14: Joseph Morgan

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::This is a scene from "You Think You Know Somebody"- an upcoming story::

I glared at the invitation in my hand. What makes him think I'd show up? Better yet, why in the hell would he send me an invitation to his wedding?

"Can you believe him?" I fumed throwing the wedding invitation onto the counter "He has the audacity to send ME an invite to his freaking wedding!"

Aurora looked at the invite, "Hey you can have a plus one!" She said smiling only for it to disappear when she looked at me. I had my eyes narrowed at her, "Sorry... I know this is hard for you and that you kind of hate/love him right now."

I sighed and sat beside her at the island, "No, it's fine. I know you're friends with him still and that being cooped up in this house is a pain being pregnant and all." I motioned to her small baby bump, "I just don't understand why he wants me there. He did break my heart and end things on a bad note."

"Maybe he wants to apologize and he thinks his wedding is a good start." She said grabbing her glass of orange juice "Plus, if you decide to go you can have a hot date and look sexy! Make him realize the best thing he ever had was you." She got up and placed her glass in the sink

"If I go, will you go with me?" I asked

"Not if he's there." She whispered not turning around "I don't want to be anywhere near them."

"Aurora...." I trailed off, "You have to face him eventually. And if I have to face that... that... cheating, lying, son of bitch then you have to face him too."

She sighed and turned towards me with narrowed eyes, "Fine." I smiled "BUT I will not be your plus one."

I frowned, "Oh come on please!"

"No, if you are making me face Ian at this wedding then you are going to face Joseph." She grabbed her phone off the counter "I will go with Matt and you will go with someone who will make Joseph jealous and wish he never let you go."

"Fine." I sighed "But you have to dress up and look hot. No half ass clothes, if you are going with Matt then you have to look sexy as hell and make this pregnancy look flawless."

"Ugh fine!" She groaned and left the kitchen


"You're breaking up with me?" I softly asked trying to keep myself from crying

"I'm sorry love." He gently said taking my hand in his "It's just, I've been seeing someone else and at first it was strictly as friends but as we grew apart she and I grew closer."

I roughly ripped my hand out of his and glared, "You've been cheating on me?" I yelled and shoved him "You son of a bitch! I did everything you asked of me!" I pushed him harder and he stumbled back

"Gracie, sweetheart please calm down." He said glancing around

"Calm down?" My anger flared up more "You want me to calm down after you just told me you cheated! God, you're such an idiot!" I yelled "I moved across country when you asked me too, I quit my job because you said you wanted me home so you could take care of me, I stayed up many nights worrying about you when you didn't come home! And all you have to say is 'we grew apart'!" I hit his chest "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

He grabbed my wrists causing me to look into his blue eyes, "Gracie!" He exclaimed "We both know it's over between us." His eyes were now cold and no longer held the warmth and love in them "You can hate me all you want, but there is nothing you can do or say that will make me take you back. I don't love you anymore. I love Persia!" Tears flooded my eyes and he let go of my wrists "You can keep the house and everything in it, including the cars." For a brief moment his eyes softened as he took in my distraught state "When you get the chance... Please send me the engagement ring back. It..."

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