Chapter 12 Alric and Sage

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Sage's POV

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Sage's POV

The last few days in the Arena have been unbearably cold. As I huddle in my thin shirt and jeans trying to find some sort of warmth I worry that I will have avoided every Warrior in this Arena only to be killed by the weather. 

I'm used to the cold, my old pack was in far north and after I was rejected by the Alpha of a rival pack my own Alpha was furious he refused to let me live in the pack house anymore saying I was a filthy traitor for being mated to the enemy. He forced me to live in a shed, it was humiliating but mostly it was cold. I only wish the cold was the worst I had to deal with at that pack. Every single person I cared about turned their back on me, my parents, my brother, my friends. All of them turned on me quicker than a rattlesnake calling me traitor, whore, bitch.

As cold as I had been in that shed it was nothing compared to this. I couldn't feel my hands or my feet. I was seriously starting to worry about frostbite. Wolves are tough and we run hotter than humans but I'm not sure I can survive this, not with clothing and shelter options available to me.

Before I was collected by the Council guards my Alpha made sure I was weakened by hardly feeding me, that and the constant beatings. By the time I reached the Arena I had hardly any strength, I tried my best to hide it from the others but the injuries I carried coupled with lack of food had made me weak. I had barely managed to catch any food since I have been in here. I have accepted that I won't survive.

It's snowing now, cold, so so cold. I'm so tired. I could lie down for a few minutes; I'll just close my eyes and rest. I won't go to sleep, I shouldn't go to sleep, but I can close my eyes, it's only a few minutes.

Alric's POV

The weather has become steadily worse over the last few days. The longer my mate evaded me the more I worried, I must find her in the next few hours or I fear for her survival in this weather, There is little cover in this part of the Arena.

I have been contacted by six of my brothers so far using our pack mind link, each have told me a similar story regarding the women in the Arena. With each story of pain and suffering experienced by each woman I could feel my spirits sinking. What had my own mate gone through?

I had entered the Games with hope, I was sure that I would find my mate here. The ban on travelling had come into effect just as I was turning 28; I was among the first Warriors to be denied the chance to find my mate. Now I was 33 and craved a mate, I had been craving one for 5 long years. Of course there was no guarantee I would have found her in my first year or any year after that. After hearing what each of my new found sisters had gone through, the pain, humiliation and torture I now hoped that she wasn't there during the initial years of the ban, that she had not gone through five years of pain without me.

When I saw my mate at the podium I was struck by her stunning looks, tall with raven black hair and dark grey eyes. But I also noticed other details too, her hair was short and ragged as though someone had taken a knife to it, her cheeks were sunken and hollow, her complexion sallow as if she had been sick, her posture was hunched to the side and I could tell that she had injuries possibly broken ribs. Someone had hurt her a great deal, I didn't know who, possibly her ex-mate or others in her pack. I do know that if I ever find those people, they will pay for her pain.

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