Chapter Five - Guns Drugs and Alcohol

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This is dedicated to one of my best friends Emma_0707 she is so great and amazing go follow her

POV of Lexie

We get out of our cars and meet by the entrance. "Okay, let's split up. Ben and Finn go get stuff from the frozen section, Travis and Hazel you get stuff from aisles 10-20 and-" Anna cuts me off.
"Reese and I will get he stuff from 1-9 and you and Logan can go get the alcohol." Anna says with a smile on her face.
"Um okay meet in the liquor aisle in 15 minutes." I say, then we split up.

At the moment Logan and I are in disagreeing about what to get everyone is just getting her except Anna and Reese. Wonder where they are? Suddenly the two come tearing down the aisle, Anna sitting in the shopping trolley and Reese giving her a push, to send her speeding towards us. I soon relies that these two are doing something I haven't done in years. You see this is something I did when I was younger, you get a shopping trolley and get in, then you get someone to give you a good push you often need a run up. It's loads of fun.

I grab the trolley and stop it before it goes past us, with a laughing Anna sitting crossed legged at the front of the trolley and a jogging Reese come up behind. "So you got everything?" Hazel asks me.
"Almost." I say grabbing a 6 pack of xxxx beer, normally I would get more but we all ready had a lot of alcohol.
"We need more." Logan tells me, putting 3 more 6 packs of beer in. I already argued that we didn't need that much, but no don't listen to me. Anyway I'm not going to fight any more. I walk away and the others follow. I know I'm their gang leader but seroius do they have to follow me around like lost dogs.

We head to the check out and pay for the stuff we have. "That will be $280.50" The guy behind the counter says. I get out my credit card and punch in the pin. We put in all the food into the cars. "I'm starving."Anna announces.
"You do know that we are standing right out side a supermarket, because we have just brought food. Don't you?" Hazel tells Anna.
"We can order pizza or something when we get back to the house." I say, as I get in the car. "Anna are you getting in?" I ask annoyed because she isn't in the car yet.
"Um, can I go with Reese?" Anna asks.
"Um... Okay but you do know my driving won't kill you. If anything it is more likely that Reese will kill you with his driving skills." I say, starting my car and then taking off.

We arrived at the house in record time, well I arrived in record time then had to wait for another 10 minutes for everyone else. At the moment Anna and Reese are just getting back. What took them so long eveyone else got back like 5 minutes ago. Maybe it was because they were to the last to leave and Anna was most likely telling Reese to slow down. The only reason Reese would slow down is because he knows that if he killed Anna he would be dead. "So nice of you two to finally join us." I say as they enter the living room.
"shh I'm trying to listen to this." Finn tells us. I think I made the wrong decision to turn on the TV. When I did turn it on, the news came on. I wanted to change the channel but Ben, Finn, and Logan wanted to watch and see if any thing about the shooting was on. As soon as Reese and Anna walked in something about it came on. Now everyone is watching the news intensely. "Today there was a drive-by shooting at the Slapjacks Bar. There was the bar owner and half a dozen custermers inside, luckly none of them were injured. Outside there was 2 passes by a 16 year old boy and a 13 year old boy. Both were injured, the 13 year old has 2 gun wounds one in the left shoulder and the other in his right leg, and a broken arm. The 16 year old was shoot two times in the stomach and once in the left arm, it is said that this young man need a blood transfusion because of the amount of blood he lost. Police say it was not a targeted shooting and are looing for any information on the where abouts of the two young men that were involved in the drive-by shooting. One man is in is late to early 20's and the other in his early to mid 20's. Anyone with any information is urged to come forward to police." The news reader reports.
"Hard to believe we saw them just seconds before it happened." Logan says.
"Who found Ryder and Dom?" I ask
"We heard gun shots, after all the bar is just down the road. Then Logan pointed out that Ry had gone for a walk to cool down and that Dom went with him. That's when we all started to run out of the ring and we saw a car coming from that direcction. Logan pointed out that what ever had happeneed it was that way and we should go that way first. We all ran down there Dad not far behind with his phone ready to call 000. Logan and Tarvis were running faster so they got there first and found Ryder and Dom." Hazel tells me, I take in a shaky breath. I can't help but think it is all my fault if I didn't make Ryder angrier that he already was, both Ryder and Dom wouldn't be in the sistuation they are now.

