4: Chris Evans

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"You what?!?!" Des exclaimed after she finished choking on her drink "Oh my god!"

"Shut up!" I whisper yelled looking around to make sure no one was paying attention

"Sorry." She mumbled "I'm just having trouble wrapping my mind around it is all."

"What's so hard to wrap your mind around?" I asked "You were in the same boat as me two years ago."

"I know that!" She said "It's just... I'm a little intrigued but at the same time not."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Like is he great in bed? Is he somewhat like Steve Rogers about the whole sex thing?" She questioned like it was an every day thing to be asking "Wait, he does know what a condom is right?"

I glared "Are you done asking stupid questions?"

She laughed "Yes." Standing up she threw some money on the table, grabbed my hand and pulled me up "We're making a stop on the way back to your place."

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned staring at the hundreds off tests lined on the shelf in front of me

Des laughed "Now you know what I felt like standing here two years ago for this exact reason."

I looked at her "Which one do I get? There is so many different ones!"

She grabbed four different boxes "Problem solved." She said and started to walk towards the registers

"Now I'm even more nervous!"

"I'll buy them, chill." She said as we got in line "Besides, when Lee notices them on the bank statement it'll be funny to see his reaction."

"He wanting another one?"

"Yes and no."

I simply nodded and watched as she put the tests on the counter and paid for them. Then she grabbed my arm and drug me back out to the car where she proceeded to rush me in and then speed off to my house. Once there, I was apparently too slow for her liking as she grabbed the keys from my hand and unlocked the door herself.

"Go take them all." She said shoving the bag in my hands and pushing me towards the stairs "I'm getting me a drink."

I made my way into Chris and I's bedroom and then proceeded into the bathroom. After doing my business and taking all of the tests, I set them on the bathroom counter and waited as I sat on the floor leaning against the bathtub. Des joined me a two minutes later and decided to keep my mind occupied on something other than the tests. She told me what my little man, Kayden, was up to and how he is a little mini version of her and Lee.

All to soon, the timer went off and it was time for the moment of truth. Was I having Chris Evans's baby? Being the nice friend she is, Des looked at the tests first and then looked at me. Taking a deep breath I looked down at them my heart sped up.

"You're going to have to pull it together in the next twenty seconds." Des said

"How am I supposed to pull it together and figure out how to tell him all in twenty seconds?" I questioned

"Tell who what?" Came Chris's voice

Des looked between us "That would be my cue to go." She gave me a quick hug "I'll see you guys later on." With that she walked downstairs and left with Lee and Kayden.

"Keisha, babe are you okay?" He asked

I took a step toward him "Define okay."

"What's wr--" He cut himself off when he noticed the tests on the counter "Are those.... Are you...."

"We're.... I'm... Pregnant!" I softly smiled

And just like that a grin spread across his face and he picked me up.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He exclaimed "This is amazing!"

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