Clouded Mind

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•Y/N: Your Name

Mr. Normal's POV:

 Normal's POV:___________________________________

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     The entire rest of the day went by as an indistinguishable blur. For a few times, I questioned whether or not I was in my body at all, occasionally snapping out of it, though not for long periods. It wasn't until I was back at home, seated on the couch, waiting for Y/N to come visit me, that I even felt conscious. I first became aware of the anxious tapping of my foot, then the fact that my face felt feverish came next as I fell victim to a looping memory of my dance with her. The culprit hand, which had touched her thigh, trembled occasionally, desiring more intimate exchanges, though I felt a bit sickened by the perverse thoughts invading my head. I never behaved like this before. It was unsettling. Then again, I've never murdered before either until...

     'How is it she brings out the very best, and yet, also, the very worst in me? I feel like some... Some... Skirt-chaser!' Ashamed of myself, I hid my face in my hands and shook my head.

     'This isn't me. None of this is me! I'd never behave like that ever! Curse you, Wild! It's all your fault! I can't think straight.' For once, he didn't have a response for me, though I should probably be grateful for that. Luckily, he has been silent since I left her class. At the sound of the doorbell, I perked my head as Speckles shot up from his dog bed in the corner of the room to race towards the door, barking merrily as he wagged his tail. I got up as well shortly after, finding him pacing and jumping at the door as if trying to answer it himself.

     "No, no, no. Down. Down!" I tried to be firm with my commands like Y/N taught me, but he wouldn't listen. Perhaps I'm just not good at commanding? As I struggle trying to get him to settle down, I call out to the person on the other side of the door. "Just a moment! I'll be right there! Come on, Speckles, sit. Please." To my relief, he finally does what I asked, so I straightened myself up before opening the door for my guest. His obedience was short lived, however. The second the door was cracked open wide enough, he was on his feet, jumping on the woman standing on the other side, making me panic. "Ah! Y/N, I'm so sorry!" I rushed to grab him as my company giggled, scooping him up in my arms and taking him away from her.

     'Oh, I hope he didn't leave any scratches on her.' Y/N appeared carefree as always, however, not seeming to mind the excitable actions of the puppy in the slightest. This relaxed me until Speck bent his neck to give plentiful licks to my face. Unable to resist smiling, I tried to evade his kisses by moving my head back only to freeze after seeing the look now adorning my neighbor's face. She was smiling too, probably amused by the dog's behavior, but it didn't reach her eyes. They looked guilty, and soon, the rest of her expression fell to match it. "Are you alright, Y/N?"

Mr. NormalWhere stories live. Discover now