The Flashbacks

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Regina: That should have worked.
Emma: Here's what I'm thinking. The curse isn't real. You just wanted to make yourself sound crazy, so if I arrested you for the murder, I would give you a better sentence. Sadly for you, I can see right through that plan.
Regina: Well it is true. And the curse should have broke, unless you don't truly love Henry.          
Emma: Nice try, mayor Mills. You are under arrest.
Regina: Ms. Swan...
Emma: Sheriff Swan.
(Emma handcuffs Regina and takes her to the town jail.)
Emma: You'll stay here until we can think of the proper punishment. Regina: Can I at least make a phone call?
Emma: Fine, but just one.
Regina: How long until magic is restored! I have been waiting forever!
Rumplestiltskin: Patience, your majesty.
Regina: It better be ready soon.
Rumplestiltskin: Oh, it will be.
Emma: Do you still think I'll fall for the magic act?
Regina: What does it take to convince you? You fought a dragon!
Emma: There's a thing called special effects.
Regina: Oh, ye of little faith.
Emma: Whatever. I have to go now.  Hey, kid, you wanna get some ice cream?
Henry: The curse... It didn't break.
Emma: Don't worry kid. Everything will be alright.
Henry: There must be some other way...
Regina: Yes, it's back!
Emma and Henry: Ah!
Emma: How did you...?
Regina: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you. I have my magic back.
Emma: This is a joke, right?
Regina: Oh, you wish.
Emma: There's no way...
(Emma and Regina stare each other down. And Regina poofs away into her vault.) (Meanwhile, David and Mary Margaret were reconsidering whether or not they should split.)
(Right now, Mary Margaret is talking to  Ruby about it at Granny's)
Mary Margaret: Ruby, to tell you the truth, I love David. I guess I just told him to leave because I was afraid.
Ruby: If you truly have feelings for him, you should stop him before he crosses the town line. There's no reason to be afraid.
Mary Margaret: I'm afraid because when I was in jail and he said that he might have suspected me of the murder, I thought he was the one person I could count on, and when I needed him most, he wasn't there for me. If I want to be together with someone, I want him to always stick up for me.
Ruby: But after that, he apologized. Look, people make mistakes, but that is no reason to stop trying.
Mary Margaret: You're right. I just hope Katherine is okay with this.
Katherine: It's okay, I forgive you.
Mary Margret: Thank you.
(The scene switches over to David who cannot cross the town line.)
David: Come on, David, you can cross the town line. There's a nice apartment in Boston waiting for you. You can forget about Mary Margaret. She doesn't want to be with you anyway.
(Mary Margaret catches up to David to drop him from leaving the town.
Mary Margaret: Wait! David wait!
David: Mary Margaret?
Mary Margaret: Yes, it's me.
David: What made you want me to come back?
Mary Margaret: The only reason I wanted you to leave was because I was afraid that things wouldn't work out.
David: Look, I'm sorry for not trusting you as much as I should have.
Mary Margaret: Everyone makes mistakes.
David: I love you.
Mary Margaret: I love you too.
(Mary Margaret and David kiss but Regina is secretly watching them through a mirror.)
Regina: No! No! Curse or not, Those two always have to find each other. Why?!
Emma: Kid, do you know where Regina I mean Mayor Mills is?
Henry: How should I know?
Emma: You were here son for a very long time. I thought you might have had access to her hiding spots.
Henry: No one knows where her hiding spots are, except maybe Rumplestiltskin.
Emma: You mean Mr.Gold, right?
Henry: Sure.
Emma: Let's discuss this case over a grilled cheese.
Henry: I could eat.
Emma: I'll text Mary Margaret to meet us at Granny's, just in case she can help us. After all, she found David.
Henry: All right.
(The scene switches to Emma, Henry, and Mary Margaret at Granny's discussing what they should do. They all have hot chocolate with cinnamon and some food.)
Emma: The only thing I don't understand is why Regina would want me to believe in the curse. If everyone knew she was the Evil Queen, it would just turn them all against her.
