Im not ticklish

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Baileys POV

After the shower with Curtis I have to psych myself up to going into the living room and facing them. I take a deep breath and open my bedroom door, after standing there for ten minutes, frozen. It's not that I'm ashamed of what happened between me and Curtis in the shower. It's because I don't want them to look at me any different. Plus the thought of them being able to hear us made me even more horny. I shake my head at myself.

When I enter the living room the four of them are heatedly debating on what film to watch. Anything sappy or romantic has been totally disregarded. It's now between the latest Spider Man and some other superhero film. I sneak the remote while they are still talking and put Deadpool on. The arguing stops instantly and they all turn to me. I raise my eyebrows at them, unable to talk because my mouth is stuffed full off popcorn that I found in a bowl on the coffee table. Jackson shakes his head at me sits down beside me to my right. I go to move away a little bit, as his weight made the couch dip and effectively making me fall damn near in his lap. As I sit up and go to slide away he wraps his arms around my waist and hauls me on to his lap, with my back to the arm rest. Daniel plonks down next to us and grabs my legs, resting them over his lap. I still have the popcorn in my hands and both of them grab hand fulls. I settle down in Jackson's lap, turning my head toward the tv. Ryan sits down in front of us on the floor, between Jackson's and Daniels legs. And Curtis lays down on the other couch.

Thirty five minutes into the film I feel something on the sole of my foot. I wriggle it out trying to dislodge what ever it is without taking my eyes of the screen. It happens again, more persistent. I turn my head, not seeing anything. This time when it happens, it's obvious what it is. "Knock it off" I kick my foot into Daniels stomach, earning a grunt form him. "Why? Are you ticklish?". My first instinct is to vehemently deny his question, but I hesitate. If I deny too much then it's suspicious, but if I don't answer then it's also suspicious too. I can't win. Instead I glare at him. Not giving him an outright answer. I turn back to the movie, and tuck my feet underneath the couch cushion. I feel more than hear Jackson laugh, his big chest vibrating against my back. Just as Daniel grabs my feet, Jackson spans my waist with his hands and they both start wriggling their fingers at the same time, earning a shriek of outrage from me. I start wriggling frantically, pulling my feet from Daniels clutches, just for him to grab and trap them again while Jackson digs his fingers in my sides. I manage to roll off them into Ryan, landing across his lap. I pull myself up, panting and push Curtis's legs off the couch, sitting away from them all. I pull a cushion into my lap and hide my mouth against it, preventing them from seeing the grin on my lips. I can feel the blush on my cheeks and chest, a result of being turned on while being tickled by them. Curtis pulls me down against him, spooning me on the couch, with his front to my back and his arms wrapped around my waist. "Don't you fucking dare tickle me too" I growl at him. I don't think i could take it again without jumping one of their bones, or all of them to be honest. He leans down, his mouth against my ear "wouldn't dream of it baby". I don't believe him one bit, but I give him the benefit of doubt. I'm that comfortable I soon find my eyes dropping closed, unable to fight the lure of sleep.  I'm vaguely aware of being moved and hearing a heartbeat under my ear.


When I wake up I'm in my own bed by myself, although the pillow next to me has a suspicious dent in it. I lay there for a while listening to the sounds in the flat. It allmost feels like I live there alone again. The only sound is various appliances ticking over and groaning and the dripping of the tap. I frown looking over at my clock on my night stand. It's half seven in the morning. Usually I can hear snoring and sounds of life through the flat, but today it sounds extremely quiet. My phone bleeps somewhere in the bed, I have to pull the blankets all the way off to find it. It's Ryan. 'Had to run some errands, we shouldn't be long. Got a nice surprise for you too, and you can have it if you are good' I frown looking at my phone. I can have a surprise if I'm good? I text him back, 'if I'm good? What if I want to be bad? And what's this surprise?' I lay back watching the little bubbles appear as he is texting me back. I get a quick sudden twinge in my panties when I see him text back 'bad girls don't get surprises, only spankings and ticklings, only good girls get relief and rewards' my heart quickens when I text back 'I can give myself relief and rewards, and I'm pretty sure spankings and ticklings can be counted as surprises too' I bite my lip waiting for a reply, unsure of what to expect next. His reply comes quick 'I'm sure it can. Remember be good, no self relief or rewards and you will get your surprise' I'm deliberating on what to text him back with when another text comes through 'oh and bailey? I will be able to tell, you can't hide your blushes or smell from me 😉' smell?! My mouth drops open at what he is insinuating. He can smell my arousal? Or when I've come? I shake my head and throw myself out of bed, leaving my phone on my pillow. I can't allow my brain to go down that path, not at all. I purposely ignore my own thoughts while I run myself a bath, refusing to think obout what he last text me. When I walk back into my bedroom for a towel, my phones light flashing distracts me. I stand there gripping my towel staring at it, debating weather to open it or not. The thought that it could be someone else propels me forward to opening it in case it could be serious. My heart misses a beat when I see it's from Ryan again 'on our way back now sweet cheeks, and remember, be good' I text him back an one finger emoji. Satisfied, I take my phone with me into the bathroom and strip down, submerging myself in the bath. I can barley see over the mountains of bubbles, their is so many. I lean over and drag the small cabinet over next to the bath with my phone on and prop it up, putting Stranger things on on Netflix. I loose myself in the show, getting three episodes in when the bathroom door swings open and all four boys come bounding into the bathroom. I squeal and cross my legs and bring them up towards my chest, while crossing my arms over my breast. "Seriously? Do you not know what knocking is?!". Thankfully the mast of the bubbles are still there, albeit a lot less than before.
Curtis grins at me "but what would be the fun in that?" I huff at his response. "Can you all please get the fuck out so I can get out the bath?" It's Jackson who responds, "nothings stopping you sweetheart". I purse my lips at his response, watching the amusement flash across his face. He reaches out behind him and brings his hand back in front holding my bath towel in it. The words fuck it flit across my brain and before I have time to second guess myself, I pull myself up from the bath and snatch the towel out of his hands. Wrapping the towel around my body I step out the bath, grab my phone and walk out the bathroom, leaving them there gaping. Before I make into my room I'm grabbed from behind and spun. Daniel grabs both my hands, pushes me up against the wall, pulling my arms above my head. He glances between us, seeing I've tucked my towel in between my breasts. He presses me firmly against the wall and claims my mouth with his. There is nothing nice and sweet about this kiss. This kiss was meant to dominate and take. And fuck me it did. His tongue snakes between my lips, tangling with mine. Daniel pulls back, gripping my lower lip between his teeth and pulls on it, nibbling gently. My towel loosens between us, the only thing keeping it where it is being Daniels chest. He suddenly takes a step back, letting the towel fall between us, keeping my arms above my head. "Better" before I have chance to say anything he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carries me towards his bedroom door. He stops just on the threshold, looking at me "now is the time to speak up bailey if you don't want this to happen, because when we get you in that room? We're not going to stop till your voice is raw and your legs are shaking" my breathing hitches, although he says he won't stop, deep down I know if said anything they would stop instantly, but that does nothing to dampen my arousal. My voice is breathy when I answer, "I want this". He grabs at me, tightens his hands under my arse and walks in his room, dropping me down onto his bed. My hair has fanned around me and I don't have a stitch of clothing on, just damp flushed skin. And when I look up, all four of them are standing around the bed, grinning down at me. I gulp, my heart breathing faster. I can't help but wonder what the hell I have gotten myself into when they start pulling their shirts off. Daniel crawls on the bed, between my legs and resting his arms earthier side of my head, only his jeans on. The smile that graces his lips can only be described and predatory, and I'm definitely his prey.

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