sick and my great grandma has passed away, so I'm not in the mood to write much else.*

Jin scrubbed his eyes with one hand, the other still entangled in Hoseok's tangled hair. He took in the sight of the other boys snuggling together, smiling and attempting to stand after detaching himself from Hoseok's grip.

Namjoon stirred as Seokjin groaned, the pressure on his feet causing pain to shoot through his body. His eyes blinked open, registering his hyung's pained expression, before shooting up, unintentionally awakening Yoongi, and helping the eldest to lay on the bed. Yoongi's disgruntled groan woke both Jungkook and J-Hope, and all three of them sat up. Looking at the 95z, J-Hope smiled mischievously, before sharing an idea with the others. As the rest smiled that Hobi himself came up with the idea, they set the plan in action.


Steve awoke to the sound of frantic giggles. Eyes blinking sleepily, he saw both Taehyung and Jimin being tag teamed by the rest of the members. Tae was simultaneously attempting to dislodge Jungkook's hands from his abdomen and Yoongi's from his neck, while Jimin had curled up, allowing Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon access to his sides, neck and feet. The two 95z were squirming and squealing from the ticklish sensations, as the rest of the group laughed alongside them.

As Steve sat up, he smiled at the fun and carefree atmosphere. Jimin looked up and saw Steve's fond smile.

"Steve-hyung!" He managed to get out between giggles. "He-heeeellppp!" He had attempted to reach for the bigger man, only for J-Hope to slip his hand into his exposed armpit. He thrashed about the bed, and ended up nearly falling off if Namjoon hadn't caught him. After another five minutes, the five members stopped their assault on the 95z, allowing them to catch their breath.

"Tha-thahat was mean!" Taehyung huffed, still giggling slightly. Jimin curled up to him, residual laughs still slipping from his lips.

Steve just laughed, standing from the bed and moving towards the closet. The members watched as he pulled out a black vest and blue pants. The colour combination was terrible. BTS all looked at V, who, upon seeing the ugly colour combo, stood up before Steve could put them on.

"No!! That looks hideous!! Here, let me find something."

As Tae rummaged through the closet, you heard tuts and occasional gasps. "Fashion designer Taehyung! Who's turn is next?" Yoongi shouted once the boy emerged.

Much to Steve's amusement, V put on a sassy expression, with a stereotypical gay hand move. "Jin, come here." Laughing hysterically, Taetae placed the clothing on the bed.

Examining the clothes that the Korean had picked for him, Steve was taken aback. There was a red shirt with a white star (Where had he even found that?) blue ripped jeans, white trainers with a white hoodie. Once the man was dressed, he noticed the Bangtan Boys had each had their own outfits picked out. V had made do with the clothing available, and they still looked amazing.

"OK guys, it's breakfast time!" Steve smiled, leading the seven boys down to the kitchen

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"OK guys, it's breakfast time!" Steve smiled, leading the seven boys down to the kitchen. Once they had entered, Steve went for the bread, only to be stopped by Jin.

"What are you doing? Bread isn't for breakfast. Sit down and let me handle this."

As Steve went to argue that his feet were still too injured to be standing for extended periods of time, Jimin was grabbing his arm and dragging him to where Tae and Jungkook were having a heated discussion about whether Black Butler was better than Hetalia. "Its best to leave Jin-hyung to the kitchen," he explained, "He loves food, and always makes sure we eat as healthily as possible."

Sure enough, the eldest Korean was flitting about the kitchen, picking up fruits of all sorts and mixing them up. He was practically a blur. However, Steve couldn't pay more attention as Taehyung suddenly felt he had to ask whether or not Steve preferred Black Butler over Hetalia.

After a very extensive breakdown of the two animés, Steve and the others finally heard Jin shouting that breakfast was ready.

As they entered the kitchen, everyone was amazed at the spread. There was a toast rack in the corner filled with toast, and several jams and butters had been placed near it. A plate of pop-tarts had been placed nearby as well. There was a fruit salad (with apples and berries and bananas and watermelon) along with a wide spread of bacon, sausages, beans, cereals, and a large jug of milk sat in the other corner.

"Wow," Steve gasped, "JARVIS, tell the others to come down for breakfast. And also let Fury know he can come down now. He wants the questions answering. How better than to do it over breakfast?"

I was going to leave it here but since I left y'all so long I'll continue.

Eventually, everyone had gathered in the kitchen and was eating happily. Jin kept taking spoonfuls and feeding the maknaes, who had no objection to the extra food coming their way. J-Hope kept poking Jimin in sensitive places, who retaliated by gently hitting his back whenever he took a drink. Between the laughter of the Koreans, and the conversations of the Americans regarding the Koreans, no one remembered the questions they wanted to ask.

Suddenly, Yoongi sat up straight. "Shit, you wanted to ask us questions, right, Fury-ssi?"

Namjoon shot up as well, swallowing his apple bite before confirming and apologising for forgetting.

Accepting the apologies, Fury asked what had happened. Could they point them to the leader?

Before answering any questions, Jin noted that they were all of a sensitive nature. He held up a finger, and looked to the maknaes and Hobi, who were all engaged in a conversation.

"Jiminie-ah, Jungkook-ah, TaeTae-ah, Hobi-ah, could you do me a favour?"

"What do you need Jin-hyung?"

"Can you go find me some new bandages? I think my feet have started bleeding again. Also I could do with some socks too. And Namjoon would like some more books on Western traditions. Also, could you guys go see if you can find any producing equipment online? We still want to perform right? And see if you can get in touch with Sejin-hyung and Bang Sihyuk-PD-nim. Tell them we want to stay here and to talk with Tony about what we will do."

"All of our errands have been noted and we will carry them out as best we can," Hoseok said in a mockingly solemn tone. "HWAITING!"


Jin smiled as they left, "OK, the sensitive ones are out of the way. At least they won't cry."

Yoongi flinched, "God I hate it when they cry."

"Between crying and aegyo they could probably have Donald Trump at their beck and call." Namjoon laughed.

"Should we set them on Kim Jong Un?"

Once back on track, they answered the questions to the best of their abilities, playing idly with food as they thought. Soon enough, the interrogation was over, and Fury left.

"We'll catch them you know," Tony smiled at them. "They won't get away with this."

Jin laughed at him. "I can't believe Kookie hasn't realised you're Iron Man yet."

"WHAT??!!" Turning to the doorway, Jungkook had dropped the medical kit he was carrying. Blushing he picked it up and thrust it into his hyungs arms, before running to Tony and quizzing him on the mechanics of his suit. Happy to have someone so genuinely interested, the philanthropist answered each question in detail. Even Namjoon joined in on the discussion.

Jin shook his head fondly, and left the room. He sat on the couch in the study room and rebandaged his feet, humming a soft tune. He smiled as he recognised it as the lullaby he used to sing Jimin to sleep when he couldn't. Laughing at the coincidence, he settled down for a short nap, not noticing Jimin creep into the room until he was snuggled into his chest. Skinny arms wrapped around a skinny torso, and the duo fell asleep, blissfully unaware of the chaotic discussions around them.

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