Henry: Maybe she wants you to see her hurt everyone, and you to be watching helpless to stop it. Then she will be remembered as the Evil Queen that not even the savior could stop.
Mary Margaret: Or she's grown to love Henry, and she wants everyone to know that she can become good, even if she was evil before.
Emma: I don't think Regina is trying to convince everyone that she's now good.
Mary Margaret: Then what do you think she is trying to do?
Emma: Honestly I have no idea.
Regina: Well hello.
(Regina pushes the doors open with magic.)
Mary Margaret: Emma!
Mary Margaret: Behind you!
Emma: Well she is dressed like a queen.
Henry: She has the same outfit on this page.
Emma: I have to say, she does have an uncanny resemblance to the Evil Queen.
Henry: What are you doing here!
Regina: I just wanted to let you know a couple of things. First, Emma, you are under arrest.
Emma: You can't arrest me.
Regina: Oh, I think I can.
(Regina poofs her into the town jail.)
Emma: How did she...
(Back at Granny's.)
Regina: And you are coming with me.
Henry: Taking me with you can't make me love you!
Regina: Oh, I'm not going force you to love me, I just need you to know that I do. And for you, Mary Margaret. If you ever want to see your David again, come over to my house unarmed in two hours and we will discuss his release.
Mary Margaret: What made you hate us so much. What did we ever do to you!
Regina: You'll find out soon enough.
(Regina poofs away with Henry and Mary Margaret goes to find Emma. Suddenly, she has a flashback from when she was Snow White. )
Emma: What are you doing?
Mary Margaret: I'm breaking you out of here.
Emma: How'd you learn how to do that?
Mary Margaret: I don't know. While I was walking here to discuss a plan with you, I had this weird flashback of what I think is something from my past. In that flashback, I remembered escaping from a prison, I think it was Regina's prison... I remember her looking at me and I forgot the rest. Is that weird?
Emma: Recently I had a flashback of my parents giving me away.
Mary Margaret: Do you remember anything about them?
Emma: Sorry, I forgot.
Mary Margaret: It's really strange, right? Now I think Henry might be on to something.
Emma: You mean about the whole fairytale thing?
Mary Margaret: Yeah!
Emma: No...
Mary Margaret: Well how else do you explain all the complicated things that have been going on lately? Huh?
Emma: I don't know. But whether or not I believe, I know I have to think of a plan to get Henry back.
Mary Margaret: Henry is not the one in danger. Regina said that she captured David and will kill him if I don't come alone and unarmed to make a deal with her.
Emma: I guess this is more serious than I thought.
Mary Margaret: We need to think of a plan. A way to knock her out from behind, and we can't let her wake up, or else she'll use magic on us again.
Emma: Good thinking. Now how long do we have to plan before we have to get there?
Mary Margaret: We have about an hour to plan, then we have to drive to her house.
Emma: Okay, then let's not waste a second.
Mary Margaret: What do you think we should do?
Emma: The best ambush would be to get her outside, and then come from behind and take her by surprise, so when you two start negotiating, try to get her outside.
If you can't in five, I'll sneak in through one of her windows.
Mary Margaret: Are you sure you will be able to pull that off?
Emma: I used to do things like this to stay alive, so this shouldn't be a problem.
Mary Margaret: I'm scared, Emma. What if she hurts you? Or him? Or me?
Emma: Truthfully, we don't really have a choice whether or not we have to do this. He will die if we don't and that can't happen, right?
Mary Margaret: You know what? The best thing I can do right now is to be confident. That way, she will feel like she has less control over me.
Emma: We still have a while, so I should check out the floor plan of her house and look at the backyard setup.
Mary Margaret: You can never be too careful, can you?
Emma: In a life or death situation, you can never be too careful, but in other situations, sometimes it pays to be a little sloppy.
(The scene changes to the Evil Queen and she is talking to David about what she plans to do to Mary Margaret.)
Regina: David, David, David do you know why I brought you here?
