24: Robbie Amell

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"Why do we have to stop by the bar?" I groaned as Nikki drove us towards the local bar

"Because I forgot my jacket there." She said

"Can't you just get it tomorrow?" I asked "I am starving Nikki."

She rolled her eyes, "You can wait five minutes." She grumbled and parked the car turning it off.

"I thought you were just running in!" I whined

She hit my arm, "Get out of the damn car Josie." She got out and sent me a warning glare, "You can walk in and say hi to Wade. He does have a present for you."

I sighed exaggeratedly and got out of the car, "Fine, I'll go in and say hi."

Nikki shook her head as we walked to the entrance. She made sure I was ahead of her making me roll my eyes. Typical. As soon as I stepped inside, a whole bunch of people yelled surprise scaring the hell out of me causing me to yelp in surprise.

Nikki laughed, "Oh my god! You should have seen your face!" I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue making everyone laugh

"Happy birthday baby!" I smiled up at Robbie as he came to a stop in front of me

"Thank you babe!" I smiled and kissed him, "How much of this did you plan Amell?" I asked him

Robbie grinned, "All of it."

"Even Nikki's attitude?" I questioned

"No. That was all her." He said, "She is still kind of mad at me for interrupting her ogling session."

I laughed, "Who was it this time?"

"Stephen, Tom..." He trailed off thinking, "I think there was someone from Supernatural and Vampire Diaries but I'm not for sure. I wasn't really paying attention. But that's when I interrupted her."

I laughed nodding, "Sounds like Nikki."

"Come on." Robbie laughed, "Everyone wants to tell you happy birthday and give you their presents."

I made my way around to everyone making small talk here and there. I can't believe they managed to surprise me like this.

"Happy birthday Josie." Grant said from my side

I turned to him giving a small, kind smile, "Thank you Grant."

He smiled and held out a wrapped box, "I hope you like it." He said

I opened the box and smiled, "How did you know I needed these?" I asked pulling out the last six seasons of Supernatural along with the all the seasons of The Originals.

"I remember you talking about it." He smiled "I was pretty sure you still hadn't gotten them so I went ahead and got them for you with a little something extra."

I looked at him confused only for him to grin and motion back to the box. I looked back in there and found an envelope. Opening it, I pulled out a cute card. My eyes widened as soon as I saw what was inside. It had been signed by the cast of Supernatural and The Originals. All of them told me happy birthday.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "How did you..." I trailed off looking at him

Grant grinned and gave a small shrug, "It was nothing."

"Thank you!" I put the box down along with the card and hugged him

He wrapped his arms around me and held me to him, "Anything for you Josie."

I pulled away a moment later. I didn't mind hugging Grant now, I mean I had moved on from him. But it didn't make any less awkward when I knew he wasn't over me.

"Everything okay over here?" Robbie asked walking up

"Everything is good Robbie." Grant slightly glared at him for the interruption

Robbie looked at me for confirmation. I nodded, "Everything is good babe."

He smiled and pecked my lips, "What's in the box?" He asked curiously

I grinned, "Grant got me the seasons of Supernatural and The Originals I needed." I held up the card, "And he got the casts to sign a birthday card for me!"

Robbie took the card and looked at it then at Grant, "Not a bad gift Gustin." He nodded, "I know how much it means to Josie. So thank you."

"It was no problem." Grant said "Like you said awhile back.... I was stupid to let her go. I know that this doesn't make up for anything but I figured it's a start to mending the friendship we once had."

"We'll get there one day." I softly said and hugged him then kissed his cheek

Grant smiled and then walked away leaving Robbie and I alone.

"I have a feeling this is going to lead to a marathon." Robbie said looking at me

I grinned, "You know it!"

He smiled down at me and lifted my hand to look at the beautiful engagement ring he placed on my finger two months back, then at me, "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than at home, lounging on our couch watching a long marathon with my beautiful fiance."

I smiled eagerly, "It starts as soon as we get home!"

Robbie chuckled and pulled me to him, "Happy birthday my love."

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