"Can we order pizza now, or any food?" Anna asks changing the subject
"Yes we can order pizza now." I answer and try to find my phone, I just put my phone on the coffee table, I think. "Hey Hazel can you ring my phone?" I ask in an innocent way.
"Lose your phone again." Hazel states, then rings my phone. Finally I hear the familiar song Poison by Alice Cooper which is Hazel's personalized ringtone for my phone. Only Hazel, Mum, Dad, Anna, and Ryder have a ringtone specially for them on my phone. I find my phone under a pillow, wonder how that got there? "Thanks Haz." I say thankful.
"Your welcome. Now order that pizza I'm starving. Remember to get a Margherita." Hazel tells me. I order the pizza, then go to the kitchen. I looking the pantry and grab a packet of salt and vinegar chips, a couple of beers and then go back to the living room. I hand out the beers and open the packet of chips. "Where's Anna?" I question
"She said that she has homework and to call her when the pizza arrives." Says Travis.
"Okay. Now I want some answers. What happened to make Ryder fight you Reese?" I integrate.
"To tell you the honest truth I have no idea." Reese tells me.
"Okay not very helpful." I say.

The door bell goes off. I answer the door to see the pizza guy standing there."um...did you order a pizza?" He asks.
"Yes. How much?" I question.
"$45.00 ." He replies. I pay him the money and come inside with the pizza. "Ben get plates, Hazel can you get Anna, Reese take the pizza's to the outdoor dinning area the rest help me get the alcohol." I give out the orders.

We are all out side sitting in the outdoor dinning area eating drinking and laughing. "I'm going swimming." Anna announces randomly.
"I think I will as well." I agree.
"Well if you two are going in I may as well, as well." Hazel tells us.
"POOL PARTY?" Ben yells.
"Hell yeah!" everyone else agrees.

We all change then come back. I look at the light blue coloured pool. I hope I don't regret doing this. "Okay ready?" I ask
"Yep!" Anna tells us all excitedly.
"Well what are we-" I get cut off mid-sentence because I feel a cold, wet liquid drown my skin. I have been pushed into the pool. I come up for air to see everyone laughing and Logan with a smirk on his face. That bastard pushed me into the pool. Well he is so going to pay for this. Everyone else soon jumps or is thrown in. Like me, Hazel is pushed in by Travis, and Anna is thrown in by Reese. I can't help but laugh when she comes up, her face is a look of confusion, anger, and annoyance. The boys then do fancy back flips and dives into the pool.

"We should have shoulder war fights." Anna states.
"I second that motion." Hazel agrees.
"Ideas for teams?" I ask.
"You and Logan, Reese and A, Ben and Finn, and Travis and I." Hazel answers my question using Anna's nickname. Although I don't like who I'm partnered with it's better than no one."Okay. Any complains." I say in a way to let everyone know to have no complaints. "Good lets go. First pair to go will be Hazel and Travis vs Logan and I." I say. Hazel smirks and I smirk back. Game on!

I'm competitive and everyone knows it. So people aren't really surprised that we are still fighting 3 minutes later. Finally Hazel and Travis are defeated. We continue to have shoulder wars for another hour. We are now out of the pool sitting around. I'm wearing a Allie and lace check shirt, with black denim shorts, I decided my black gladiator sandals would go perfect with this outfit. Ben lights his cigarette. Smoking is a disgusting habit and it kills people. I'm no saint, I use to smoke and still do have a smoke when I'm stressed. Everyone in my gang except Hazel and I smoke. "You know smoking kills right Ben?" I ask.
"Sorry Mum." Ben rolls his eyes
"Your no saint Lexie." Travis points out.
"Anyway I have some homework I'll be in my room if anyone is looking for me." Anna jumps up from where she is sitting any goes inside.
"Hey Lexie now Anna is gone can I -" I cut Travis off mid sentence.
"Smoke sure. Do any type of drug no fucking way." I say Travis looks miserable but oh well.

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