David: No clue. Why do you hate me and Mary Margaret so much?
Regina: You'll find out soon enough.
David: What do you plan to do with her?
Regina: On the contrary, dear, I don't plan on doing anything with her. Instead, I will use you to cause the death of your one true love, and then I will do whatever I feel like to you.
David: You will not get away with this.
Regina: Oh, I already have David.
(The doorbell sounds. Mary Margaret and Emma have arrived at her house.)
Regina: Oh, here she comes!
David: No!
Regina: Yes.
Mary Margaret: I'm here!
Regina: I thought I said to come alone.
Mary Margaret: I am alone, mayor Mills.
Regina: Emma! I know you're here! Don't bother trying to hide it!
Emma: Regina, don't do this!
Regina: Here's the deal. Either you die, or he dies.
Mary Margaret: Fine, kill me, but then, you let him go, and leave Storybrooke.
Regina: It's a deal.
Henry: Wait Mom!
Regina: Henry, did you just call me...
Henry: Yes, because I think you're better than this. Look, mom, if you kill her, I'll never forgive you, but if you don't, I will stay here and remember this.
Regina: Fine, she'll stay in the cell.
(Regina poofs Mary Margaret into the cell next to David's.)
Emma: Henry! Tell her she has to let them go. She'll do anything you say!
Henry: In order to make someone good, you have to use baby steps. In other words, if I try to push her too fast
toward our side, she'll quickly back down from our deal and remain evil.
Emma: Fine, kid. I'll trust you on this one just because you know Regina better. But if she kills anyone, you will have to help me arrest her.
Henry: All right.
Emma: You know what? Since this means that we might not to hang out together as much, I'll get you some ice cream and bring it back here.
Henry: Thanks, and can it be rocky road?
Emma: Sure kid.
(The scene switches to Mary Margaret and David in their cells together.)
Mary Margaret: David! You're okay!
David: As okay as you can be behind bars I guess.
Mary Margaret: At least, none of us will be dying.
David: That's amazing! Wait, who convinced her?
Mary Margaret: Henry.
David: You know, I can see the good in Regina just by seeing how much she loves Henry.
Mary Margaret: Yeah. On a completely unrelated note, have you had any weird flashbacks recently about maybe your past, or possibly another life?
David: Well, I did see one of you about to kill somebody, but I thought I might have been being delusional at the time.
Mary Margaret: Any other, possibly useful flashbacks?
David: Why are you so worried about this? Is there something wrong?
Mary Margaret: I'm just afraid something could happen, and I could loose you forever.
David: Whatever happens, wherever you go, don't worry. I will always find you.
(They hug each other and suddenly they both have flashbacks about being Snow White and Prince Charming and some of their adventures.)
Mary Margaret: David, when we hugged, did you see something?
David: Yeah, what do you think it was?
Mary Margaret: I don't know, maybe something from our past.
David: Our past? What do you mean?
Mary Margaret: Maybe Henry's fairytale thing...
David: You can't seriously think...
Mary Margret: But I do. It's the one thing in the world that makes sense.
David: I guess that's why I don't remember anything from my childhood.
Mary Margaret: Yeah.
David: I guess all we can do now is go to sleep, and maybe in the morning we'll think of a way to escape.
Mary Margaret: Together.
David: No matter what.
( The scene switches to Henry in his bed trying to think of a way to escape. Emma is right outside Regina's house holding a waki taki.)
Henry: What's the plan?
Emma: You mean to get them out? I'm still thinking.
Henry: Well, think faster because I don't know how long it'll be before Regina changes her mind about sparing them.
Emma: Don't worry. We should still have a while, but I think I should do this mission by myself.
Henry: But what happened to operation cobra?
Emma: You need to get her convinced that you are no longer working with me.
Henry: So I have a new mission?
Emma: Yeah. This is called operation trust. You NEED her to trust us.
Henry: Got it.
Emma: Thanks, kid.
Henry: Wait! Before you go, you should know that if you need something to help you with the Regina problem, you'll probably find something in Mr. Gold's shop.
