The Thing You Love Most

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SCENE: . Present. The Mayor's , Henry's room. looks out the window at the . It moves from 8:15 to 8:16, and Henry smiles. Following this is a montage of various citizens waking up and going about their days.SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. The Mayor's house. Regina is flipping through Henry's storybook. She pauses on a page depicting the at and 's wedding, with Prince Charming's sword in mid-flight toward her. When she turns the page, Regina finds that the last several pages have been ripped from the book. The scene transitions to her entering Henry's room, as he is getting ready for school.

Regina: The missing pages, where are they?
Henry: It's an old book, stuff's missing. What do you care?
Regina: I care because you think I'm some evil queen. And that hurts me, Henry. I'm your mother. (She touches his face)
Henry: (He moves away from her) No, you're not.
Regina: Well, then, who is? That woman you brought here? I don't like what she or this book is doing to you. Thankfully both are no longer an issue. (Henry looks at the ground and shuffles his feet) What? (The clock tower chimes. Regina, shocked, turns her head toward the sound. Henry exits)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Regina stands on the sidewalk, looking up at the clock. Archie, walking , walks up to her.

Archie: Hey, how 'bout that? Guess those rustly old innards finally straightened themselves out, huh?
Regina: (Looks across the street at Emma's car) Yes, how 'bout that, indeed.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Emma's room. There is a knock at the door and Emma opens it to Regina, standing in the hallway, holding a basket of apples.

Regina: Did you know the honeycrisp tree is the most vigorous and hardy of all apple trees? It can survive temperatures as low as forty below and keep growing. It can weather any storm. I have that I've tended to since I was a little girl. And to this day, I have yet to taste anything more delicious than the fruit it offers. (She extends an apple to Emma)
Emma: (Taking the apple) Thanks.
Regina: I'm sure you'll enjoy them on your drive home.
Emma: Actually, I'm gonna stay for a while.
Regina: I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Henry has enough issues, he doesn't need you confusing him.
Emma: All due respect, Madame Mayor, the fact that you have now threatened me twice in the last twelve hours makes me wanna stay more.
Regina: Since when were apples a threat?
Emma: I can read between the lines. Sorry, I just wanna make sure Henry's okay.
Regina: He's fine, dear. Any problems he has are being taken care of.
Emma: What does that mean?
Regina: It means I have him in therapy. It's all under control. Take my advice, Miss Swan, only one of us knows what's best for Henry.
Emma: Yeah, I'm starting to think you're right about that.
Regina: It's time for you to go.
Emma: Or what?
Regina: (Takes a step toward Emma) Don't underestimate me, Miss Swan. You have no idea what I'm capable of.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. The . Snow White and Prince Charming's wedding is ongoing.

Evil Queen: I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do. (Turns and walks away)
Prince Charming: Hey! (The Queen turns back and James hurts the his sword at her. As the sword nears her, the Queen disappears in a puff of smoke, the sword along with her. The scene then transitions to the . The sword, still on its trajectory, pierces a wall)
: Would you like something to drink?
Evil Queen: Do I look like I need a drink?
Valet: I was only trying to help. (offers her a drink)
Evil Queen: (Taking the glass) Thank you.
: (The Queen approaches as he speaks) Now that was an awfully big threat. Destroy everyone'shappiness? How do you plan on accomplishing that?
Evil Queen: The .
Valet: Are you sure, your Majesty?
Magic Mirror: But you said you'd never use it.
Valet: You made a deal when you gave away that curse.
Magic Mirror: You traded it away.
Valet: She won't be happy to see you.
Evil Queen: Since when do I care about anyone else's happiness but mine? Prepare the carriage. I'm going to the . (The scene transitions, showing the Queen's carriage approaching the Forbidden Fortress, then transitions to its interior. and the Queen sit in front of a fireplace, talking)
Maleficent: How are you, dear?
Evil Queen: I'm doing fine.
Maleficent: Are you? (She pours herself a drink) If it were me, I'd be simply tortured, watching that flake of snow so happy. (She sits) Weren't you about the same age when you were to be married? Before she ruined it all? (Raising her glass) Yes, you were.
Evil Queen: It was about the same age you were when that sleeping beauty got the best of you, my dear Maleficent.
Maleficent: I soldiered on, as you will, too.. Hopefully.
Evil Queen: Enough games. You know why I'm here. I need my curse back.
Maleficent: It's not yours anymore. A deal's a deal. I traded you my .
Evil Queen: Which failed. Undone by a simple kiss. Now please, return what's mine.
Maleficent: The Dark Curse, really? You must know that not even its unholy power can bring your loved one back from the dead. Have you considered a pet? (She strokes her 's muzzle) They can be quite comforting.
Evil Queen: The only comfort for me is Snow White's suffering.
Maleficent: Well, it's her wedding night, I doubt she's suffering right now.
Evil Queen: I need that curse. I know you keep it hidden in the orb above your staff.
Maleficent: Hidden for the good of all, old friend. Whoever created that monstrosity makes the two of us look positively... moral. Who did give it to you?
Evil Queen: (Standing) Where I got it's none of your concern. Hand it back.
Maleficent: Must we do this?
Evil Queen: Alas, we must. (A fight ensues. Queen Regina uses her magic to take fire from the fireplace and launch it at Maleficent, who uses her staff to deflect it. The Queen then uses magic to levitate the various weapons in the room and points them toward Maleficent. The unicorn whinnies, and the Queen points the weapons at it)
Maleficent: NOO! (She moves quickly and protects her unicorn. The Queen drops a chandelier on Maleficent, using the curved metal to ensnare her. Maleficent drops her staff)
Evil Queen: (Picking up the staff) Love is weakness, Maleficent. I thought you knew that.
Maleficent: If you're going to kill me, kill me!
Evil Queen: Why would I do that? You're my only friend.
Maleficent: Don't do this. This curse... there are lines even we should not cross. (The Queen turns the staff upside down and breaks the orb against the floor) All power comes with a price. (The Queen picks up a small scroll) Enacting it will take a terrible toll... It will leave an emptiness inside you... A void you will never be able to fill.
Evil Queen: So be it.

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