Chapter 6 - BOOM!

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Copyright © 2014 by Jacquelyn Bipasha (Athena_Heart)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any from or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. Any resemblance to the characters featured in this story or other similarities will be taken into investigation, should a need arise and if necessary legal actions will also be taken.


Author’s Note Part 1:

Hey y’all. So several of you commented on what the Boom’s gonna be. But.. unfortunately none hit the nail. And I didn’t have the heart not to dedicate to anyone especially when you guys took time to comment. So I’m dedicating this chapter to not one but eight of you who kinda guessed a certain scene that does take place in this new chapter. Without further adieu, Chapter 6 is dedicated to the following, wonderful eight readers :D (not in any order)









Each of you kinda guessed the “M” word in your comment… there is a scene in this chapter that does mention the “M” so you guys get the dedication. :)


“Let it all be a dream, a dream!"

Nadia’s eyes were shut close and she chanted the same words repeatedly.  It did feel like a dream. None of it seemed real. She slipped her fingers inside the left sleeve of her cardigan and pinched the flesh. Ouch. It hurt.


Her eyes flared open and her eyes shifted to that familiar head. With his tongue hanging out, Gino stood in front of her, wagging his tail.


 “Nadia, is that you?”

 Zia Serafina’s voice thundered from the living room.

Nadia felt the bite in her Zia’s words. She glared at Gino who wagged his tail and now moved towards her.

The puppy had his eyes on her and pressed his nose onto the back of her hand. “Mmpf! Mmpf!” He whined.

 Nadia’s eyes looked up to the ceiling as her head dropped backwards.

 How could she possibly have the heart to be angry at this dog?

She knew Gino was the playful type and him yanking the towel from her body had been just a form of mischief play. He was like a child, who wasn’t able to comprehend between right and wrong.

“Nadia!” Zia’s insistent voice called out again. “Come here!”

Taking a deep breath, Nadia straightened her back. She was going to walk in there and be a woman about it. No man, loud Zia or dog was going to keep her back from facing the music. This was her home. Her turf. So what if Raul had seen her in the nude. It’s not like she posed nude for him deliberately. It was an accident. Just an unfortunate incident, that’s all.

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