Chapter 9

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Not a whole lot happens in this chapter either? Whoops? But I swear the next one will! Anyways, enjoy!
After lunch the previous week, Yugi found Yami's friends slowly entering his daily life minute by minute. Mostly, Ryou would often stop by the café to read a new book he got and he always ordered the same thing.

Chocolate mocha cappuccino, a shot of espresso, and no whipped cream, typical Ryou, Yugi thought with a smile, but it instantly dropped when a sharp pain shot behind his eyes. He shook his head and got to work making the order. He finished and told Otogi he was going on break.

Ryou was just thumbing through the pages of his new favorite novel when a steaming cup of coffee was placed before him, "The usual, as requested." Yugi said, grinning from ear to ear.

Closing his book, Ryou picked up the cup and sipped, "Perfect as usual," He looked up. "How's it going?"

Yugi sighed, "I've been better, I think I've been working too hard." He was rubbing his temple to try and calm the pounding in his head. He noticed Ryou shoot him a concerned glance, but he didn't really say anything. For the past few days, Yugi has had a raging headache. He thought that it would pass over but it seemed to be getting worse.

"I'm sure if you asked Otogi, he'd let you take the rest of the day off. You're not looking too good." Always the observable one, Yugi liked that about Ryou. He never had to say anything with him, it was like he had ESP.

"What was that?" Of course, Otogi showed up at just the right moments.

Yugi quit rubbing his temple and looked at his boss, pain evident in his eyes, "My head has been hurting for a couple days now, I think I might be catching something."

"It is flu season..." Otogi commented with a thoughtful expression. "I can get Judai to come in a fill for you, you go home and rest Yugi."

The world seemed to be against Yugi, as soon as he stood up, his vision swam and he fell sideways. An arm wrapped around him in the nick of time, "Woah, Yugi? Are you alright?"

Nodding blearily, Yugi was sat back down in the booth across from Ryou who had put his coffee down, surprised and now mildly concerned, Ryou spoke, "This might be a problem."

The teen sat back in his seat willing himself to settle down and try and stop his vision from blurring. His friend and boss were conversing with each other, wondering what to do. "C-call Yami." Yugi said weakly.

Taking out his phone, Ryou hurriedly dialed the mans number.

"Hello?" Yami's voice sounded muffled over the phone but it calmed Yugi down somewhat.

"Yami, get your ass over to the café and take Yugi home, he's sick and can barely stand on two feet." Ryou demanded.

The line of the phone went dead, Yami had hung up and was rushing out of his house and into his car. The thought of Yugi not being able to stand when he was sick terrified him to no end. But what got Yami the most was that he didn't realize the signs sooner. He knew of Yugi's headaches but he glazed over the fact that the teen had slowed with his eating and that he had been clutching his stomach a lot lately. The older man felt dumb for not having realized sooner.

Basically speeding at this point, Yami pulled into the café parking lot, his tires screeching loudly throughout the barely filled area. He rushed into the café and looked around. Finally, he spotted Yugi in a booth across from a very worried Ryou and stand offish boss. He quickly walked over to them, all off his attention on the man who currently held his heart.

"Yugi?" The deep voice made Yugi snap his eyes open, he could make out Yami's blurry form but he was in too much pain to focus. Absentmindedly, he reached his arms out, searching for the man. He felt warmth envelope his body and the slight movement of him being picked up off of the booth. Words were being muttered but Yugi didn't care, he nuzzled his head into Yami's neck, feeling the mans unnaturally, spiky hair tickle his face. He breathed in, focusing on the natural smell of vanilla radiating off of Yami. He closed his eyes, instantly passing out.

Yami felt the body in his arms go limp and he sighed, "I'll take him home and make sure he gets better, thank you guys for contacting me." He said addressing Ryou and Otogi.

"No problem man, make sure he gets proper medication." Otogi stated.

Yami nodded and waved good-bye to them. It was a struggle getting out of the café with the sleeping teen in his arms, but he managed to do so and get him into the backseat of the car. On the way home, Yami picked up flu medicine and all the other things needed for the illness.

After they were home, and Yugi was tucked in in his room, Yami set out to make sure that everything in the house was disinfected, if there was one thing he couldn't afford it was to get sick. Yami had a sever fear of illness, he was kind of afraid of catching the flu but he was also more worried about Yugi than anything.

The teen had been working nonstop all week, who knew who he had encountered? On top of that, he'd been doing long shifts all week because a lot of the other workers were out with the same flu that was going around. The stress probably just encouraged the sickness to come on.

After cleaning, Yami grabbed some cold water and a rag and carried it to Yugi's room. Dipping the rag in water and ringing it out, Yami placed it on Yugi's head to cool down the teens fever. The teens eyes scrunched and he opened them, confusedly staring around the room before they settled on Yami. A small, pained smile lined his lips. "Hi." His voice was hoarse.

"Hey," Yami ran a hand over the teens hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." The simple answer made Yami chuckle.

"I figured as much, get some rest. You deserve it."

Not having it in him to argue, Yugi let his eyes slip closed. His body relaxed and sleep encased him once more.

Yami stared down him, a finger tracing over the teens cheek. He wouldn't admit to it, but when he knew the teen was asleep, he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Yugi's forehead. The soft skin burned against Yami's lips, but he didn't care at this point. He just wanted Yugi to get better.

Hopefully, the sickness would pass soon.
Wowie, Okay. Next chapter shit will happen, I will see that it does I promise. Hope you liked it! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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