CHAPTER 11 HellHound

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I love Brooklyn Nine-nine
Pic and video up there 👆🏻

This chapter is dedicated to FlightofzFans BooksAreMyLife1848
Dramionelovingfan4 kakod24 JelsaForever281 MissLibrary7 DamSnackBar424 And eatstories for voting and commenting on the last chapter and thanks to Malec_FOUR_Life for voting thank you so much for the help and my friend wanted me to say thanks as well I
I was going to wait longer to give more time with the polls, but it's Percy's birthday so I'm just going to post the polls on the next chapter, And I also what to say a thank you! To everyone who has read this!!!! I just looked and it said this story has 2.17k reads! Thank you to everyone who has ever read, commented, voted or added this to anything! Happy birthday Percy!!

Percy's pov

We laughed for a bit before a hell hound jumped out of the bushes and jumped on me licking my face, by the way, it was my pet Hellhound Mrs. O'Leary.

Hermione, Annabeth, and Luna laughed. The others were screaming. I stood up and Mrs. O'Leary sat down with her tail wagging. I explained, "it's okay, don't worry, she's my pet, she won't harm anybody."

Ron, who had toppled onto his butt, was clutching his hands over his chest and he said, "what the bloody Hell is wrong with you!"

I said, to be an a**—because I knew it was a rhetorical question—, "well, For starters, I have dreadful luck, and my family heritage is extremely confusing, and I don't think I paid the electric bill, but other than, that I'm peachy."

Ron screamed at me, "I meant, why do you have a Hellish dog and you know it!"

Oliver Wood said, "no wonder you're in Gryffindor! You have to be fearless to have a hell hound as a pet! I heard that there claws cans go through any armor! And spells just bounce right of them!"

That's when Hagrid walked by and out of the corner of his eye saw Mrs. O'Leary. He ran right over. He said, "no' wat da we ave ere! Oh, ain't dhat something never seen ah tamed ell ound before."

I smiled at him and said, "this is my pet, Mrs. O'Leary."

He smiled, "Ooh tamed ah ell ound, oh you must ave da gift,"

I shook my head, "no a friend of mine used to own her, but he was cursed, so if he didn't die, hundreds of children would. He asked me to take care of Mrs. O'Leary for him, and then he died."

Mrs. O'Leary seemed to know what I was talking about and she laid down sad, missing Daedalus. I gave her a scratch on the ear which claimed her down.

Hagrid said, "oh dhat is a sad thing, innit, ell If ya want, she can stay with me. I've never liv with a tam Ell ound before. It as a dream of mine."

I smiled and nodded saying, "I can come down and visit right?" He nodded and I said, "sure, I doubt there is any other way for her to stay here, hey maybe you can teach a class about her."

Percy Jackson and the not so nice grandfatherWhere stories live. Discover now