Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 is here guys. I hope you like the story. Like I said in the description, I may not finish this(If I do, it will be a miracle.) I just kind of wanted to put it somewhere. So, here we go!
He was no stranger to the pain of it all. Being plunged into like he was water, the people moving around as if stroking their way through his sea. It's become more frequent recently. The pain, the anguish, the total feeling of disgust at the violation of his own body. He couldn't help but blame himself though. After all, he was just asking for this. Every night it was the same. Go out, drink, and fuck. Go out, drink, and fuck. Over and over again until he'd wake up to an empty, cold bed.

Panting. "You like that?"

No, he didn't like that.

Breathy moans. "'re so good."

The nasty spoken words echoed in Yugi's mind throughout the night. They were constant reminders that he was nothing more than a whore. A whore who had nothing left. No family, no friends, and no lover. Just quick fucks who would up and leave him in the morning...leave him feeling cold, empty, and ruined.

It was raining that morning. Yugi sat in the bed gripping the sheets. His pale, naked body ached and purple hickeys and bite marks painted the frail canvass. His lips were swollen and a little bloody from biting into them all night to keep from screaming out. Dark circles rimmed his eyes as he got up and gathered all of his things. There was nothing left for him there...not that there was to begin with. Dressed, he quietly left the empty, cold motel room. His movements were stiff as he started his trek out of the building and down the side walk, he pulled his black hood over his tricolored locks and lifeless amethyst eyes.

Time seemed to slow down around him, the city noises became distant to his ears as the overwhelming thoughts took over his mind. It would always turn out this way for him. He'd lose himself in his menacing thoughts and then end up somewhere different. It was an endless cycle.

He didn't have a destination in mind, he'd go wherever his body took him. And his body took him to a deserted bus stop. Not a soul was around as he sat down on one of the hard, wet benches. It'd be nice to talk to someone but Yugi didn't make friends easily. And the friends he do, no...did have, ended up leaving him after finding out about his late night rendezvous. He laughed at the memories sometimes, to think that the people closest to you could just up and leave because of one little secret...and then tell that secret to the entire school. He ended up dropping out.

Yugi didn't see them anymore--they were a few towns over. It had only been a few months since he'd left but it felt like years since he'd been welcomed into an inviting home. He refused to cry about it though...what good would that do but make him feel worse?

"God dammit, kid, the meters runnin'!"

He was snapped out of his thoughts as the bus driver who just pulled up yelled at him. The man was clearly annoyed with the spaced out teen.

A 'sorry' was all he managed to say.

"Whatever, where are you going?" The man huffed.

"Uhm..." Yugi looked at the bus schedule from the corner of his eye, "Domino."

"Well you'll be on here a while then, that's the last stop, put in money before you sit."

Yugi threw in a couple bills that he earned the night before and took a seat in the far back of the bus. He leaned his head on the cool window and closed his tired eyes. He dreamt about his old life and how it just crumbled apart. He didn't do what he did for nothing. Hell, everything that he did had a reason. Back when he was in his early teens both of his parents and grandfather were murdered. He had walked into his house to find all of them stabbed to death and his whole house in disarray. The police didn't find the killers.

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