Guilt Soaked Bones

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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     His eyes resembled that of glass, glossy and glazed with an indistinguishable expression, encasing an ever growing storm which brewed with each passing step taken by the couple dancing around the room. Each motion was so elegant, but instead of awe, he felt sickened by the sight of his hand on her and that infuriating smile he wore imbued with confidence Cameron could never hope to have. Regardless of learning that Charlie had failed in winning Y/N's heart, he still couldn't stand watching them dance together. Their chemistry when performing was just too strong to overlook. It filled his heart with pain and hatred.

Since their date, Cameron had been feeling under the weather again. He was forgetful in the mornings, neglecting to brush his hair on occasion or tie his shoes. When someone would talk to him, the words would come through one ear and out the next with the exception of Y/N, who had stopped by his home after her conversation with Charlie. Even her assurance wasn't enough to fix him, though. He swore he could feel Wild lurking within the far reaches of his mind, plotting and working on something that would no doubt be terrible, but he was helpless in it all, walking around like a puppet, too easily swayed by his influence. His mind was blank, as though he had no thoughts of his own anymore. Sometimes, he could break from the mold, but his presence became a mere shadow overall.

Even now, his focus was elsewhere, too concerned with his darling neighbor to pay attention to his own dance partner, an older woman whose poor toes had been crushed under his shoes a handful of times, earning him a few deserving glares. With every mistake, he profusely apologized only for it to occur again and again. Needless to say, she was glad to be rid of him by the end of the lesson. Unfortunately, Cameron didn't feel any less bothered after everyone separated from their partners. If anything, he felt worse.

     The room was spinning beneath his feet, endlessly turning and shifting, the floor feeling uneven, though it was flat. It took everything in him not to stumble over himself while suppressing a groan as he tucked himself into a corner behind the small crowd of students, near a table holding the radio as well as Y/N's belongings. Sometimes, other people would put their bags on it as well. Between the table and the wall, he felt he had a decent crutch to support him if his knees buckled beneath his weight. Thankfully, that didn't happen.

     Y/N addressed her class as usual when lessons neared their end, but what she spoke about completely left him. He could make out the sounds of her voice, yet not the words. It was a sweet droning that sounded like it should be clear enough for everyone to hear, but to him, it was fuzzy. Seems not even her voice could break him from this horrid spell. Even his eyes couldn't find their way towards her, rather they were fixed on another person amidst the class. Charlie.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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