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Harry had been oddly happy for the past half hour since we'd left Louis' house. We were traveling towards the mountains now, and Harry's mood doubled with the fact that this was almost like a miniature vacation had me feeling exuberant and carefree, all thoughts of the intruder in my bedroom forgotten for the moment.

Harry hummed along to the light radio and I watched his peaceful features as he stared out the window. He caught me watching him and grinned, causing a blush to rise in my cheeks as he winked before grabbing my hand out of my lap and rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked after a moment.

"You," I answered immediately. The heat rushed to my cheeks again.

"Don't be embarrassed, princess," he laughed. "All I think about is you and I'm not embarrassed of it."

I shook my head. "You're cheesy."

"It's true though," he said softly. His green eyes locked onto mine briefly before his attention was back on the road.

"What are you thinking about?" I tilted my head to the side.

"I just told you," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean," I pressed, curious to unlock a few of his more hidden thoughts. He shifted slightly in his seat so that his body was angled more towards me.

"I'm thinking about how we're going to be alone for an undetermined amount of time," he said slowly. I opened my mouth to speak but snapped it shut again when I realized I couldn't quite form a response to that. Harry didn't mind though. He turned the music up a bit and began humming again, his hand still enveloping mine.

For two hours we drove, sometimes talking about random things. Harry was interested about the little things: my favorite colors and foods and ice creams, the things we had never really talked about. By the time we were driving through tall trees and parking, I think I had learned more about Harry than I ever had, and it wasn't about his gang or his secrets. Just about him in general.

His parents were divorced. He had a sister named Gemma and his mother was named Anne, but they never spoke much. His favorite color was green and he liked tacos. He loved the name Darcy and he would cry if anyone ever straightened his hair ('metaphorically of course because he's a man' ha).

"Wow," I mumbled as Harry opened my door and helped me out. There was no one for miles. Nothing except for trees, squirrels, lizards, and dirt. "There's a lake over that hill over there," Harry stated. I followed where his finger pointed and made a mental note of the place.

"Before we set up camp, there's something I've been dying to do," he added. I raised an eyebrow as I turned to him. "What--"

His lips cut off my words as he pulled me tight against him, his arms encircling my waist. I stood on tiptoe to be closer to him but it wasn't necessary. He hooked his hands under my thighs and hoisted me up. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist and he stumbled us back towards the car, slamming me harshly against the metal door.

"Sorry," he mumbled against my lips.

I shook my head, my hands hungrily feeling his face before twisting in his curls. I wondered idly what could stop us this time, what would break us apart. I wished I hadn't even had the thought.

Harry's phone began to ring shrilly. Harry ignored it but I sighed, tearing my mouth away from his. He let out a huff as he tightened his grip on my body, one hand diving into his pocket to retrieve his phone.

"What?" he hissed down the line.

I heard what could only be the voice of Louis responding.

Harry's eyebrows raised. "You fucking called me to say that?... Goodbye, Louis."

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