Chapter V; Used

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Y sat on the steps of the sunset station working on a laptop she had managed to convince DiZ she needed. The devices were rare enough but Y knew of a place or two she could pick them up. She sighed as she closed the laptop and leaned back. She had finally managed to get rid of most of the bugs in the system around here. Not that it mattered, Roxas never came to this part of town.

"Finally fixed that bug." Y muttered to herself twisting her neck in hopes of cracking several bones that felt out of place.

"Oh hey Y."

Y glanced over her shoulder to Pence and Roxas looking down at her. Y frowned for a fraction of a second making note that she had to have a serious discussion with DiZ about sending Roxas to a place he knew was filled with bugs. She replaced her frown with a bright smile. Roxas looked at her with a suspicious frown while Pence returned her smile.

"Hey, you guys. What's going on?" Y asked standing up and holding her laptop behind her back.

"We're working on our summer homework. We're investigating the town's seven wonders." Pence explained sounding excited. He was always into mysteries that made the boring town they lived in more interesting.

"Aren't these the steps you talked about? The ones that count different going up and down?" Roxas asked. He was looking at the steps as if counting them. Y giggled and looked down.

"You didn't actually believe that, did you?" She asked.

"Actually, it's the stupidest thing ever, but..." Pence began looking away nervously.

"What?" Roxas asked. Pence sighed and looked back to Roxas,

"Rai's the one who counted. He's like, 'Every time I count, it's different, y'know?'" Pence immitated Rai's distinctive way of talking and laughed. Y laughed along with him, hoping Roxas would follow along.

"So, he just counted wrong?" Roxas asked slowly. Y nodded.

"Naturally." She said as if it were obvious.

"Hey, do you know any more rumors?" Pence asked. Y frowned and tapped her chin, holding her laptop tightly with the hand that wasn't in use. She supposed she was supposed to lead them on a wild goose chase. But with DiZ's actions, she thought it'd be more fun to actually let them see something strange.

"Actually. I've heard quite a few around here." Y said with a grin. Pence's eyes lit up in excitement at her words. Roxas looked interested but far less excited. "There's the wall where these big balls just get tossed out of nowhere. A strange voice in the underground. The doppelganger.  And then there's this bag that moves all on its own." Y listed off. All were bugs that she was pretty sure weren't just bugs. She had spent all day going over each location and found nothing wrong with the coding. She was betting on Nobody interference.

"Wow. Thanks, Y. C'mon Roxas." Pence said before quickly running off. Roxas didn't follow him, only looked at Y with a small frown. Y tilted her head to the side.

"Something wrong?" Y asked.

"You, don't remember yesterday, do you?" Roxas asked. Y frowned. In all truth, she remembered it too well. Axel and Yuki shouldn't have gotten into the system and she hoped they wouldn't again.

"The struggle match? You won, right? I know I was there." Y said feigning ignorance. Roxas frowned and Y found herself regretting lying. But she had to keep it up for just a little longer. It was almost time to end things.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Roxas said softly.

"Then what?" Y asked.

"Those people. And the 'keyblades'." Roxas explained. Y frowned once again. The way he was looking at her, it was like he expected her to just draw her keyblade and attack him. Not that she could blame him. Things must have seemed very strange to him.

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