10: Michael Fassbender

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"I'm serious!" My 'sister' Des laughed

I couldn't stop laughing, "I know! That's what makes it so funny!"

After a few more minutes of uncontrollable laughter, we calmed down and had a serious talk.

"You should go out tonight." She said softly

I sighed, "I don't want to go out. I just want to stay inside right now and watch Netflix."

"You've done that for the last three weeks, Arwen. It's time for you to get out of this apartment for a few hours." She stood up and walked to my closet "You are going out by yourself tonight. Go get dinner, watch a movie and walk around or something." She said throwing an outfit on my bed

"Des..." I sighed

She looked at me with a look that said 'you have no say in the matter'.

"I know you are still getting over him and that he hurt you." She sat beside me on the bed "But it's his loss, okay? You did nothing wrong, he did. He was the ass that cheated on you. I've given you almost a month to wallow around the apartment in self-pity but no more. You can feel horrible about the break up still if you want, I know it'll take time for you to get over him but I will not let you sit in here like a hermit and wither away instead of being outside." She looked at me with pleading eyes "Please, just go out tonight and enjoy yourself for once. You're my little sister and I don't want you to close yourself off because of that jerk."

I sighed, "Okay, fine. I'll go out tonight but tomorrow I am going to eat ice cream on the couch and watch Netflix."

She let out a small laugh, "Okay deal. But... I'm going to join you. Ice cream sounds amazing right now."

I playfully rolled my eyes, got up from the bed and grabbed the clothes she basically threw at me then walked to the bathroom to start the shower.

"Do your hair and makeup!" Des called from the other side of the door.

"Aye, aye Cap'n!" I called back


After my shower, doing my hair and makeup and getting dressed, I stepped out of the bathroom and found the apartment empty.

"Des?" I called out and walked out of my bedroom "Des?" Still I didn't get an answer

There on coffee table was a note.

Arwen, you best be looking hot tonight! You never know who'll run into! On a serious note, have fun and enjoy yourself tonight little sis. Put that jerk in the back of your mind for the night. Go to your favorite restaurant and then walk the town. It's gonna be a chilly out so I set you coat and scarf on the chair. Go enjoy the night air and check out the Christmas lights that's set up around the park. Tonight, dinner is on Henry and I!

I chuckled at the note and picked up the money she left on the table for me.

"Gotta love my big sis." I whispered as I put the money in my wallet then threw my wallet in my purse along with my phone.

I put my jacket on then my scarf, grabbed my purse and keys then headed out the door.


As soon as I walked out of the restaurant, I was hit with a gust of cold air making me shiver and pull my jacket tighter around me. During my walk to the park, I looked around our small town and a smile graced my face as I saw all the little shops and restaurants had decorated their windows for Christmas. Soon I found myself standing in front of the entrance to the park that was lit up with Christmas lights.

Making my through the park, decorations were strategically placed making everything look magical.

During my walk, I saw a little boy no older than four in his father's arms grinning at the lights and decorations. His mother stood beside his father holding an infant and smiling seeing her son so happy by something so simple.

Would I ever get the chance to have kids? Better yet, will I ever find a guy who is everything I want and will treat me right and be faithful?

I could picture my sister standing there smiling as she pointed to the decorations while she held my 3 year old niece Novalee who'd be in awe and smiling. Beside her would be my brother in law Henry, he'd be holding their 4 year old son Greyer who'd be excitingly telling his little sister about the lights. Henry would then look at his wife with a smile that reached his eyes as he saw her interact with their daughter, and his smile would only get bigger when his eyes would fall to her small yet noticeable baby bump.

In a way I was jealous of my sister. She had an amazing husband and even though they've been through quite a bit and have had plenty of fights that were horrible, they stayed together and their love seemed to have gotten stronger. I want a guy who would treat me the way Henry treats my sister and the way he looks at her. I want a guy who would come running if I needed him. I want a guy who would be the kind of father Henry and my dad is.

Shaking my head to rid me of the thoughts, I kept on walking down the sidewalk. I decided to take the path down to the pier and lake. They had decorated the path with white lights and it was pretty but what made it beautiful was the way the snow had on top of the railings and lined the sidewalk.

I wasn't watching were I was walking so I ended up running into someone. An arm wrapped itself around my waist and a hand was on my arm to stop my fall.

"Are you okay?" A male's voice sounded in front of me and his breath fanned across my face causing me to breath in his minty smell

I opened my eyes that I hadn't realized I closed, and found myself staring into the blue eyes of a really handsome man. A handsome man that I knew because I had watched his movies and was a fan.

"I-I'm fine." I said softly "Thank you."

He hadn't released his hold on me and a smile made its way across his gorgeous face, "I'm sorry about running into you." He said "I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking."

I couldn't help the smile that made its way on my face, "It's okay, honestly. I wasn't paying attention either so we'll just say we are both at fault."

He chuckled, "As long as I didn't hurt you. I'd feel absolutely terrible if I had accidently managed to hurt such a beautiful woman with my horrible way of not paying attention."

"No harm done." I laughed

"I'm Michael." He smiled making the corners of his eyes crinkle

"Arwen." I smiled back


"I fell in love with you the moment I ran into you that night on the pier." Michael smiled holding the hands of the beautiful woman standing in front of him. "I have to make a confession though. That night I lied to you when I said I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. Truth is, I was paying attention. You see, I was making my way back to the path when I saw you. You literally took my breath away and made my heart skip a beat. There standing no more than twenty feet from me, was this beautiful brown haired woman with the most beautiful hazel/brown eyes that twinkled when those Christmas lights hit them. You looked to be deep in thought and I knew that if I didn't take a chance right then, I wouldn't possibly see you again. So I walked towards you and well, you know the rest." On his face was the most sincere, genuine smile and his eyes only held love for the woman in front of him. "That night, I had thought that the lights and decorations were beautiful but then I saw you and my whole world changed. Everything I had once found beautiful wasn't the same, everything I thought I had known had been a lie and everything I was so sure about had been shaken. I found myself comparing everything to your beauty, I found myself learning things all over again with you and I found myself for the first time ever unsure about my job because it kept me away from you." Michael let go of one of her hands and gently cupped the side of her face "You became my heart, my life, my world and my home." At his words Arwen found herself crying and smiling

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Michael cupped Arwen's face and gently wiped the tears away from under her eyes, then kissed her with even more passion than he had on their first kiss.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fassbender!"

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