Two Against One

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Bailey's POV

The guys have been living here for a week now. A whole week of seeing them in school and seeing them at home. I really do deserve a medle. How i have'nt jumped one of them by now is beyond me. I walk into the flat and throw myself ungracefully on the couch face first, laying across it. I grunt as i feel a weight settle on the back of my legs. I lean up and see that it is Jackson currently cutting off some of my circulation. "comfortable?" . He grins at me "not really but the veiw is spectacular". He looks straight at my arse and licks his lips. I huff, laying back down on the couch. Surprisingly i find myself drifting off. Vaguely i feel my legs being lifted then placed back down again. I think it is across jacksons legs as i cant feel him sitting on me anymore. I wake up to the feel of something lightly rubbing across my lips, cheek and neck. I open the eye that isn't smashed into the couch cushions to find Daniel grinning at me. "Hey. Welcome back to the land of the living". He has got a piece of my hair in his hands, running it back and forth over me. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I grunted at him. I close my eye again. " What time is it?". "Well sweet cheeks it's half seven, I haven't ate yet and lovely Daniel over there has cooked for us, being a house wife and all" I open my eyes to see Daniel flip Jackson off, I can tell it's in good jest though. "You cook? What have you cooked?" I stumble to my feet and stretch, both my arms above my head . When I finish I look down to see Daniel staring straight ahead at my stomach where my t-shirt had risen slightly. With him sitting on the floor and me standing up, it put him at waist level. As he stands up he wraps both arms around my legs, throwing me over his shoulder. I'm about to start shouting when I feel a light smack on the under side of my arse. "Don't start sweet cheeks, you looked a bit wobbly on your feet, and I just wanted to help you get to the kitchen table" he hasn't removed his hand from my arse and it's messing with my head, his hand just sitting there, not even doing anything. Before I can even think of a comeback or reply, I find my self righted and sitting down at the table. "I'm gonna get you back for that". He just chuckles at my statement not believing me. To be honest i don't believe my self, I'm not one for pulling pranks much. I turn in my seat to find Jackson placing a beautifully golden brown lasagna down in front of me, my mouth instantly waters and I dig in, manners be damned.


Daniels POV

Watching Bailey dig into to my food makes me feel proud. Abit like the inner cave man is beating his chest in delight that we have been able to provide for our woman and she so clearly is enjoying it. I know, cliche. She finishes her mouth full and glares straight at me. "Why have you been hiding a talent like that, we have been living off take out for the last few days and you can cook like this?!!". I grin sheepishly at her "Because i dont like cooking all the time, more like a once every fortnight i cook" . She shovels more food into her mouth and chews, while frowning at me. Its kind of unnerving. "Wheres Kerian, Ryan and Curtis?" she looks at both of us, back and forth waiting for an answer. Jackson answers "Kerians in his biological moms, he stays once a week while we try and get full custody of him. Ryan and Curtis are in work but they should be back soon, probably abit late though to be honest" . We finish our food off and decide to watch a film together. We all settle on the couch, Bailey in the middle and me and Jackson either side. Its not a tiny couch, but with me and Jackson on it it feels small. Bailey is curled up with her feet underneath her to the side. We decide to watch a thriller much to the dismay of Bailey. She shoves her face between me an the couch at one point, covering her ears. I wrap my arms around her shoulders so her face is against my shoulder. Jackson pulls her feet out from underneath her across his lap. As the movie goes on she relaxes more and more against me. I lightly run my hands up her side and in her hair. She turns her head to face me with a little smile on her lips. Deciding to test the waters i tilt my head and lean forwards, slowly as not to startle her. He eyes flit to my lips and she leans forward, grazing her lips against mine. Groaning, i put my hand on the back of her neck and depen the kiss. The feel of her lips against mine and her tongue slightly rubbing against mine is enough to wake the beast inside me. I wrap my hands around her hips and pull her so she is straddling me. The couch dips momentarily and i grin into the kiss, knowing exactly what is about to happen. She sucks in a breath, and stills in shock. It doesnt last long as she is soon kissing me again letting out little moans that nearly kill me.

Bailey's POV

What. The. Fuck.

Thats the limit of my vocabulary at this minute. Im sitting astride Daniels legs, kissing him like its my last and Jackson is behind me making love to my neck with his mouth. When i realised what was happening my first instinct was too put on the breaks, but before i could do anything Jacksons lips made contact with my shoulder. The feeling was out if this world, the feel of his lips on my neck while i was kissing another pair.

Jackson licks and nibbles my neck, paying special attention to where my neck meets my shoulder. Everytime he nibbles that spot its like my body takes on a mind of its own, my hips start moving and i hear myself moaning. His hands run up and down my back, coming dangerously close to my arse and just under my chest. The urge to arch into him is immense. Daniel starts moving my hips back and forth, so slowly at first i didnty even notice it. The feel of my core rubbing up against his crotch makes me want to rip our clothes off and stop this foreplay. I can feel myself building up, getting higher and higher. Just as i am about to go over Daniel puts a hand in my hair, wrapping it around his fingers and pulls lightly, and jackson bites down on my shoulder, sucking my skin into his mouth. The thought of him leaving his mark made me fall harder. I groan loudly into Daniels mouth, finding my release. He pulls back and grins wide at me. Before i even have a chance of questioning it or panicking, he turns me in his lap so both my legs are on the couch and tucks my head into his shoulder. Jackson hits play on the film. I didnt even realise he had paused it. He sits down pulling my legs onto his lap again. We watch the remainder of the film like that. When it finishes we all get ready to go to bed. Before i can run off like a coward, Jackson pulls me into his arms and smacks a hard kiss right on my lips. "That was fucking hot babygirl, cant wait till you do it on my crocth next time". He kisses me again and walks out the living room. Daniel does the same, except he doesnt say a word. He walks me to my room and then slips into his own.


Three hours later i kick my blanket off of me and climb out of bed. The combination of remembering the kiss and shitting myself at everynoise after the film is keeping me awake. I tip toe into Jacksons room, hoping to wake him up and ask to sleep in there. As i get closer to his bed, his hand shoots out and pulls me ontop of him, he rolls me over to my side and pulls the covers over both of us, wrapping both his arms around me. Two minuets later the door opens again and Daniel walks in. He stops at the edge of the bed and pulls his t-shirt off and kicks his pants off, leaving him in just his tight underwear. He pulls the blanket back and joins us in the bed, facing me. He wedges his arm underneath my head and with his other arm lifts Jacksons up, puttin his arm under Jacksons. Jackson pulls me closer to his back and reaches over Daniel to pull the blanket over him. I feel him put his arm over Daniel and pull him closer to me. My head is under both of theirs and when i glance up i see that both of their faces are less than three inches away from eachother. Both of them fall asleep within seconds of eachother, leaving me to question how many times they have cuddled like this in the deep of the night. Suffice to say it doesnt take me long to fall asleep wrapped in both their arms. Things just got interesting.

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