Movie Night

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Baileys P.O.V

Im picking keiran up from school today as i dont have work on a friday. Its an odd experience picking a six year old up from school. The teachers know to expect me and let him go with me. We head to the local store and grab a few munchies as we decided we were going to watch The Hobbit together. We ended up watching part of The Desolation Of Smaug as well. It's only when I feel the couch fall from underneath me do I realise that I must have fell asleep and that I am being picked up. I open my eyes and see that it's Daniel that has picked me up. I give a little wriggle "I can walk" I mumble at him. He grins down at me " your cute when you have just woke up, with your pretty bed head and all". "I do not have bed head". He chuckles "sorry to break it to you babe, but you really do have bed head". I bury my face into his shirt so he doesn't see me blush. It's only then that I get a good smell of him and he makes my mouth water. Nobody should be allowed to smell that nice, it's wreaking havoc on my hormones. "Where's keiran". I can feel his chest rumble as he talks "Gone to bed, we walked in to find him still watching the film and you dead to the world curled up on the couch". I feel like complete shit when he says that because I was meant to be looking after him "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep". He frowns down at me,  by this point we have reached my room and he has placed me down on the bed. I am currently at crotch level and I keep my eyes trained on his face, for fear of them wandering " what are you saying sorry for babe? Do you  how many times we have fallen asleep minding him?. The kid could stay up all night and still have energy to run about the next day. Besides I wanted to ask you something". I fell my apprehension rise when he says that and just nod my head for him to go on, not sure what to say. "I was wondering if I could get a good nights kiss from you?" My mouth drops open. That was the last thing I expected him to ask me. "You have to say yes or no baby" he is laughing at me, I can tell the way he is trying to hide his smile.
The word 'yes' is out my mouth before I truly have time to think about it.

The grin that graces his face after my response can only be described as predatory. He places a hand on my shoulder and gently pushes me back so I'm laying on my bed. He climbs over me, my legs pressed together and his are either side of my hips, effectively sitting on me without putting his weight on me. He grabs both my hands and puts them above my head, keeping hold of them with one hand, his other hand spears into my hair keeping my head still. I expect him to go straight for the kiss, but he stumps me by turning my head to one side and placing open mouthed kisses on my left shoulder. He drags his mouth slowly up, kissing, licking and nibbling my shoulder and neck as he goes. I'm only slightly ashamed to say my breath hitched and I was panting like mad. He abandons my neck and leans up, looking at my face, taking in my dilated pupils and my rapid breathing. He leans down to place a light kiss on my lips. I try to lift up to make it deeper and he chuckles at me. "Greedy girl". He pecks me one last time on the lips, jumps up and walks to the door. He turns around and with one more devastating smile says good night and leaves me a hot mess on the bed, my hands still above my head questioning what the hell just happened.

   Daniels POV

Walking out of baileys room, leaving her panting on the bed and wanting more has to be the single most hardest thing  I have ever had to do. Not mentioning what's happening behind my zipper. I head straight to my room and grab my things for a shower, avoiding the other three as I go. Jumping into the hot shower I can't help but think of bailey back there in her room, sprawled on her bed with the most intoxicating look on her face. Arousal looks good on Bailey. And its going to be there a lot over the next few days. The four of us decided that teasing her, in a non obvious way was the way forward. We all know that she is attracted to all of us, but is afraid to be attracted to all of us and at the same time. So we decided that while we get closer to her, like I did just then, we can try and get to know her and vice versa. The only person not in the loop with our plan is Bailey her self, Keiran non withstanding. If she did know I'm pretty sure she would try and put a stop to it, as a relationship with one female and multiple males isn't very common. But we can be very convincing the four of us, and I'm pretty sure that after the look I left on her face it won't take long for her to admit to wanting all of us.

I let my hand trail down my body and grab my hard dick. The only way I'm not going to run back to Baileys room and hump her leg like a dog is to take care of it myself. The thoughts of what I want to do to Bailey are running around my brain, and if she were to hear even just one of them I know for a fact she would turn beet red again. I finish myself off to the thought of baileys pouty lips, groaning loudly as my seed shoots out and hits the tiled wall. I'm pretty sure we tried every position in my fantasies, and I'm eager to be able to do them with her for real, and watch her do them with the other three. I clean my self off and head to bed, walking past Curtis on the way.  "I hope you cleaned the shower, don't want bailey questioning it tomorrow". I flip him off "Fuck you too". He just laughs loudly and heads into his room. I walk past Baileys on the way to mine and can hear the buzzing sound again. Followed by a faint moan. No guessing what that is. I head into my room with a grin on my face that just won't quit.

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