The Perfect Man

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•Y/N: Your Name
•S/C: Skin Color
•E/C: Eye Color
•B/T: Body Type (Slim, Chubby, etc.)

Author's POV:

Y/N hums a happy song to herself while venturing outside into the beautiful, morning sun that warms her S/C skin. She found the bright rays to be very soothing and welcoming like a hug from a loved one. Her E/C eyes travel over to the house of her new friend and neighbor and smiles upon seeing the perfectly groomed man standing outside his door, bending down to grab the morning paper. His grey orbs wander over to her as well, and, when their eyes meet, a dust of pink paints his flawless cheeks. She greets him with a pleasant grin while approaching the white picket fence separating their lawns. This allows her to see that Mr. Normal's grass is a perfect shade of forest green and perfectly cut with no dry spots. Lining the opposite side of the fence are hedges cut straight across in a perfect, horizontal line and are no higher than the fence itself. Cameron sends his neighbor a smile back as he walks towards the fence as well with the rolled up newspaper underneath his arm.

"Good morning, Y/N! Did you sleep well? Sorry for not waking you last night. You just seemed so exhausted and in need of rest."

"Oh, I slept fine. It's not the first time I fell asleep someplace strange, though, my back does ache a bit." The woman gives a sheepish smile with a light chuckle before ruffling her hair a bit. "And, there's no need to apologize, I was pretty tired from all the unpacking. Thank you for your help last night. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, I'm always happy to help!" Upon realizing his outburst he blushed and cleared his throat before taking a small step back, but is smile is still present. "Well, I should go back inside. I still have to finish getting ready for work."

"All right, I won't keep you. You should drop by again sometime." Her eyes widen slightly as she flusters a little as well. "Well, if you'd like to, that is. I love having visitors, so I really wouldn't mind." There was something about the man that intrigued her, and he has been so kind that she couldn't help but want to get to know him better. She hoped this would be the start of a beautiful friendship. It was as though his eyes literally sparkled with excitement, though, that might've just been due to the bright sunlight shining down onto his fair-skinned face.

"Sounds swell! I'll be sure to stop by again soon, then." The male turns his heel, smiling happily like a child now that he was out of the woman's sight, before walking back to his home to continue his daily routine.

"Have a good day, Cameron!" She shouts with a parting wave, causing him to laugh as he stops at the door. He looks back at her and waves as well with a fluttering heart, happy to have finally made a friend.

"You too, Y/N." Cameron heads inside and leans his back against the sealed door, his legs feeling like pudding as he sets a hand over his racing heart. He felt good inside and hoped the feeling wouldn't fade as the day progressed. Y/N turns her gaze away from her neighbor's house and continues her journey down the driveway to the mailbox before she's distracted by a figure across the street. Her feet stop at the end of the driveway as an older woman stared back at her with vibrant blue-green eyes.

She wears a lovely, homemade dress colored green with the skirt spotted with large, white polkadots. Her hair is less than tidy, however being a frizzy blonde and she wears no makeup on her face, which leads Y/N to assume that she had only woken up recently, like she had, for she is in a similar state. To her surprise, the stranger beckons her to come over with her finger, but, being unsure if the action is truly directed towards her, Y/N checks back and forth before pointing to her chest with a raised brow while looking back at the woman. The blonde rolls her eyes and nods her head before making a more hurried motion with her hand. Nodding, Y/N looks both ways before crossing the road and stops right in front of the older woman with a bright smile on her face. Her last neighbors hadn't been quite so eager to get to know her, so of course she was excited to meet her new ones, though, the blonde had not smiled back.

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