Chaper 2

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Hey, here's chapter two. This and the first chapter are the only ones that's I have finished completely, I am almost finished with chapter 3 and will be working on chapter 4. Until chapter 4 is done, I will not post the chapters. Enjoy!

The smell of antiseptic and chlorine hit his nose with a brutal force. He cracked his eyes only to shut them at the blaring light above him. The smell of the hospital was all to familiar to him. He rolled over and threw his feet over the bed.

"Ah your awake Mr... Mouto?" A doctor said coming into the room.

Yugi looked up and nodded.

"Well, to give you a run down, you seemed to be a victim of sexual assault. You have anal tissue tearing and bite marks that seemed to have hit only minor nerves, you should be fine as long as you refrain from any sexual activities for a while."

"How long have I been here? And how did I get here?" Yugi asked confused.

"The owners of the motel you were in found you passed out in your bathroom a couple days ago." The doctor said.

Yugi wiped at his face, "When can I leave?"

"I just signed the release papers, you may go. Your clothes are in the closet." The doctor said pointing to a small, pull out closet. He nodded to Yugi before making an exit out of the room.

Yugi got dressed and left the hospital in a daze. The crowded city of Domino flew by him in blurs, he'd have to get used to it. Considering the fact that he'd be there for a while, Yugi thought. He looked around to see that he had walked into some park a little away from the hospital. It was cold and the trees around him were dead, the sidewalks were covered in snow and ice, something Yugi noted that he would have to avoid considering how clumsy he could be. He kept walking on through the park and stopped when he heard a bark near him. He looked next to him to see a dog, a husky mixed with something he couldn't pin point. The dog gazed at him with light blue eyes and barked again before wagging his tail and bowing his head. He wants me to pet him, Yugi thought.

He hesitantly lifted his hand before placing it on the dogs head and rubbing affectionately. Yugi looked closer to see that the dog had a collar and a leash. Yugi grabbed said leash and asked, "Where's your owner big guy?" The dog barked again before he started walking in some direction, pulling Yugi along with him.

"Wait where-"

"Mill!" A baritone voice shouted.

Yugi looked up from the dog to see, Yami. Said man was looking around aimlessly while cupping his hands over his mouth and shouting for this so called 'Mill.' The dog on the leash barked and wagged his tail happily before pulling Yugi closer to the man. Yugi tried to dig his feet into the ground to stop but unfortunately the dog was a lot heavier than he looked. The dog practically pounced on the unsuspecting man, sending him to the ground.

Yami let out a single laugh before speaking, "There you are, I've been wondering where you slipped off too." He smiled before noticing the other person standing a little away still holding the leash as to not let the dog run again. Yami's eyes widened before he stood up. "Yugi? Are you the one who found my dog?"

Yugi nodded, "He was down by the benches across the park."

"Ah, well... Thanks for bringing Mill back to me."

Yugi turned his head to the ground, "You're welcome."

An awkward silence. Yugi started to wring his hands in front of him waiting for Yami to say something...anything.

"Hey Yugi?" He suddenly asked.


"What's up with the gauze wrapped on your neck?"

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