Chapter: Period "Five" was just the beginning

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Chapter: Period "Five" was just the beginning


I placed the last paper upside down on the table before walking back to my desk, hurry up bell, ring. As much as Michael and Chris told me to take the day off, I couldn't, the kids had a test to do. I had called the office early in the morning telling them I was able to attend the class.

Period Five was the second last period for the day, one more and I could go home and sleep. Coming today did seem like a bad idea now that all my energy was simply drained and I just wanted to sleep.

The door opened and student came, the noise level plummeting followed by groans as they saw the papers.

"But miss we thought we were getting a sub today,"

I looked at Matt who had his mouth opened staring at the desks, of course he wanted a substitute, a sub would let them do anything in class, anything but the test.

"No I'm here," I said smiling as everyone sat down, "I'll give you more time to do the test don't worry," I said as he grumbled walking to his desk, "And fix your tie,"

He rolled his eyes fixing it but still stood, "But Miss," he whined, "You're meant to be in hospital," 

My hand froze on the whiteboard where I was writing the start and finish time up for the kids, "How do you know that?" I asked looking over my shoulder narrowing my eyes.

"Your boyfriend came yesterday to the office and I over-heard him," Matt said with an amused expression while the other students made "ooh" noises of kiss faces.

"Enough sit down all of you," I should know better than to encourage high school students to talk. 

"Start your test," 

"Miss he was hot," 

"Matt do your test and don't talk," 

This was where I would have yelled out he is ugly and he is not my boyfriend, but of course I was their teacher, I had to act with maturity. Which sucked because I didn't want to act with maturity at the moment too. 

"Miss you're hot too,"

"This is your last warning," I said biting my lip. Why was I working in a high school again? I knew working in a boys school was a big mistake, yet my passion for teaching made me teach anyways. I heard some of the other boys snicker and looked up, nothing.

I grumbled look back down, they never did get caught. 

"Miss?" came a voice half way through the exam and I held back a groan looking at the clock, ten more minutes, ten more minutes I chanted inside my head and these kids will be out, hold it in Charlie.

"Matt not now," I grumbled, "Do your test," I could see that the other students were getting restless in their seats. Was the test not hard enough?

"It's a question Miss, legit,"

I placed my pen down and looked up, folding my hands on the table, "Alright what?" I asked staring into his brown eyes, mistake one. The smile he gave me should have warned me and I should have told him no before he even asked the question, but my sleep deprived brain didn't register it, mistake two.

"Do teacher have active sex lives?"

The only sound was my face, hitting the table in frustration and twenty three students breaking into laughter. 


Yard duty was bad enough, after school yard duty was worse as I kicked a piece of bark as the last of the kids got into their cars to be picked up. I wrapped my coat around me warmer hoping it was four thirty soon so I could just go home and huddle up with a warm coffee.

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