41: Josh Brolin

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“What's going on here?” I wondered out loud as we turned a corner seeing a huge crowd
“I don't know.” My sister responded
We made our way through the crowd with a little difficulty and after a few minutes of pushing and elbowing our way through, we made it to the front.
My eyes widened when I saw who all the commotion was about. There was no way that voice could be mistaken for anyone else. I knew it by heart along with those eyes and smile. They were forever ingrained in my mind.
“Oh my god.” I whispered coming to a complete stop on the stairs of the stage
“Isn't that?” My sister trailed off
I nodded still in shock, “Uh-huh.”
“This is awkward.” She muttered
He laughed at something one of the fans had said. “Two more spots left.” He smiled looking around. His eyes caught mine and for the briefest moment, he paused looking shocked. Then he was back to normal, like nothing had happened.
“Handsome, isn't he?” A beautiful red head smirked looking at him. “One of those spots is going to be mine.” She looked at me and my sister
“Spots for what?” I asked curiously. My eyes kept drifting back to him. He still looked as handsome as ever. And that smile still sent my heart racing and an attack of butterflies in my stomach.
“Josh has invited the first six people who capture his attention and intrigue him, to join him for the whole week.” She said looking at him like he was a piece of meat, “It's to help publicize his new movie.”
“Sounds fun.” My sister said
The woman looked at my sister, “You wouldn't be able to capture his attention.” She looked us both over, “Neither of you can.”
I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and scoffed, “Like you can.” I looked her over and everything about her screamed 'fake, snobby, bitchy chic who had everything handed to her'.
She sneered, “One look at me and he'll be begging me to join him. One look at you two and he'd laugh at how pathetic you look.”
With that, she walked up the steps and headed towards Josh.
“Oh no she don't!” I said shoving my bag into my sisters arms, “Stupid fake boobed hoe ain't getting my man that easy.” I muttered stalking up the steps. Whoa. My man? Since when did I still consider him my man? Oh yeah.... I never stopped. “Josh!” I yelled making his eyes snap to me along with everyone around him. Without a second thought, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up along with my bra.
Josh's eyes widened but he smirked and shook his head then nodded towards the side where the rest of the people he chose stood.
I pulled my shirt back down and fixed my bra then looked at the redhead, “Looks like I gained his attention and you didn't.” I smirked
Josh held out his arm, “This way.” He softly said to me
I gave the woman one last look before walking in the direction Josh directed me.
My sister ran up to me with wide eyes, “I can't believe you did that!” She scolded
“Me either.” Came that deep voice. We both looked at him, “That was....” He trailed off
“Stupid. Insane.” My sister listed off, “Why would you do that? It's not like you wanted to be in the competition!” She looked at Josh, “No offense.” She softly said
“None taken.” He said then looked at me, “Your sister is right. That stunt was uncalled for. You didn't have to show everyone your breasts!” His voice raised slightly
I narrowed my eyes at him, “You enjoyed it just as much as every other male out there. I didn't have to but I thought 'what the hell'. Besides, what I do and what body parts I show stopped concerning you years ago.”
Josh's eyes softened, “It's your body, I know. But I still don't like you showing what belongs to me.”
I scoffed, “Used to belong to you. You have no say in my life anymore, remember? You gave that up when you left me.”
“If I recall, you dumped me remember?” He glared
“You got married two weeks later!”I exclaimed then closed my eyes and took a calming deep breath. “I'm gonna go.” I softly said and walked away
:::: :::: :::: ::::
“You are going and that is final!”
“But...” I whined, “He's there!”
“Oh well! You're a big girl, deal with it.” My sister said
I sighed, “Fine.” I grumbled and walked into the bathroom to change into my swimsuit and shorts
“I didn't think you'd come.” Josh said from behind me
I turned to face him as I sucked the alcoholic beverage in my hand through a straw, “Me either.” I answered. “But the thought of free alcohol was to hard to resist.” I finished the drink, “As was the thought of sexy, shirtless men and the potential for a one night stand.”
