CHAPTER EIGHT Annabeth is like hades angry

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Thanks to FlightofzFans for commenting and telling me about a spelling error in the last chapter
Ronald's pov

I really don't like Percy, we promised Hermione to be nice to him because he was marrying her sister Annabeth.

He was just playing with her to get information from his grandfather Voldemort I was positive about it it was a truth and I was gonna get stuff to prove it.

It was a week sense the whole thing within Umbridge and it was know time for potions class.

We walked in to see that ferret faced Malfoy talking with Snape. Sirius-ly why did Hermione think of him as a friend he was helping Percy spy on Hermione and that pour Annabeth girl.

It was so obvious.

They must be really good actors I mean, yes Luna would probably be easy to fool she trusts everyone—not that it's bad to trust people but you can't trust everybody—but he even fooled Hermione! I mean she's skeptical about everything/one! I cannot believe it, maybe it's because she wanted her sister to be happy that she didn't even notice he was shady, and Annabeth only trusts him because she loves him, and she let her Guard down.

"Mr. Weasley if you would stop daydreaming about silly things you should tell me about Felix Felicis." Professor Snape Said trying to get me in trouble 

I didn't know the answer so I looked around, I looked in Percy's eyes for a split second, and then he started to talk in my head.

I felt like Zeek, from the show Hermione was watching—wizards of Waverly place—when that witch Alex started to talk in his head in class and made him think it was a fly, but this Time Percy gave me the answer he put the potion right in my head so I said—hoping it wasn't a trick--,

"Felix Felicis, more commonly known as Liquid Luck, grants whoever drinks it unusually good luck. The time span of this luck depends on the amount imbibed. Liquid Luck is one of the hardest potions to make, It has to be cooked for 6 months on an extremely complicated formula, and if you make a tiniest mistake, the consequences are severe, because of its properties, it is banned in all sporting events, competitions and examinations."

The whole classes mouths fell open—except Percy's—and Hermione said, "oh my gods!" maybe I miss heard her, "he actually got it right!"

Snape fell on Crabbe's desk and said, "H-he- he's... well correct."

Professor Snape looked like he was in...what did Hermione call it wonder land? no that's not it, weirdful land?

Yeah weirdful land, he looked like he fell down the chipmunk hole and landed in weirdful land this was the story about how his life got flipped, turned upside down.

Now I was wondering how Percy talked in my head.
Snape said, "Uhm I have to go think, class dismissed."

We walked out of class and when we were far away from the door I turned on Percy and said, "How did you talk in my mind?! I was freaking out."

Hermione and Annabeth who had been pulling their hair out trying to figure out how I knew it, turned on us.

Annabeth said to Percy in a screaming whisper, "YOU HELPED HIM CHEAT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

The same time Hermione said whisper screaming at me, "YOU CHEATED!"


Then they talked together, "ESPECIALLY NOT TO CHEAT."

I said, "Hey all he did was help me not embarrass myself, but Sirius-ly how did you do that?"

Percy said, "Oh I saw a book in the library and it tells you about Legilimens, so I started working on it and when you were called on and you looked like you didn't know the answer, and when you looked around and looked in my eyes, so I told you the answer."

Now I kind of felt bad about thinking he was a jerk who was using Annabeth, and then I snapped out of it. He was just trying to get another one of the golden trio on his side.

  Harry's pov

He helped Ron? This is weird.

Come on Harry you promised you would give him a chance.

'He did cheat.'

"But he did it to help Ron."

'He did it using dark magic.'

"It's not dark magic it's grey magic Dumbledore used Legilimens."

'Oh shut up you defending Voldemort's grandson, his Heir, his blood, Voldemort the biggest mass murderer since Grindelwald the snake-like-man who killed your parents.'

"Oh come on I'm doing this for Hermione."

Hermione's pov


I cannot believe they cheated, I should.

Percy doesn't like to see people get embarrassed, especially if he can do something about it, but it was technically cheating, and Ron would use whatever he can to get under Severus Snape's skin, Percy didn't mean to get under Severus Snape's skin I don't believe he knew it would make him so shell shocked, but you know it's my biggest fly in the ointment.

I hate cheating, but I'll have to just go with Annabeth, I mean it's not like it was going on the official Record!

'Just calm down! Hermione calm down this has nothing to do with you, it should not hurt your Hades it shouldn't! my friends technically cheated! how does that not hurt my pride! my pride is my fatal flaw just like Annabeth.'

What if Severus Snape thinks I helped him cheat! Oh those Idiots!

Percy's pov

I was dead, I was trying to help Ron and now Annabeth was furious, not do I only have one daughter of Athena mad as Hades no Hermione was mad to.

so, now I had TWO not one, but TWO Athena children mad at me I think I hurt their pride, if there is one thing you don't want to do is you absolutely don't want to hurt their pride.

It's was crazy of me oh so crazy, I hurt her pride oh those Owls are gonna kill me tomorrow.

Annabeth's pov

I was steaming!!! Literally my magic was steaming! people were moving out of my way. my fiancé hurt my pride!!! MY PRIDE!!!!!!!!! I have been engaged to Percy since we were twelve and we played hackie sack with a apple.

In Ancient Greece, throwing a apple to a woman was considered a marriage Proposal I didn't realize this until two years later, but I'm still FREAKING FURIOUS!

Oh Percy is going to get his but kicked off! his loyalty is his fatal flaw and mine is pride, a Leopard can't change its spots! it's like that STUPID AS HADES Sphinx said that facts were the new riddles, they were not riddles a riddle could be for say;

What is a word made up of four letters, yet is also made up of three, Sometimes is written with nine letters, and then with four, Rarely consists of six, and never is written with five.

That's a riddle, or something like;

I am the beginning of the end and the end of time and space I am Essential to creation and I surround every place what am I.

Oh my gosh I got of topic.

the fact is that I looked like Hades from the Disney movie Hercules!

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