Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

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SCENE: , . rides up on his bike and exits her squad car.

Emma: Hey, kid. (He rides right by her) Good to see you, too!
Henry: The storm! (Hops off his bike and approaches the severely damaged castle)
Emma: It's okay, we can fix it! I'll talk to .
Henry: I think it's still here! (Digging in the ground at the base of the structure)
Emma: What are you looking for?
Henry: My !
Emma: Why'd you bury it here?
Henry: So my doesn't find it.
Emma: Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough?
Henry: That's the first place the would look. (He unearths a box)
Emma: How 'bout leaving it with me?
Henry: That's the second place. (Opens the box, revealing the storybook inside) Good.
Emma: So your mom doesn't know about the castle?
Henry: No, this is our secret. (He closes the box and begins reburying it)
Regina: (Approaching from her parked car) Henry? Henry! I've been looking everywhere for you! You know you have a session with this morning. (To Emma) Should have known he was with you. Henry, car! Now.(Henry heads for the car) You let him play here?
Emma: The storm hit it pretty hard, but we can fix it.
Regina: Well, can you fix a cracked cranium? 'Cause that's what you'll have on your hands if one of these boards collapses under his weight. You're not thinking about Henry or his safety, just ways around me. Miss Swan, don't let your feelings cloud your judgement, people can get hurt.
Emma: What's that supposed to mean?
Regina: You're the sheriff now, it's time to be responsible.

SCENE: Storybrooke, 's , interior. Emma and are seated at a table.

Emma: Don't let my feelings cloud my judgement? That's all Regina ever does.
Mary Margaret: She's just upset because you and Henry have a special place and she... she doesn't.
Emma: How'd she find out about the castle in the first place?
Mary Margaret: She knows everything about this town, she's the Mayor. (Her phone vibrates. She picks it up and looks at it. Camera cuts to a view of the phone, showing a text from that reads, "We need to talk. Meet at our spot.")
Emma: Everything okay?
Mary Margaret: Yeah, I just need to go. (Gets up quickly and readies to leave) Look, if it makes you feel any better, I think you're right. I see the effect she has on Henry.
Emma: I wish everyone else did, too. (Mary Margaret exits the diner, touching Emma's arm briefly as she passes. , clearly very drunk and with a drink in his hand, takes Mary Margaret's place)
Sidney: I can grant your wish.
Emma: Oh, Sidney, you want a side of bacon with that whiskey?
Sidney: You wanna show this town who the Mayor really is? I can help.
Emma: It's gonna be kinda hard to do from inside her pocket.
Sidney: The Mayor and I are done.
Emma: (chuckles) Sure you are.
Sidney: She got me fired from the . She made a fool of me in the . So I started working on an expose' on the Mayor's , and I found something she didn't want found.
Emma: Sidney, you're drunk. Go home, sleep it off. Be grateful that you don't have to answer to her anymore.
Sidney: (Offering her his card) Call me. Storybrooke deserves to know the truth about her. (Emma takes the card and gets up. Sidney's face is used as a focal point for the following scene transition)

SCENE: The , the , interior. The is seated with a mirror. Rumbling is heard, distantly, from outside, growing louder. The camera pans up and is seen.

Genie: Here we go. (Scene transitions to the exterior, along a lake's beach. King Leopold picks up the Lamp and rubs it to clean off some plant matter. Black smoke emerges from the lamp and the Genie appears) You awakened the Genie of Agrabah. You're entitled to three wishes—no more, no less. But, you must know that magic has its limits. You cannot wish for life, nor death. You cannot wish for love. You cannot wish for more wishes. And, once spoke, a wish cannot be undone, no matter what the consequences. So... tell me your first wish.
King Leopold: Hmm. Uh... (laughs) Hmm. I cannot think of a single thing I desire. I have everything I need. I seek nothing more than the happiness of all who set food in my kingdom.
Genie: Ugh. (He sits on some nearby driftwood)
King Leopold: (He chuckles. The Genie sighs) You are in my kingdom, and yet you seem unhappy.
Genie: I have served as Genie of the Lamp for longer than you've been alive. Life as a genie is not as magical as it may appear.
King Leopold: So you wish to be free?
Genie:More than anything.
King Leopold: Then I know my first wish. I wish you to be free.
Genie: (The shackles about his wrist glow and fall off with a magical sound) Can it be? Am I truly free?
King Leopold: You're the genie. You tell me.
Genie:There are two more wishes left in the Lamp, what will you do with them?
King Leopold: For my second wish... I wish to give my third and final wish to you. (Offers the Genie the Lamp)
Genie: (Taking the Lamp) In my time, I have granted 1001 wishes, and I have seen them end poorly 1001 times. Making a wish comes with a price, and that is why I will never... use... this wish. (Puts the Lamp in a purse at his belt)
King Leopold: You are a man of wisdom, Genie. Now tell, what will you do with your freedom?
Genie: Find the one thing I've always desired, that my prison has kept from me... true love.
King Leopold: Then you must come join me at my palace. I am certain you will find it there. Come. Meet my family.

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