Josh glared and grabbed a drink causing me to smirk as I grabbed another. Everything after that is hazy. I remember having more drinks, losing my shirt after spilling a drink on it, making out with someone, Josh never leaving my side and then ending up in a room with someone.
:::: :::: :::: ::::
“Can you stop avoiding me like the fucking plague?” Josh said grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stop
“I'm not avoiding you.” I said avoiding eye contact
He sighed and his hold loosened, “Yes you are. You have been avoiding me since the other morning. Hell, since you first saw me you have tried to put as much distance between us as possible.”
I looked at him, “What did you expect me to do?” I questioned in a harsh whisper, “Act like waking up next to you was easy and natural? That everything is all perfect and act like nothing ever happened three years ago?”
“Yes!” Josh said, “I mean yes and no...” He sighed, “It is natural and easy to wake up next to you.” He looked me in the eyes, “I'd rather wake up next to you every morning, spend all my free time with you, make you laugh and smile. I'd rather just be with you than all these people.” He motioned to the dozen or so people littered around the house. “You mean everything to me Ro, and I want you. I want us back.”
“Where was that confession 3 years ago?” I whispered, “Huh? Where was that then?” I yanked my arm out of his grasp, I hadn't realized it was still in his hand, and poked his chest. “Yes it felt nice waking up beside you again! It felt nice to have be with you again! God, I have missed it. Yes it comes natural to me to be with you. God only knows how much I want it all back.”
Josh cut me off, “I want that too!” He smiled, “So let's do it. Let's be us again. We can be us again, we can be together.”
“But I can't.” I whispered close to tears. His smile left his handsome face. “You left me when I needed you the most.” The tears started to fall, “I needed you and you left. I needed to hear those words and you said the opposite.” My voice broke, “I was there for you through everything and you couldn't do the same.”
“Ro....” He softly said using his favorite nickname for me, “It wasn't like that... Not at the end.... You left me, remember.. You ended us.”
“You didn't fight to stay!” I exclaimed through the tears, “I confronted you about all the time you were spending with her when I needed your help at home. You swore nothing was going on and I believed you. And for a few weeks, you were back to being mine. Then we lost....” My voice broke off in a pain filled whisper, “We lost our baby and instead of being there with me, you were with her.” I took a deep breath as I wiped away the tears, “I tried to talk to you, I tried everything to have you by me through the most difficult time for us, I tried to make you stay and fight for us and when showed time and time again that you couldn't, I left. And I suffered alone.” He went to say something but I held up a hand. I've held this in for too long and it was time he heard it. “You didn't fight for me then. You didn't have to walk by that nursery every day.”
He cut me off, “But I had to live without you.” He ran a hand through his hair, “You aren't the only one who lost the baby. I did to.” His voice broke. “That baby had meant so much to us. He was the creation of our love. He held our future. He was everything to us and it killed me to see you in all that pain. It killed me to see the light in your eyes dim when the doctor told us they couldn't save our baby. I know I should've been there for you and I am sorry I wasn't. I am sorry for seeking comfort elsewhere and leaving you alone. And I am sorry I let you walk out of my life that day.” He cupped my face, “But I never stopped loving you. Not for one minute.” He gently wiped away my stray tears, “You, Aurora Cruz, are the only woman to have my whole heart. You are the only reason I do just about anything. And I promise I will do whatever it takes to make it up to. Even if it takes the rest of my life.” He looked at me with the most sincere look. I could see the unshed tears in his eyes but I could also see the love in them. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want a family with you. I want you by my side through thick and thin. I want my forever to be with you, Ro.”
I couldn't help the smile that came to my face, “You're gonna spend forever making it up, Brolin.” I combed my fingers through his hair, “All I want is forever with you. But it's gonna take time for us to get there.”
“When it comes to you....” He smiled, “I have all the time in the world.”

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