Chapter XV; The Time For Secrets

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Yuki did her best to keep her breathing steady as she hid behind numerous crates at the port. She crouched down carefully listening. She hadn't known what she had walked into, but just from a guess, she knew it was nothing good. The very strange cat-like humanoid was obviously not from this world, not when everyone in this world looked fairly normal. Though it did remind her of all the old pirate tales they had told on Destiny Islands.

Yuki crept to the edge of the crate she hid behind, peaking around the corner. The cat was standing, talking to a man who looked to be some kind of captain. A group of other men, probably his crew, were gathered around listening as well.

"Aztec treasure, eh?" the cats asked.

"Aye! And thanks to the curse put on it, we are neither among the livin' nor the dead," the captain explained. Yuki frowned trying to move to a better position to see. The group looked fairly normal to her. Nothing stood out that made them seem like dead men walking.

"Really? 'Cause ya look like regular pirates to me," the cat said. Yuki wasn't sure how she felt about the cat thinking the same way. But at the very least she was likely to hear some kind of explanation.

"Ah, but in the moonlight," the captain said looking up to the sky. The clouds parted allowing a shaft of moonlight to fall onto the pirates. Yuki held back a gasp seeing the skeletal form spread among their ranks, something worthy of Halloween Town. Yuki pulled herself back to behind the crate, pressing her back into it.

"Whoa! Now I get what you were sayin'. Well if you see two doofuses and a brat holdin' a keyblade, steer clear. They got a kinda magic that don't belong in this world, see? And nobody knows what it'd do to ya. 'Specially when the moons showing whatcha really are," the cat said. Yuki frowned looking down at her own hand. Two others with a kid holding a key. That had to be Sora and his companions. This cat was their enemy. And he knew they would be a problem here. Maybe they would be able to defeat this pirate and his crew.

"A match for Barbossa, you say?" the pirate captain said.


Yuki jumped in shock, quickly looking around the crate. Sora was now standing not far from the cat and Barbosa. His two friends, the ones that looked like animals, were behind him. All had their weapons drawn and at the ready. Yuki frowned. The group was too small. They were missing one member.

"See there? I knew it! Those are the punks I was tellin' ya about!" the cat yelled pointing to Sora.

"Who are you calling punks? It's Sora, Donald, and Goofy to you! And don't you forget it!" he said back, holding his keyblade off to the side.

"That we won't. And we'll engrave it on your tombstone, to be sure," Barbosa said.

"Whoa! I like your style," the cat said looking to Barbosa in shock. Barbosa ignored the compliment turning to his crew.

"Men--half of you stay here and indulge these cullies. The rest--bring me that medallion!" he ordered.

"Aye!" the crew agreed before splitting as directed. Yuki raised from her crouched position as she saw a group head towards the town. She didn't imagine that was something good. She glanced back to Sora, maybe they'd be able to handle it on their own. But then, she wasn't sure they would be able to figure out that magic was the only option.

"Aw, we only get to stomp on a few of you?" Sora said as he looked at the group in front of him. Barbosa laughed as the fight began.

It became clear soon that Sora was at the disadvantage. He and his companions barely did any damage to the pirates, no matter what they tried. Yuki gave a heavy sigh looking up to the sky. AS much as she wanted to go save the town, she needed to be sure Sora was safe. Kairi would kill her if she let something happen to Sora. And Riku probably would too.

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