Chapter Three - The Ring

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POV of Lexie

School was okay. It actually went by rather quickly. I was making my way out of school when I saw someone standing by my car. At first it I thought it was Ryder, but as I came closer I realized who it was. None other that Logan Huntzburger. "What do you want Huntzburger?" I ask annoyed.
"Well Carter I heard that you were going to the ring so thought I might tag along. Only problem is I don't know how to get there." Logan says smartly
"Well I guess you can't come then." I spit back
"Oh I'll just follow you there." Logan snaps back. We just stare at each other neither of us wanting to give in
"Lexie do you know where Ryder is?" Ben asks making me look away
"I thought his class already got out?" I ask thinking maybe Ben knows where he is.
"That's what I thought Lexie. I mean his class is out but he isn't" Ben said to me. Lets see where would my little bro be? Okay he is either in detention or in a fight. My answer is soon brought to be by the group of kid crowded around the parking lot. "Oh god." I say knowing that yet again Ryder has gotten into a fight, not that I mind really, it's his life, just... I don't want him to get hurt.
"What are you going to do Lexie?" Ben questions
"What I always do." I simply reply. I make my way over to the crowed as I walk to where the fight is people make way so I can see. Everyone knows who I am and that you don't want to piss me off. I have an ice cold look on my face. As I approach the two I see that Ryder is throwing a couple of good punches. Enough to knock the guy out. But the he is fighting isn't just taking the punches but also throwing a couple himself. I don't know the guy but he must have done something to piss off my brother. I let the fight continue for a couple if more second then signal for Ben and Logan to come over. They come over within seconds. "Okay I'm going to pull Ryder off the guy Ben I need you help." I say
"Lexie there is no way in hell I'm getting in the middle of that. Your brother might be shorter that me but he's stronger and throws a better punch." Ben says chickening out.
Before I can say another word Logan is starting to pull Ryder off of the other guy I go and help. About a minute later we finally have Ryder of the guy, but we still have to restrain him from hitting the guy again. "Lexie let me go!" Ryder growls at me.
"What the hell happened to start this fight?" I snap back at Ryder
"None of your god dam business." Ryder yells at me. By this time I've had enough. I, with the help of Logan, drag Ryder to my car. I put him in the passenger side and slam the door shut. "Logan you wanted to come to the ring right?" I integrate.
"Yes." Logan answers
"Okay then follow me there."

We arrive at the ring in 5 minutes. My father owns the ring it's a place where other people in the gang can come and do some training, or anyone can come and do a MMA fight. I walk into the ring and are greeted by everyone basically. Around here I'm pretty known. Then I see someone I haven't seen in ages. "Uncle James!" I practically scream, then I run up to him and jump into his arms and then Uncle James spins me around. Uncle James is not my biological uncle but he and Dad are like brother so you get the picture. When my father was in charge of his own small gang Uncle James was second in command and to this day he is still second in command, only now it's a lot bigger gang because when Dad moved up in the ranking to gang leader, uncle James moved up as well. "Hey Lex." Uncle James greets me
"Hey, long time no see!" I say with a smile on my face.
"So how is my beautiful niece." Uncle James asks
"I'm good and your self?" I ask as well
"I'm fantastic. I think Hazel is around here somewhere." Uncle James says
"Are you serious!" I practically scream
"Who's serious?" Hazel asks
"Omg Hazel!" I scream
"Lexie!" Hazel shouts. Hazel is Uncle James daughter. Hazel is my height, has beautiful red velvet colour hair, hazel colour eyes, and a nice light tan.
"It has been forever." I say
"Agreed, but I have some good news." Hazel informs me
"What is it?" I ask
"I'm transferring gangs because I'm going to school with you now." Hazel says acting like it is not a big deal
"Are you say you are transfusing into my gang!?" I ask excitedly
"Yes!" Hazel yells. We hug and jump around excitedly.

Then I remember that I have Ryder and Logan here. I have to watch Ryder, over the years he has been know to start a fight with others, and well Logan I am pretty sure is wondering what has just happened. No one has really seen me act like this, a little bit normal. "Um Hazel this is Logan a new recruit in D.A , Logan this is Hazel I have just been informed that she will be in our gang." I say introducing them
"Nice to meet you." Hazel says sticking out her hand
"Like wise." Logan says shanking her hand
"Well if you excuse me I have to go find Ryder." I say
"Yeah where is Ry?" Hazel asks, I just shrug my shoulders. Anna comes over to me with a worried look on her face. Anna is like an open book I could already tell what was wrong. "Ryder in yet another fight." I state
"Lexie I tried to stop him I really did." Anna says quietly.
"I know you would have." I say giving her a hug. I get Anna to take me to where the fight is and what I see shocks me. Reese and Ryder are in one of the rings fighting. "Logan." I yell out, and Logan comes over.
"Yes boss." Logan says
"Helps me get those two apart." I order. We both hop in the ring and start pulling the two apart. Then Uncle James hops in the ring and helps as well, once the two are apart I get Logan to help me pin Ryder down. "Ryder what the hell is with you today!?" I growl
"Just let me go Alexandra!" Ryder snaps, That's all it took.
"Logan get out of here." I tell him. Once Logan was out of the ring, Ryder and I started to fight. I had, had enough of Ryder's stupidity and idiocy today and calling me Alexandra just pushed me over the edge. He knows I hate it when someone calls me Alexandra in the way he did. I through one good punch to his gut and Ryder is on the floor. Only then do I realize that both he and I are bleeding. I get out of the ring and start to go to the first aid room, when I'm stopped by Dom. "Do you want me to come help?" Dom asks
"Thank you but no thank you. Can you fix up Ryder we are leavening in five?" Dom nods his head and does as instructed.

I go into the first aid room and get out the first aid box. My wrist is killing me, I think I might have sprained it. I get out of the box, 2 pain killers and one of the bandages. As I wrap my wrist I think about why a fight between Ryder and Reese would brake out. Ryder and Reese got on like a house on fire so why would they fight? Guess I will have to do some detective work.

I walk out of the first aid room past Ryder, past Reese, past everyone without a word being said on my behalf. I was too mad to talk, but seriously could you blame me? I get into my car hand just sit there for a couple of minutes.

I start to drive, instead of going home straight away I go to the pharmacy to get some pain killers since we don't have any at home, and also go to the supermarket to get a Mars Bar and a green tea Ice Tea.

When I get home it's silent, that's no good. I walk into the kitchen to find Mum and Dad waiting for me. "Hello." I whisper
"Hello Alexandra." Mum greets me sternly.
"Okay hit me. What have I done this time?" I ask
"Ryder is in the hospital you know." Mum says quietly
"We are going to the hospital are you coming?" Mum asks changing the topic quickly.
"No." I say stopping upstairs.
"She'll come in a bit." I can hear Dad comforting Mum.
"I know." Mum says sighing. That's the last thing I hear before I go into my room.

I turn on my Katy Perry CD and just lie on my bed. I think about the events that just took place. Unfortunately in a way, I inherited my fathers temper. My temper is a firery one. I get ticked off very quickly, I'm very stubborn, I'm one that would fight you in a second. In a way my temper is a little bit violent and very, very short. I wish I had my sister temper it's very kind and caring, she gets her temper from our mother but with one difference, if need be Mum would kill or fight you in a second, where Anna wouldn't. Ryder like me inherited our fathers temper, it suits him though. Dad temper is one that suits guys better, if you get what I mean.

I'm listening to the fourth song on the CD, then I decide to go to the hospital. I love my brother no matter what I will go see him. I just needed some time to cool down.

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