CHAPTER TWO a nice red headed women

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A/N thanks to Piper644 for commenting and voting this chappys for you.

Percy's Pov

I was looking at some of the strangest mortals I have ever seen, there was Gandalf-yes I know it's crazy but, there he was-there was mini-me with glasses, A ginger headed boy, and Hermione-the only one that didn't look incredibly insane-Gandalf, or as he said "Dumbledore", started to tell me about my grandfather that I didn't know.

You know I'm going to start calling him Dumbalydoor. (dumb-ball-E-door)

"So, Percy, Annabeth have you ever thought of the possibility of magic?" he asked,
Hermione thought it was the best time to cut in, "Um...Professor...remember Annabeth is a witch too?"

"Oh, yes, how silly of me, well, Percy we have found out recently, that you are the grandson of a very dark, and evil wizard, that goes by the name of Voldemort."

That was a weird way to say it.

But, I couldn't help it, I busted out laughing, his name was the stupidest name I'd ever heard, and I have heard a lot, "who in their right minds name their kid Moldedork".

"Percy, his name is Voldemort and he has killed hundreds of people and, it's not nice to laugh while A professor is talking!" Hermione said. that stopped me from laughing.

So Dumbledore continued, "Voldemort was hell-bent on Ruling the wizarding world with his followers-the death eaters-he believed, that only pure-blooded, witches and wizards should have been alive, so, he hunted down whoever got in his way and, any of course, with his motives, Muggleborns he could find. we think he would come after you, and anyone you loved and try and make you his heir, so, we would like you to come with us to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry to learn magic and, so your, of course, safe from Voldemort and his followers-the death eaters."

I tried, so hard, not to comment on, who would like to eat Thanatos or, laugh.

I thought about it, but I knew the only way I'd go would be if Annabeth came then I remembered Hermione saying Annabeth was a witch two so if I decline to go without Annabeth they might bring her.

"I'm sorry, I would love to help but, I won't leave here without Annabeth-"
Hermione butted in, "don't worry Perce, she's a witch she can come to."

I looked at Annabeth and we had a silent conversation In our heads, it's a kind of thing that the gods gave us.

Me: "you wanna go it sounds like fun, we haven't been on a quest in ages?"

Annabeth: "sure maybe we can learn something new but, I doubt it, Hecate gave us knowledge of every spell and, how to use it verbally and non-verbally without a wand."

Percy: "I think it's called a stick Wise Girl."

We looked at the others and said at the same time, "sure we'll help."

Hey, Tim Eskip here I think it's time to go to 12 Grimmauld place here Annabeth you can have the mic.

Annabeth's pov.

We finally got to London and to the loft and went into the kitchen. This place was the dullest room I had ever seen in my entire life; The grey walls and the black curtains, it looked like the name it came with, Grim.

When we came in there was a woman that was most likely, the Ginger redhead—Ron's—mom. She looked a little like him.

She had one look at us and said, "dear, you need to eat a lot more. Come on, I made dinner, and you guys are the guests of honour,"

She walked forward grabbed my left hand and smiled, "that ring is gorgeous congratulations! Oh, I just love this! I must get you a wedding gift, Hermione is like family so that makes you family!"

She crushed both of us in a hug, and I loved it, she reminded me of Percy's mom. She was so warm and friendly, "Ronald, go get the others, you to Harry dear, and tell them dinner is ready," she said.

When we got to dinner they started to ask me a lot of questions, mostly like, "do we get to send him away?" or, "who's she?" And sometimes on occasion, "why did you bring them here, they're just going to get in the way?"

A couple times you might hear someone talking to another. One was Mrs Weasley saying, "Fred! George! Put that away this instant! I swear  you boys are going to be the death of me!"

The dinner was delicious, not blue food, but still delicious.

A/n sorry so short for so long but it's 1:30 AM, and I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow so I'm really sorry about that in the long wait.

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