Chapter Eleven - Kiss and Tell

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POV of Lexie

I crash my lips onto Logan's, it takes a couple of second for him to react but soon we are having a hot and heavy make out session. My arms wrap around his neck and his wrap around my waist. We pull apart both breathing heavily. "We should get the stuff." We say at the same time. I laugh quietly at how we said it the same time, it was kinda cute. We grab the stuff we need and head to the movie room we place it in the table in front of the TV. "So what movie are we watching?" Logan asks.

"Well we have a couple of options. We're the Millers, The Family, or The Other Woman." Hazel informs.

"The Family." Ben, Logan and I tell.

"Okay The Family it is." Hazel says getting the movie.

"What did you get to eat?" Ben inquires. Typical Ben always thinking about food.

"Well there are red vines, skittles, milk duds, M'n'Ms, sour patch kids, gummy bears, jelly beans, marshmallows, tim tams, triple choc chip cookies, 2 blocks of white and milk chocolate, popcorn, and vanilla, chocolate, choc mint, white chocolate ice-cream." I say exhausted after naming all the food, who knew we had that much junk food in the house.

"And we made hot chocolate, spiders and got other drinks like Pepsi, coca cola, lemonade, solo, raspberry and Dr. Pepper." Logan names all the drinks. I can't help but smile at the way he says coca cola. I know you might be think I'm a freak and all but in my family we never call coca cola 'coke' because we usual refer to cocaine as coke. To me it was just a little crazy okay don't judge. I bet you're judging aren't you. We get comfy on the massive couch Ben sits next to Hazel, I sit next to Hazel and Logan sits next to me. I love the movie The Family it has Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, John D'Leo and Dianna Agron you know the one that plays in glee. I have watched it a thousand times but it is still as funny as hell. Ben turns off the lights and starts the movie. Suddenly I feel an arm around my waist pulling me into something. I realise it's Logan's arm and the he is pulling me into him. Hazel give me a confused look and I give back a look tell her that it's fine and to continue to watch the movie. I cuddle up against Logan and watch the movie. I reflect on what just happened I broke one of my rules, never kiss Logan Huntzberger. Oh well lets just see where this will take me now.

The movie finishes it is now around midnight, 1am. Logan and Ben left once the movie finished and Hazel has decided to stay the night. We are in my room sitting on my king size bed talking. "So what's up with you and Logan?" Hazel question.

"I have no idea. We were in the kitchen and before I knew what I was doing I was kissing Logan Huntzberger." I say still confused by my actions.

"You know I wouldn't blame you for dating him, he is hot!" Hazel informs.

"Hazel I don't date, I have one night stands that's it. Plus Logan is a player." I remind.

"Whatever you want him and you know it." Hazel says not caring about what I said. We talk and talk some more until we fall asleep

My phone wakes me up again. "Hello." I answer groggily

"Hey." Ben greets.

"What do you want?" I mumble to tired to talk properly.

"Just wanted to know if we are meeting at your place again today to do the run?" Ben wonders.

"Ummm, yeah sure why not." I reply

"Okay well see-" I hang up before he can finish.

"Who was that?" Hazel questions.

"Ben." I answer

"I hate Ben."

"Me too."

"I was a having a good dream, it was the one with Zac Efron. We were about to-"

"Too much information Hazel." I get out of bed with Hazel doing the same we go down stairs laughing talking and making a lot of noise. We going into the dining room to see the whole family up. "Morning." We both greet as we walk in and over to the spot where all of the stuff for breakfast is. I ruffle Ryder's hair as I walk past. I grab eggs, bacon and toast. "So what do you girls have planed for today?" Mum asks.

"Well we have a deal to do tonight and we had a late night so we might just take it easy." Hazel tells. We finish up breakfast and head back to my room to choose an outfit. I put on my floral blue tank top with my ripped back shorts and my gladiator saddles that go to my knee. Hazel puts on a Canadian flag print swing crop top and light denim shorts with black converses. We go out to the pool area and chill. "Lexie can we go to the mall?" Anna comes out almost begging me.

"Why do you want to go?" I ask

"Saturday I have a date and I need something to wear." Anna explains.

"Well okay get your stuff." I agree, Anna runs off and gets her stuff.

"Do you mind go?" I ask Hazel.

"Do I mind? Of cause I don't I live to shop." Hazel laughs.

We go to the mall and finally Anna finds something to wear. Luckily we got back home in time to do the run. Everything when off with out a hitch. Everyone left a little while ago and now I am getting stuff ready for school tomorrow. I listen to my Good Charlotte CD when Anna comes in. "I don't know how you listen to this stuff!" Anna asks shocked.

"Well this 'stuff' as you call it is great music. So is there something I can do for you?"

"I was wondering if you could teach me some...stuff'?"

"What type of stuff?" I put air quotes around stuff.

"You're good with guy you know what they" Anna pauses trying to find the words, "want."

"So you want me to teach you how to what. Kiss, tease the guy, you want me to teach you how to lap dance or how to strip?" By then end of my interrogation Anna is as red as a tomato.

"Well maybe just how to tease the guy for now."

"Okay wear a very low cut top, and draw attention to that area. I find that if you bite your lip it drives guys crazy. Grab a piece of your hair and twirl it around your finger. Oh and good way to tease they guy is if he wants a kiss or something like that don't let him get it easily, make him work for it. make it like a chace, a game. If you get what I mean."

"Thanks for the help." Anna thanks and walks out the door. I go back to what I was doing before and crash around 10:30pm

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