Chapter 11

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Here's Chapter 11 for you guys. There are themes of sexual assault up ahead so keep that in mind when reading this.
The sound of scrubbing echoed throughout the kitchen. Yami had taken it upon himself to do a thorough clean of his house, it wasn't to distract him from his thoughts at all. Nope.

It had been a week. A week since he felt the feeling of his roommates lips moving sensually against his. A week since the two of them could even look at each other without turning away embarrassed. Well, Yugi was probably more embarrassed than Yami was. Yami just felt confused but also so damned happy. He got a sense of glee when he realized his feelings weren't just one-sided.

Unfortunately, the smaller of the two had been working non-stop since the incident. Yami didn't know if it was just poor scheduling, or the fact that Yugi was trying to avoid him. Yugi didn't seem like the type to just up and leave after something like that, but Yami realized that he didn't know the teen as well as he would have liked. The feelings were still there though. They just needed to be talked about.

The only problem was that Yami had no idea how to go about bringing the subject up without it being awkward. Maybe he could try to romance the other? It sounded like an okay idea, he'll just have to give it a try and find out.

Looking at his watch, the man noted that he had around five hours to get the plan all set-up just before his roommate arrived back home. It was plenty of time to get everything setup and ready. Yami took a deep breath, here's to hoping the plan worked.
Yugi was tired. The café had been particularly busy today, customers flowing in and out in groups. He was just glad that his shift had ended on a good note, counting his tips was the best part of his day, he made enough to actually pay for all of the groceries that week.

Smiling, Yugi closed up shop and started his trek home. Domino was relatively dark around that hour, and all pedestrians had retreated into their respective homes. Yugi liked the quietness, but it had been a week since he had been able to enjoy the peacefulness.

He had kissed Yami, that in and of itself made Yugi blush bright red with shame. He remembered that after the kiss he had immediately apologized and ran to his room, leaving Yami in shock. The shame only managed to manifest itself further. What was he even thinking at the time? He wasn't good enough for Yami!

The man was kind and caring, and he always managed to calm Yugi down whenever he was having an attack or just upset in general. He was the only person who ever put in the effort to care for someone like himself. Yugi pulled his scarf up and over his mouth, gazing ahead of himself with a saddening haze in his amethyst eyes. Why did he have to fall for someone too good for him?

"I'd know those sad eyes anywhere." A deep voice cut through the silence of the night.

Yugi jolted in his stride and turned to look where the voice came from. Behind him stood a man in a business suit, there was something vaguely familiar about him and the subtle gleam in his eyes.

"Than again...something about you seems different," the man continued. "You seem healthier."

"Uhm, who are you?" Yugi questioned, his eyebrows knitted together.

The man glared, "You forgot me? Surprising, coming from the one I left for dead in that cold motel room. How like a slut to forget getting fucked just for his earn."

The teens eyes widened. Yes, he remembered now! That face looming over his made his skin crawl and it would forever be embedded into his nightmares.

He took a step back, but the feeling of brick behind him made him tense up. Tears started filling his eyes as the man closed in on his shaking form, "Ya know, I think I'm gonna have way more fun this time around..." He caressed Yugi's cheek, his cold fingers sending fearful shudders up Yugi's spine.

"P-please don't do this!" The teen yelled but was met with a back hand to the cheek. Before he had time to recover, the man had painfully fisted his hair in his large hand.

He loomed closer to the boys face to look in his beautiful eyes, "I'm gonna have my way with you, and your gonna take it you fucking bitch." And just like that, the man brought his other arm down onto Yugi's head, knocking the teen out.
Yami had started to worry. Yugi hadn't come home at his normal time, and he still wasn't home. It took him a moment to realize that maybe the teen was working later, he had been doing that a lot...but he was never out this late.

He decided to take a trip to Yugi's work to see if he was still there. He had gone through a lot to make the house nice so that he could talk to Yugi about what had happened between them, he wasn't about to let it go to waste because Yugi was avoiding him. But when he arrived to the small coffee shop, darkness greeted him from the inside.

So he closed up? If that were the case then where was he? Yami pulled out his cell phone as he began his trek back home, with the inter to call Yugi, hopefully the teen would pick up.

He was surprised that the call went to voice mail. Yugi always answered his phone. He tried again, this time relieved that the call picked up, "Yugi-,"

"Sorry, he can't come to the phone right now." A dark voice echoed in Yami's ear. That was not Yugi.

"Who is this?!" Panicking, Yami stopped to lean against a building with a brick wall, his breathing becoming labored as he assumed the worst.

"That's not important, all you need to know is that he's with me...although, I can't say how safe he is in my presence, debatable if you ask me." The man taunted. Yami heard noises across the line that sounded higher pitched than the mans voice. It sounded familiar.

"You bastard, where is he?!" Yami's eyes widened when a sudden cry sounded from his phone, that was Yugi...he was hurt, or being hurt.

"Wish I could stay and chat, but your little boyfriend is keeping me sorry."

The line went dead as soon as the stranger ended the call. Yami stood against the wall in shock, Yugi was being hurt and he wasn't there to save him. He looked around and noticed a piece of clothing laying abandoned on the ground. He picked it up and realized that it was the same scarf Yugi left the house with that morning, it was still a little warm.

That means it hadn't been too long ago and that they were probably still around the area. Yami couldn't look alone though...

With newly found motivation, Yami picked up his phone and dialed the number he had in mind.

"Yeah, Seto? Something happened...I need you to track Yugi's phone and get me a gun and an alibi...this fuckers going to pay."
Yep, shits about to go down. This story is slowly wrapping up, I'm thinking about two more chapters before the end of this story. So I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I wanted to take some risks and do something I've never written about before, so here we are! Stick around for the next chapter!!!!!!

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