Skinny Dipping (well almost)

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Baileys POV

The five of us climb into Jackson's car, Jackson driving, Daniel in the passenger seat and me sitting between Curtis and Ryan in the back. Both of my legs are each touching one of Curtis and Ryan's and its sending tingles straight between my legs. Down girl. My va jay jay is a shameless hussy."So then boys" I emphasise on the boys "where are we going?". Jackson leans into me moving his lips to the edge of my ear and whispers "want us to show just how much of a boy that we're not? Because doll that can be arranged, might be a bit cramped in the back but we can make do" he pulls back grinning at me, unaware that he has just caused as tsunami in my panties. I turn my head away from him, deciding not to dignify his comment with and answer. Plus I'm not sure exactly what words will escape my mouth. Daniel turns in his seat so he is facing us "well it's a surprise and it wouldn't be much of one if we told you would it now?"

I frown at him and cross my arms, pretending I'm mad, but in reality I'm a horny mess. My hormones are going haywire now that the five of us are in a confined space, so close together. I pull my phone out and connect it to the speakers blasting Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson. The four of them groan but start to sing along. Curtis grabs my phone from my hand and puts Eminem on. I shock him by rapping along to all the words. Jackson just shakes his head and pulls the cord from the phone, putting a local radio station on. "Spoil sport" Daniel shakes his head at him, but he is smirking too.

I take my phone back off Curtis and put it in my jacket pocket. I'm staring out the window in a world of my own, doing everything I possibly can to stop my self from thinking about these four boys having their wicked little way with me, and something tells me that I would enjoy every minuet of it. At the same time, almost like it was rehearsed, Curtis and Ryan both put a hand on one of my knees, gripping them in their strong hands. I keep my face from reacting the way it wants too, by gasping and widening my eyes. I glance down without moving my head and look at both of their hands in a slight daze. They stay that way the rest of the car ride, and I'm too focused on them that I don't see where we are going.

The car comes to a stop and the five of us all pile out of the car. I have a quick look a round. We're in a little parking lot, the only car here is ours. There is trees all around apart from a little path leading away and the road we drove down. There are a few picnic benches set off to the side of the parking lot on the grass. I turn around and raise my eyebrow at the boys. Jackson just grins at me and grabs my hand and starts to pull me along the footpath. I look back to see Curtis, Ryan and Daniel pulling a big cooler box out the back of the car. What looks to be a big blanket and towels is grabbed by Ryan and Curtis pulls a basket out. Am actual picnic basket. I stumble a bit over a tiny rock with looking behind me. I force myself to face forward and concentrate on walking. We carry on walking for another five mins and come out into a big clearing with what looks to be a pond in the middle. But the water is crystal clear and I can't see any fish of any kind in it.

"Ever been skinny dipping sweet cheeks?" I turn around from Jackson to see the other three stripping down to their boxers and running and jumping into the water. Jackson lets go of my hand and does the same. "Come on baby doll, we won't bite" they're all grinning at me. I pull a hair tie out from my jacket and put my hair up in a messy bun on my head. Grinning back at them I take my jacket off, kick my shoes off and my dress and peel my thigh high socks off. I'm left standing there in just my black bra and panties set. Instead of running and jumping into the water I walk over and slowly wade my way in. Cursing at how cold it is. I squeal when I feel something grab both my legs, only to be lifted into the air on Curtis's shoulders. He walks forward then throws himself backwards, resulting in me going under the water and getting drenched. I punch my way up to the top of the water, sputtering. We carry on like that for what at feels like hours, trying to dunk each other and swimming around. "I'm too cold, I'm gonna go and warm up" I drag myself out and jog over to the towels that the boys set out on the floor and wrap myself up in one.

The four of them follow me out after a few mins and we all eat the food that they had brought along. soon it starts to get dark and we get dressed. Ive just out my dress back on and I can't find my socks. "Hey has anyone seen what happened to my socks?" When none of them answer I look up to see them just standing there. Trying and failing to look innocent. I cross my arms and wait.


Jackson's P.O.V

I turn my back from her, struggling to keep my grin reined in. I know exactly where her socks are. They are both safely tucked into my jeans pockets. And that is where they are going to stay till we get home, then they're going into my drawers. They are way to sexy to be just worn around outside. I have concocted plenty of fantasy's involving these socks since I saw her walk out wearing them. She huffs and mutters something under her breath. No doubt cursing us for not answering her or returning her socks. I turn back and grab the basket and her hand again and start walking back to the car. We have been here all afternoon now and the sun is starting to go down. The ride back home is pretty uneventful. That is until Curtis asks if he can share a shower with her. You know to help save water and all, according to him. I frown at him, expecting her to freak but she shocks us all by agreeing.

Curtis P.O.V

Following Bailey to the bathroom and watching her strip down has got to be the most surreal thing to happen to me yet. She steps into the shower, completely gloriously naked and looks back at me "I thought you were joining me, ya know, to save water and all that?"

I strip my clothes off in record time and jump in after her, shutting the shower door after me. I can't seem to bring my eyes up from her arse. It has got to be the most perfect arse in existence. It's big enough to grab hold of and get a good grip and perfectly round. She turns around and my eyes fall in her breasts. I'm not sure what I prefer, her arse of her boobs. They are bigger than a hand full with big rosy nipples pointing proudly at me.

I don't even pretend to not stare. I reach out and grab hold of her waist, pulling her to me. She doesn't give me a chance to question if this is okay, she plants her lips over mine and puts her hands in my hair. I pull her up by the underside of her arse and she wraps he legs around me. The water is streaming over both of us and between us as we kiss against the shower wall. She starts rocking her pussy against my cock. It's standing up proudly between us, and laying across her clit. I grab her hips to keep her still and slowly move my cock back and forth, driving her mad. I can feel her get close and stop, resulting in an outraged cry from her. I pull her legs down and place her on her feet. She reaches out towards me but stops when she sees me get to my knees. Her mouth drops open and she stops breathing for a few seconds. I lift one of her legs over my shoulder and grab hold of her breasts, circling her nipples and rubbing them. Her head drops back and she bites her bottom lip. I lean forward a lick her clit gently, just little flicks back and forth. She starts groaning and bites her fist to keep quiet. The taste of her explodes on my tongue and I can't resist her. I wrap my lips a round her little clit and suckle gently while rubbing my tongue in gentle little circles. Her hips start gyrating on my face. I pull my hand down and slowly insert my index finger in her tight pussy. I let it sit there and pull it in and out a little at a time. The added pressure and pleasure sends her over the edge. Her pussy squeezes my finger and her clit pulses on my tounge. She looses the fight of keeping quiet and she is screaming her pleasure to the shower ceiling. I pull away from her pussy, giving her clit a few gentle licks, while she whimpers above me. I stand up and pull my finger out of her, and catch her eyes while I suck her juices clean off.

Baileys P.O.V

The only coherent thought that is going through my brain right now is 'oh fuck'. I'm panting leaning against the shower wall staring up at Curtis in shock. That was the best orgasam I have ever had and I can't get my body to follow what my brain is telling me to do. He leans down with a sexy little smirk on his lips and takes my mouth again, kissing me slowly and gently while I recover. He pulls back and reaches for the shampoo, placing me in the spray of the shower and starts washing me.

I can't help but think I'm totally fucked. And I'm not sure weather I'm really upset by it or excited. All's I know is I really hope that happens again, with the other three too.

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