21: Avi Kaplan

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"Stop stressing!" I tried to calmly say but it came out a little annoyed

"I can't help but to stress! I should be at home with you and not here in Texas." My wonderful husband sighed

"Avi, everything is going to be fine. Before you know it PTX will finish their tour and you'll be stuck at home with me." I soothed over the phone. "Take advantage of being free right now because once you see me, you'll be running around a lot with the cravings I'm having." I joked as I rubbed my- what feels like a ginormous- belly

"I wouldn't trade that for the world." He said and I could tell he was smiling "Did the doctor's appointment go okay?"

I smiled, "Everything is fine. Baby is healthy and everything is moving along nicely. Though I do feel like a I'm starting to look like a whale and I'm only five months!"

"You're still as beautiful as the day I met you." I blushed at his words, glad he couldn't see me. I heard voices in the background, "I have to go. We're heading to the arena now. Please take it easy and get some rest. I love you."

"I love you too." I said and then we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. "Well, now I have to go hide." I said looking at my sister in law, Esther.

She grinned, "He's going to be so surprised!"

I laughed "About which part?"

"All of it!" She exclaimed as we walked down one of the many halls of the arena, "First you're here, then it's the surprise gender reveal! This is so perfect! We are going to have this recorded!"

I laughed and shook my head, "Everything is set up, right?"

She nodded her head, "Everything is good to go."

I grinned, "Good! Now, we just wait!"

PTX arrived thirty minutes after Avi and I got off the phone and I was hidden away awaiting the big surprise. See, Avi didn't know I was here. He thought I was back home, which to be fair I was yesterday. Not only was I surprising Avi by being here, I was going to surprise him with the gender of our first child! I found out at my appointment yesterday and Esther and I had started the planning for this surprise last month. I'm hoping this is as epic as it is in my head!

We were nearing the end of the show and Mario came and got me. We made our way towards the stage and hid off to the side were no one on stage could see me.

"Right now, we're going to take a little break." Kirsten said smiling

The rest of the gang knew of the plan to surprise Avi.

Scott smiled, "You see, we're going to help someone surprise their loved one."

"We all need to be standing in certain spots." Mitch said walking to Avi, "You're supposed to stand here, we discussed this earlier and in rehearsal."

Avi chuckled and stood where he was supposed to, "Are you guys ready to help us with this surprise?" The crowd went crazy at Avi's question

"Let's do this." Kevin said and started beat boxing

"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome our surprise guest..." Scott announced

"Nicole Kaplan!" Scott, Mitch, Kevin and Kirsten all said and I walked out to Avi staring at me in shock with a smile on his face

"What?" He whispered and met me half way pulling me into a hug, holding me tightly to him "What are you doing here?" He asked smiling

I smiled, "Surprise!" I laughed as he pulled me into another hug

"That's not all!" Kirsten beamed excitedly

"What's going on?" Avi asked as Esther walked on stage handing us all glow sticks then walking off stage

I couldn't help the permanent grin on my face, I looked at the crowd "You guys are really lucky tonight! Tonight, you are going to find at the same time as Avi- and the rest of PTX- the gender of the Kaplan baby!"

"Seriously?" Avi asked wide eyed, the grin never left his face "You know?" I nodded my head

"When you guys came in you were handed a glow stick." Scott said holding up his and the fans pulled theirs out, "We're going to turn the lights down and on the count of three everyone will activate their glow stick."

"I'm so excited!" Kirsten exclaimed bouncing a little holding her glow stick at the ready


The lights were turned down.


Everyone prepared their glow sticks and the screen behind us clicked on as the sound of a baby's heartbeat filled the arena.


Everyone activated their glow sticks and the arena was filled with color at the same time the sonogram picture showed up on the screen. The glow sticks created a sea of blue and pink. Twins. The fans went crazy as did the rest of PTX.

I looked at Avi and saw the happy tears in his eyes as he stared at our sonogram. He looked at me and pulled me into him.

"I love you!" He whispered in my ear

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