A Land Without Magic

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SCENE: The . Past. The 's . is attempting to break the lock of his cell. He beats a rock against the lock, with no success.

Prince Charming: I will find you, . I will always find you. (Two approach and unlock the cell.)
Guard 1: It'll be hard to do that without your head. Get up, the is looking forward to your execution. (The guards escort Prince Charming down a hallway. Charming falls.)
Guard 2: Get up! On your feet. (A fight between Prince Charming and the two guards ensues. Prince Charming prevails and escapes down the hallway. He encounters another guard, drawing a bow. He turns back the way he came, encountering a fourth guard.)
Guard 4: Shoot him.(The guard fires his arrow, shooting the other guard.)
Prince Charming: Who the hell are you? (The guard removes his helmet, revealing himself to be the )
Huntsman: A friend.
Prince Charming: I don't know you.
Huntsman: But I know Snow White.
Prince Charming: Is she okay?
Huntsman: The Queen was traveling to meet her. (He removes Charming's shackles) Her fate is in a precarious place. We must hurry. Follow me, I can get you out. I'll try and stall the Queen. The rest is up to you. (He hands Charming his sword and some supplies) Your weapon, and some provisions. Good luck.
Prince Charming: You're not coming with me?
Huntsman: I cannot. I gave up my so that the Queen would spare Snow's. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Find her.

SCENE: . Present. The . is being rushed into the ICU on a stretcher, by his side.

Emma: Henry, can you hear me? Come on Henry, wake up, please! Come on Henry. Come on, you can do it! (A nurse tries to pull Emma away.)
Nurse: Ma'am, you need to --
Emma: No, I am not going anywhere. Henry! ( examines Henry.)
Whale: There's no pupil response. What happened, did he fall? Hit his head?
Emma: (She shows Dr. Whale the turnover.) He ate this. I think it's poisoned.
Dr. Whale: His airway's clear. Did he vomit? Any convulsions or disorientation?
Emma: He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed! So run the tests for arsenic or bleach or or whatever could have done this to him!
Dr. Whale: The boy is showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So whatever's going on (takes the turnover from Emma) THIS is not the culprit!
Emma: Well what else could it be?!
Dr. Whale: I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out.
Emma: He's gonna be okay though, right?
Dr. Whale: Right now we just need to stabilize him, 'cause he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember, any little detail?
Emma: I already told you everything. DO something! (She dumps out Henry's backpack on a bed)
Dr. Whale: Look, I understand you're frustrated Miss Swan. I do, but I need something to treat. Right now there is no explanation. It's like...
Emma: ...like . (She picks up the . The title on the book glows, and as Henry's voice narrates, we see flashbacks of Prince Charming taking baby Emma to the wardrobe and placing her inside.)
Henry (VO): All the stories in this book really happened. You should know more than anyone. Because you're in this book.( arrives at the hospital.)
Regina: Where's my son!?
Emma: You did this.
Regina: No. (Emma grabs Regina by the arm and forces her into a supply closet. They have a physical altercation.)
Emma: You did this!
Regina: What the hell are you doing!? Stop this, my son--
Emma: Is sick because of you! That apple turnover you gave me—he ate it!
Regina: What? It was meant for you!
Emma: It's true isn't it?
Regina: What are you talking about?
Emma: It's true isn't it!? All of it.
Regina: Yes.
Emma: I was leaving town, why couldn't you just leave things alone?
Regina: Because as long as you're alive, Henry will never be mine.
Emma: He will never be anyone's unless you fix this. You wake him up!
Regina: I can't!
Emma: Don't you have magic?
Regina: (Shakes her head) That was the last of it. It was supposed to put you to sleep!
Emma: What's it gonna do to him?
Regina: I don't know. Magic here is unpredictable.
Emma: So... so he could...
Regina: Yes.
Emma: So what do we do?
Regina: We need help. There's one other person in town who knows about this. Knows about magic.
Emma: ...
Regina: Actually, he goes by .

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