Sinister Voice

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

Mr. Normal's facial features contort in discomfort as his slender body scrunches into a fetal position whilst he sleeps with sweat forming at his brow. His dream had become quite vivid, and the atmosphere itself was making him feel uncomfortable. There was a black void surrounding a floating platform composed of black and dark blue, checkered flooring, on which his bare feet stand. The floor is not big at all and is in the shape of a square, so if he were to walk too far, he'd likely fall off the edge into the foreboding, black abyss below. Taking a nervous step backward, Cameron bumps into a desk and whirls around.

It's made of a fine material, mahogany, but no paperwork lies on top. Looking over just a bit more, he nearly jumps out of his skin upon seeing a rather familiar figure sitting in a chair just behind the desk. No questioning it; it's himself, only a far more disheveled version of the perfect man. His black locks stood out every which way in a messy fashion that'd resemble Cameron's bedhead in the mornings, and it was also a touch longer. Each of his grey orbs are lined by the dark shadows only an insomniac could gain, and his skin is a sickly pale color.

Contrasting Mr. Normal's baby blue pajamas, the other man is dressed in black slacks and a white, button shirt, however, a detail that bugged Cameron about his outfit was the fact he left two of the top buttons undone and he wore no tie. While Cameron has his glasses on, the man does not, and, while Cameron's pink lips form a straight line, the imposter bares a delighted smile. Though it was an image of him, there was something different about it that made him feel uneasy. He was tempted to just brush it off as the man's untidy looks, but there was a certain chill in the air that warned that this situation might actually be dangerous.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Normal is finally checking out the Wild side. It's about time. I was worried you were never going to show up, and what fun would that be?" The oddly excited imposter chuckles and props both his feet onto his desk, which was strange for Cameron to watch considering he would never perform such an action. The other man tilts his head, unsettling grin never fading. "Go on, then, sit." They point behind Cameron, who looks back and is surprised when he finds a chair that matches the one the other him is sitting on. It wasn't there before. Then, again, this is a dream. Still feeling a little anxious, he sits, knowing he has no other choice. After all, he can't run away, lest he wants to fall off the edge of the platform. He keeps his perfect posture, unlike the man across from him, and decides to ask questions after realizing the other him was waiting for Cameron to talk.

"W-who are you?" He asks while folding his hands on his lap to contain his nerves. He's not quite sure what to make of the character in front of him. The other man giggles softly to himself before holding out his arms to the side in a nonchalant manner.

"Oh, me? I'm no one special, just an itty bitty part of your consciousness that finally wants to shine in the spotlight." He holds out his right hand and brings his thumb and forefinger close together. Mr. Normal figured it was just to accentuate the man saying "itty bitty", but didn't realize that, from the other's perspective, it looked as though Cameron's body was being crushed between the fingers. The other him chuckles, voice deepening just a bit as he puts his feet down and stands to walk around the desk.

The disheveled man changes the subject as he walks to the ledge with Cameron's eyes pinned to his back. His own grey orbs look straight ahead into the abyss as a more twisted smile graces his lips, though, Mr. Normal was unable to see it. "My, that Y/N sure is quite a gal, ain't she?" His arms cross behind his back, and he didn't have to look over his shoulder to know that Cameron had blushed at the very mention of the pretty female's name. It wasn't deep in color, but it was indeed present on his flawless cheeks. He nods his head in agreement to the doppelgänger's statement.

Mr. NormalWhere stories live. Discover now