Chapter 13

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This is the final chapter guys! Ahhh, it's good to finally finish this. I've been debating whether or not to actually finish it but I decided, what the hell? Anyways enjoy this final chapter of Tarnished Innocence!
Police sirens, ambulance escorts, stretchers, and was all so very blurry to Yugi. The bleach white walls staring back at him were the only signifying factor to the fact that he was alive, whilst his assaulter was not.

Yami had done a good job keeping Yugi safe, just as he had promised. He'd dropped the gun after the man had fallen to the floor in a heap of dead limbs. Yami had turned to Yugi and pulled him into his arms as the teen cried out of shock but also relief. He was okay, Yami was okay.

"I'm sorry Yugi," Yami had whispered, burying his head in the teens neck, "I pulled the trigger even when you told me not to."

It took him a minute to distinguish the muffled words. Even so, Yugi pulled back and cupped Yami's face, a trembling smile lining his lips, "You did what you had to," His fingers traced up Yami's sharp jawline to his cheeks where tears had began falling along the curve of the defined bones.

"I'm sorry," Yami placed his head on Yugi's chest. "I should have gotten here sooner."

Yugi held him closely, "No time to worry about it now, the sirens are getting closer."

It was true, sirens were blaring throughout the outside of the warehouse. Yami flinched as the doors busted open, and a crowd of responders and police entered, stretchers and guns ready. He turned to Yugi, gazing into his beautiful eyes, "We're going to have to part for now, I promise I'll be with you later."

Yugi only managed a nod before a stretcher was placed next to him.

After that, the rest of the day flew by in a blur of colors. Yugi admitted to himself that he was exhausted, everything had taken an emotional toll on him, not only what happened with his assaulter, but Yami as well.

A sad feeling welled deep in Yugi's heart, Yami had saved him; it seemed like Yami had always been there for him when he needed him, but somehow Yugi felt as if he'd never be able to do the same in return. That thought made the sad feeling fizzle out into nothing...

He...really didn't deserve Yami did he?

"Yugi?" The teen looked up to see Yami's head poking in the door.


"Our friends are here, would you like to see them?"

It took him a moment to decide if he was ready to face everyone, but in the end he nodded and all of them stepped into the room. They all harbored different expressions that Yugi couldn't really bear to look at, so he opted for staring at his hands instead.

It took a moment for the tense silence to break, "I- WE, are glad you're alright kid." Seto spoke.

"Yeah man, we're glad Yami got to you in time." Jou spoke from beside his husband, his eyes were nothing but kind and Yugi felt his eyes sting upon looking into them.

He didn't deserve Jou, or anyone else for that matter...

His thoughts were starting to cloud his mind as he realized that he'd only been worrying those around him since he'd arrived in Domino, the city he had come to love so very much. He didn't deserve this city...the only place that had ever felt like home to him.

Yugi cried.

Upon hearing the teens sudden sobbing, Yami rushed to his side. He gently wrapped his warm arms around the teen in hopes of calming him down. It didn't really help but Yugi curled himself around the other as tightly as he could anyways, spewing a bunch of illiterate sentences that no one could understand in the slightest.

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