Chapter: It takes "two" to plot a murder

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Chapter: It takes "two" to plot a murder

"So is he coming over?"

I looked up from the television to see Jannabel and Christian walking around my apartment, "I don't know," it was past ten, at night, "I doubt it, visiting times are over,"

They lived in the same floor as me, yet spent more time in my apartment then their own. Their excuse was that my fridge was always full, well so was theirs, just with alcohol not good. I stabbed my strawberry cheesecake and took another mouthful.

If he came now, too bad he wasn't going to be allowed up, in fact I was comfortable in my pajamas in my very warm flat and the heater was on full. Besides if I did go on a date now, it was far too dangerous, I could easily get stabbed or mugged, even worse, my apartment could get robbed, even if there were two guards in here.

"I bet fifty dollars that he will show up," Jan slapped a note on the table and Chris laughed placing another one, "I bet twenty that he won't,"

"No Chris you're meant to put the same amount," Jan grabbed his note handing it back, "Same or bigger, that's how you gamble,"

"I don't want to put fifty, I'm poor,"

We both rolled our eyes at that, really Chris, were you really poor because you spent a hundred dollars on a tie, but both of us said nothing.

"How about you Charlie, did you want to place a bet?"

I raised an eyebrow, "This is Charlie, of course she won't," said Chris speaking so I don't have to. I shrugged, it wasn't my fault. People think bets were fifty-fifty you win or you don't. That was true but there was more, you could work out the odds. 

For example, it was just past ten at night, which meant there was only two hours left in the day and someone rocking up at your door in two hours had little odds.

"Charlie you're out of juice,"

I looked up glaring as Chris as he smiled cheekily, "honestly I need to start charging you both for my food and drinks, you know I love my juice," I said angrily.

You could call it a bad habit but I had to have my juice in the morning, it kept me happy and gave me the energy to go through with the day. And it was a three litre bottle of freshly squeezed juice, how did he finish it all?

"Naw but we're your friends,"

"That's probably were it went wrong, I should have never helped you with your homework, then I would have never met you," I joked, I didn't seriously mean it and he knew it as he laughed jumping onto the couch.

I winced, don't kill my beloved couch. It was true though, If I never decided to let him copy of my homework in high school, I would never have made friends with the sporty blonde head who I hated through out every other year. Chris was known for his pranks, many which irritated me.

Flooding the gym only made us the students in his class clean it up, and no one wants to clean up water which probably came from the gym bathrooms. But something made me feel bad about him when he found out that our sheet was due that day, it was worth thirty percent of his grade and I wasn't just going to let someone fail because we had an uptight teacher.

Jannabel was another story, she and I went way back except she tried to make him fail by stopping me from sharing my answers, i bet she regretted it now. Especially since we grew up to be known as the three musketeers through out uni and now we lived in the same apartment, or more mine. 

There was a knock on the door and we all stopped what we were doing and looked at each other, literally stopped since the spoon was still hanging from Jan's mouth as she looked like a fish, "Who is that?"

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