CHAPTER 5 A meeting, a letter and a what team

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Telaine9112 Eclipse_Rose  for commenting and Aliac25 for voting
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Thanks to abbysmiles377 for commenting and voting and thank youTelaine9112 Eclipse_Rose  for commenting and Aliac25 for votingThanks so so so much and I'm so sorry it took sooooooooo long really sorry and by the way the pic above wasn't working fo...

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Percy's pov

The food was good all though none of it was blue after dinner we went up to the common room and sat for a bit that's when Fred and George pulled me aside and said, "do-
-want to help us-
with a prank."

They finished off together like the Stolls would do to confuse people so I said, "sure lets do this what is the prank?"

Hello Tim Eskip here lets talk to Hermione's pov at the Great Hall

We were at lunch Annabeth Luna Ginny and I were about to sit down when Percy came up to us and said, "Fred said I could tell you, do not drink the pumpkin juice and then just watch."

we sat down making sure not to drink the pumpkin juice I could tell that Percy used Legilimens to tell Draco not to drink it.

(A/N if you don't remember Hecate gave Percy and Annabeth the power to do all spells wordlessly wandlessly and both at the same time so Percy and Annabeth are masters at Legilimens)

In two minutes everyone in the great hall became a half animal half human like a centaur but different animals there bottom half looked like there Patronus animals There top half shrunk or grew so they would fit their Patronus animals size.

I looked around and laughed only a few didn't have the pumpkin juice. Ron was half Jack Russell terrier, Harry was part stag Cho Chang was half swan.

I looked around most of the teachers were fine, that was when McGonagle screamed, "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY REPORT TO MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!"
She stormed out of the room with Fred and George right behind her.

Percy said to Harry and Ron, "sorry I forgot to tell you not to drink the pumpkin juice." he gave them a position from his pocket and said, "here there's to their just in case we forget something it will change you back."

they turned their back on him clearly furious Neville's-who's Patronus was a Non-corporeal-bottom half kept changing from Animal to animal he said, "if there not going to, can I have it Percy."

Percy handed it over and he took it immediately changing back to his full humanity. Ron said, "I don't care if it works I'm not talking it you might of charmed it to kill only me and Harry if we take it."

Percy looked down hearted that they would think that but, also like he expected they would.

I glared at Harry, as if daring him to say anything wrong, and he said, "fine Hermione I'll take it but, if he kills me you'll feel horrible."

He took it and he turned back to his former humanity and looked relieved. And I said, "ok Annabeth you want to go to the library now?"

"Sure!" we walked away and I could see Annabeth was getting angry at some girls...well every girl seeing as the only girl not in here giggling and watching Percy are the girls from camp, the small few that were lesbians or Ginny, so basically every girl in the school I didn't name was Gauking at her fiancé.

she ignored it because Percy is the most loyal person ever and the only reason he's not their in Hufflepuff is because what he saw in Hades.

Draco's pov

Every girl in this school was staring at Percy including the purebloods because Crabbe and Goyle told the Slytherins, that his grandfather was Voldemort.

it was getting weird they were all flirting with him, poor Percy, he probably thinks they're just being nice, he's so Oblivious they would have to ask him out for him to understand.

I had a meeting with the rest of the demigods here that know in the room of requirement
So I left by my self but before I could Blaze said to me in a whisper, "hey dude is it true you've none that Percy guy that's the dark lords grandson."

I answered with a quick, "yes," and left for the seventh floor when I got there I entered in a room with widows that you could see outside but no one can see in there was three couches seated it a angle to the fire that was like a 180 degree angle of a half circle.

There was a fire pit with a flat screen TV that I was pretty sure was only able to come on if Annabeth said so.

The floor had a gold carpet with silver patterns in the shape off a pegasus and some swirly patterns on the edge Luna, Annabeth, and Hermione were already there I sat down right as Percy ran in and said, "oh nice place."

When we were all seated Annabeth asked me, "so what did you say in your letter exactly."
"I made two so you would know, oh...but I had to use that horrible M-word so please skip that." I handed her the and she read it out loud.

Dear mother,

I would like to inform you to inform the dark lord that that a powerful wizard I met at a wizardry camp has been taken to Hogwarts by order of Dumbledore.
And this is for the fact that he is your grandson, his name is Percy Jackson and he is so powerful that when he was 15 he blow up a Mountain with out a wand just using his hands, and many more including the St. Louis arch when he was 12 but the down side is he is Extremely loyal and has been dating a half blood who is the half sister of a M-word, who is one of potters best friends. and it could be hard to recruit him, that is if you wanted him recruited.

With growing irritation at my dammed Owl, and hopes for the best your son Draco Lucius Malfoy.

"Why did you sign of like that?" Percy asked looking confused at why someone would choose to make a letter signed with what the gist or your feelings on the end of a letter.
"I'm not sure...we were just taught that at a young age my dad once signed a letter,

With more anger and having a better reason to Avida you, your father Lucius Malfoy."
Luna said, "my family dose that too."

"Well what should we do now? Harry and Ron made half the school know that Percy is the grandson of Voldemort." Hermione asked.

We talked for a bit more and Tried to figure something out.

Yo it's Tim Eskip here I'm hungry let's go to dinner Annabeth's pov

We were eating when everyone became silent and they were looking at a muggle born girl who-

(A/N is it Whom or Who cause I'm never sure)

-got a howler, when she opened it it screamed while doing a gesture that made the letter look like it was putting a fist in the air in excitement, "WHAT TEEM!" in a kids voice, so all the muggle born and some of the half bloods
Including Percy, Luna (she watched it at camp and so did Draco but he didn't scream this) and I screamed back, "WILDCATS!" and we went back to eating leaving almost all the purebloods clearly completely confused.

Percy Jackson and the not so nice grandfatherWhere stories live. Discover now