Emma: Thanks, kid.
Henry: See you tomorrow.
Emma: See you.
(Emma drives over to Gold's shop and she rings the bell.)
Emma: Hello?
Mr. Gold: We're closed.
Emma: I know. But you're still awake, so I need you to let me in.
Mr. Gold: Alright. What do you want from me?
Emma: Simply a way to remove Regina's powers.
Mr. Gold: How desperate are you?
Emma: She's captured my friends!
Mr. Gold: You seem pretty desperate, so I will make a deal with you.
Emma: What do you want?
Mr. Gold: I need your magic to help me bring a certain somebody's memories back.
Emma: I have magic? You're kidding, right?
Mr. Gold: Emma, you do indeed have magic, because you are the product of true love.
Emma: Okay, I'll use my magic that I may or may not have to help you with your little potion.
Mr. Gold: It's a deal. Sign here.
Emma: Really? Okay, okay, fine.
Mr. Gold: Oh, by the way, you can use this by wrapping it around Regiba!s wrist.
Emma: Then her magic will be gone?
Mr. Gold: Until you take it off.
Emma: Cool.
Mr. Gold: Truly a pleasure doing business with you.
Emma: Goodnight, Mr. Gold.
(Emma drives away, and Mr. Gold starts thinking of a way to rescue Belle. He then walks out of his shop and to the place where some prisoners are being kept. He opens Belle's cell.)
Mr. Gold: Hello, I'm Mr. Gold. I'm here to get you out of here.
Belle: And I'm... I'm sorry, I can't remember my name.
Mr. Gold: Don't worry about it, and you can stay at my place until you find a home.
Belle: That's very kind of you Mr. Gold.
Mr. Gold: It's nothing.
Belle: Wait, before we go, could you please tell me who locked me up here?
Mr. Gold: Somebody named Regina Mills did, but you don't have to worry about her right now.
Belle: Alright.
( The next day Mr. Gold calls Emma to come over to help him with the potion.)
Mr. Gold: Ah, Emma, it's nice to see you bothered to arrive.
Emma: So what do you need me to do?
Mr. Gold: Emma, I need to teach you how to use your magic before we can.
Emma: Magic training wasn't part of the deal.
Mr. Gold: But magic is, so either you do this with me, or you can give me back the cuff.
Emma: Fine. What do I need to do?
Mr. Gold: I apologize in advance if you feel like my teaching methods are a little well, extreme.
(Mr. Gold poofs Emma onto a breaking bridge.)
Emma: You're crazy! What magic can I use to get out of this?
Mr. Gold: Don't worry, you'll figure it out. You're smart.
Emma: Help! The bride is breaking!
Mr. Gold: Come on.
Emma: Whatever magic you might think I have, I don't. Life is not a fairytale.
Mr. Gold: You only have so long to learn.
Emma: As IF I didn't know yet.
( The bridge starts to break on the other side and Emma is screaming. The it looks like she died.
Mr. Gold: Emma!
Emma: Relax! I'm right here.
(Emma is standing on top of the bridge which is held up by her magic.)
Mr. Gold: Even though this may have been scary and unpredictable, you learned magic. Nice job.
Emma: Do I have to help you with the potion yet?
Mr. Gold: You worked incredibly hard today, so you can eat a grilled cheese and / or cuff Regina.
Emma: Thank you Mr. Gold.
Mr. Gold: You still have much to learn if you return for more lessons.
( The scene switches over to David and Mary Margaret.)
Mary Margaret: I had an interesting dream, David.
David: Me too! Mine was about the first time we met.
Mary Margaret: I remember seeing a carriage, and jumping on top of it. I took a bag of jewels with me, and then I tried to run away. You came after me, and tackled me.
David: And then you hit me in the face with a rock.
Mary Margaret: How do you know?
David: It must have been the same dream.
Mary Margaret: I think that it might have been memories.
David: You're right.
Mary Margret: Then what do we do now?
David: Remember how we defeated Regina the first time.

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